Saturday 21 February 2015

"I am 63, and I have slept with 3,000 men" - woman tells her story

"I am 63, and I have slept with 3,000 men" - woman tells her story
Until the age of 28, Marie Calvert had only ever had sex with one man, her husband Barry. Then she took up swinging and everything changed. The body count went from 1 to 3,000. In fact, she claims that one night, she slept with 14 men. Marie, now 63, tells her epic story below...
It was the night I slept with 14 men that I first started to try to work out how many partners I’ve been with. The truth is, I’m not sure. My conservative estimate is about 100 guys a year for more than three decades. I’m 63 now and I’ve slowed down a little – but only a little. Why do I do it? Having sex isn’t something I do for a living, but it is my passion. It’s the most enjoyable, exhilarating, satisfying way to spend your time. Some women like yoga, some like badminton. I like carnality.
I am actually married. Barry and I have been together since I was 15 – we wed when I was 19, have two grandchildren, and he’s my world. But neither of us puts sex on a pedestal. We see it for what it is: separate from love. It’s not natural to stick with one sexual partner for 60 years. Life is about experimenting and experiencing, and that’s what we do. Barry goes with other women. I don’t get jealous because I know he loves me. Until the age of 28, I’d only been with him and we had a terrific sex life, but one day he brought home a swingers’ magazine he’d picked up from a workmate. He sort of joked we should try it; I told him not to be daft, and he never mentioned it again.
But I kept looking at the mag and imagining how fun it might be. Eventually I told him we should give it a go. He looked like a kid at Christmas. The first couple we met – through the listings in that magazine – were university lecturers in their 40s, and I still remember driving to their home that Friday. Barry stopped the car and said, “Are we sure about this?” We were so nervous, but we were also insanely excited. I said we’d try it once and see how it went. And it went… joyously.
As soon as we met them I was flirting with the guy. John was sophisticated and handsome, and over dinner there was this intense chemistry. Afterwards, there were a few minutes when just he and I were in the living room, and I thought it was now or never so I kissed him, and that was that. By the time Barry came in with John’s wife, we were otherwise engaged. I remember looking at Barry’s face and seeing a big smile come over it; I knew everything would be fine, and that life had changed for ever.
We became committed swingers, spending weekends meeting up with couples or going to parties to swap partners. Suddenly everything was exciting. You’d be at work, and you’d think about what you were up to that evening and it sent a shiver down your spine. Some couples – like John and his wife – would become close friends, even when the sex stopped. Others you’d see only once. The night I slept with 14 men was at a swingers’ party in Manchester. I remember driving there feeling almost uncontrollably lustful. The next day I felt achy, in that lovely way, like when you’ve been to the gym.
In 1997, we decided to open a swingers’ club in Sheffield. We were fed up with work and wanted to do something we were passionate about. It’s still thriving today. We never have sex during opening hours – it’s our business and we’re professional about it. But, of course, when the place shuts, we’ve got an entire club full of facilities – and an ever-growing circle of open-minded couples – to play with. It’s not all been perfect, of course. Not every lover is attentive. I remember in my 40s going with an 18-year-old, just to see what it would be like. Quick was the answer.
We’re safety-conscious and I’ve never felt in any danger. Barry is normally in the same room or not far away. I’ve recently had a knee operation, which means I’m walking with a stick, so I’m taking it easy. I had only three lovers last year. I still have the same sex drive but I’m more relaxed now. I’m not someone who’s ever going to dress like a woman half her age just to get attention. But if guys still find me attractive – well, why not? People ask if we have any regrets and we do – we wish we’d found that mag five or six years earlier.
Culled from UK Guardian

Trying to start Generator to fan child: Dad falls into septic tank, dead!

He woke up hale and hearty that Monday. Being the first working day of the week, 35-year-old Salisu Olalekan began the day with a lot of plans hoping he would be able to achieve them before the end of the week. He didn’t. He died in tragic circumstances. Although neighbours and tenants of No 7 Anipele Street, Olorunsogo area of Mushin, Lagos attributed his sudden death to spiritual attack, Lagos State Fire Services said property owners should be conscious of the state of their property. According to eye witnesses’ account, the victim might have escaped the tragedy if the property owner had fixed the cover of the septic tank which had been depressed before it caved in penultimate Monday. They also lamented that the situation would not have occurred if there had not been erratic public power supply in the area. Salisu, one of the occupants of the two-storey building, was said to be resting at home after the day’s work, when his daughter complained about the hot weather. This prompted the father to go for his generator. The man apparently to power the fan with the generator to ease the daughter’s discomfort. A resident on the street, Madam Owonikoko Adenike, said as soon as Salisu carried the generator, he put it on the septic tank and wanted to start it when the septic tank caved – in. A resident said fire fighters were not contacted on time as the tenants thought they could perform the rescue operation. After a futile effort, however, they decided to raise the alarm by contacting fire fighters who arrived the scene and brought the victim out, but the young man was stone dead. An eye witness, Alfa Akeem Raji, said faeces oozed out of the victim’s nostrils, eyes, ears and mouth as firemen recovered the body from the tank. When Sunday Vanguard visited the scene, only one tenant was around as other occupants of the building were said to have temporarily relocated as a result of the incident. ‘’What happened was a rude shock to us and that is why we are here,” said a sympathiser who refused to disclosed his identity. Contacted, Director, Lagos State Fire Services, Razak Fadipe, who confirmed the incident, advised residents against standing on septic tanks to avoid the kind of tragedy that happened to Salisu. Fadipe said the rescue operation was conducted by one of his officers, Joshua Akindele. - See more at:

I’ll be back’ vows Ukraine’s ousted ex-president Yanukovych

Ukraine’s former pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych, whose ouster early last year led to the insurgency raging in east Ukraine, said in a Russian interview excerpt released Saturday: “I’ll be back.”
Russia’s Channel One published the excerpt as both Ukraine and Russia marked — very differently — the one-year anniversary of the pro-Western uprising in Kiev that sent Yanukovych fleeing to exile in Russia.
“I’ll be back and will do everything in my power to make life easier in Ukraine,” Yanukovych promised in the interview, which will be broadcast in full on Monday.
He claimed that “my heart ached” at seeing the conflict Ukraine has slipped into, with “entire regions destroyed”.
Protesters who chased out Yanukovych discovered the lavish life he had been living — including a sumptuous palace with a private zoo, a replica pirate ship and pure gold fittings — while the country was mired in debt.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted he helped Yanukovych flee. Kiev has claimed Putin issued a secret decree granting Yanukovych Russian citizenship.

Jonathan contracted out the economy to Okonjo-Iweala – Keyamo

Tucked away in the middle of Anthony village in Lagos, is the hallow legal Chambers of renowned activist and radical lawyer, Festus Keyamo. The serenity of the environment betrays the activism in him. The different plagues which adorn the walls of his spacious office are testimonies of his victorious struggles of human rights crusade and series of struggle for the entrenchment of democracy.
When Saturday Vanguard visited him at his office for this interview, he spoke passionately on the state of the nation. For over forty-five minutes, the lawyer ventilated his views on the postponement of the general election saying all reasons adduced for the shift were balderdash just as he accused President Jonathan for attempting to destroy his own party, PDP. Excerpt.
There was tension before the postponement of the election, even as we speak; there are palpable fears of stalemate, what is your take about the development?
Let me begin by asking a rhetoric question. If it was crystal clear that President Jonathan was coasting to victory from all indices available, despite PVCs and security issues, do you think that the elections would have been postponed? The answer to that question tells the whole story.
Festus Keyamo
Festus Keyamo
The man that is in control of the entire machinery of election is also a candidate. He controls the police, army, customs including those that first flew the kite of postponement are all his appointees. He ignites all of these machinery to seek postponement of the election. He couldn’t have been doing it to favour his opponent. Again, he was not doing it to provide a level playing field for himself and his opponent because the stakes are too high.
The only reason was that he did it to gain an advantage. So, all these talk of PVCs and other things are all balderdash. Why didn’t he reject the so-called victories in 2007 and 2011 elections because in those elections, it was internationally acclaimed by observers that millions of people were disenfranchised. I’m sure you know that the common thing then was that people did not see their names on the register on the day of voting.
In any case, the voter’s registers were not also displayed before the elections. Opposition shouted and shouted, yet, they were not displayed until the day of the election, and you saw strange names on the register. So, the PDP did not know that millions of people have always been disenfranchised and they have been beneficiaries of that. The reasons given for the postponement are nothing but a facade, subterfuge, smokescreen for the real game that is going on behind the scene.
Therefore, the postponement is fueling speculations on a contest that is about to be manipulated. Now, this leads to a sense of frustration, leads to anger. The outburst of the anger may lead to massive protest that may also lead to un-foretold consequences.
So, they should not continue to blackmail people about election violence, that under all circumstances, we condemn. It can’t be under all circumstances, where in broad day light you changed a result you have lost and expect people to be quite. Even without the opposition calling for protest. Violence could be a natural consequence of election manipulation. It happened in Cote de Voire where before the camera, Gbagbo men came to tear the result they were reading to the world and were given another one to read. Under that circumstance, you cannot hold the people down. They should not blackmail the people. Under a circumstance that it is clear that they are losing election and you stop it, you cannot hold the people down. I am not saying anybody is calling for violence, my point is that certain things are natural causes of violence. Everybody should maintain peace.
But security issues, not only PVCs were advanced for the postponement…
All the reasons were balderdash. They started with the PVCs, saying only 65 per cent have been collected. Before the postponement, many states had already declared public holiday to enable people collect their PVCs. At that point also, INEC had said all the PVCs had arrived the country and said the collection would continue up to the eve of election.
So, were they gods to know people were not going to collect their PVCs? So, that argument was outrightly defeated by Jega’s plan. They should have allowed Jega to stool in his own juice at least up to two days to the election and everybody would see that Jega did not make it available. But when they saw that Jega was determined to push on, they came up with the security reason. In previous election, people’s names could not be found in the register and so disenfranchised. So, it was not an aberration that was about to happen. I am not saying it is right, but it was nothing so outrageous to call for a postponement. Secondly, we have always said, that 14 local governments cannot stop 760 local governments ready for election.
For me, it was a non-issue. The numbers of registered voters in those 14 local governments are known already. All that was needed to be done was to get the winner of the Presidential elections from the rest 760 local government councils and add the entire number of registered voters in that area to the losers’ figures assuming that they voted and if the figure is not up to that of the winner, you can declare a winner but if they are more than that of the winner, or that there is an upset, then there is a stalemate. You can now postpone to have supplementary elections in those 14 local government areas. Then you can now deplore the entire machinery of the state to those areas. You could also create a special center for the voters in those areas. Jonathan was only looking for all excuses to favour himself in this election.

Apart from the issue of PVCs, Do you really think INEC was fully ready for the election?
If INEC say they were ready, who am I to say no.
When I see people on television making some baseless comments, I cry for my country. You see fraud in their faces. These are people who are not fit to go close to the microphone. Those who say they believe in Jonathan don’t believe in his person, they believe in his pocket. Those who believe in Buhari believe in his person and I am sure you are seeing the fervor around the country. If you look at Fani-Kayode, you will see insincerity on his face. Just about six months ago, he said the direct opposite of what he is saying now, and nothing has changed between six months and now.
Some months ago, on the issue of corruption and Boko Haram, Fani-Kayode was pounding Jonathan and PDP, telling the world that the Buhari and the opposition are the most credible. The volte face of Fani-Kayode is not 20 per cent, or 90 degree, it is 360 degree volte face. He didn’t even turn the steering little by little, he turned it at once calling white what he had called black, and you made that person your Director of Media.
Was government not tinkering with the process to ensure peace?
The New York Times did an editorial on that. It was wholesome. Again, if you read my interview in Washington Post, all these issues were raised. First of all, tinkering with the election process was to halt the momentum of Buhari, it was frightening the way election was coming. Despite the avalanche of adverts by the PDP in the media, the people just remained resolute on change.
Even the polls conducted by Jonathan’s aides, he lost; on-line polls, he lost. Even the one conducted in Jonathan’s catchment areas, he lost as well. Remember, Jonathan has people who have more access and exposed to the internet. You can imagine if they had allowed the election to go on. I asked a question earlier, if he was going to win the election, would he have postponed it? So, they wanted to halt the momentum and see whether they can have some breathing space to change the situation. And now, after the postponement, they kept pounding Buhari with those offensive adverts.
Again, their calculation was that the opposition will run out of funds for campaign and because they have their hands on many resources, they can go any length to continue the campaign against Buhari. I tell you, what the PDP had spent on advert alone can build a whole city that can house 5000 residents. You are in the media and you know what I’m talking about. They have virtually closed down the media with their adverts. Yet, the opposition has the heart of the people. This election is not going to be fought and won by money. It’s all about repairing the obvious damage you have done to the heart of the people. They see blood and human body parts on the road every day, across the country, because of their ineptitude and incompetence.
Again, I look at the adverts, associating Buhari with the 2011 violence, calling him a blood sucker, showing all the damage of the post 2011 election and saying that Buhari called for the violence, showing bodies on the street to arouse our sensibilities and instill fear in us. I ask a very simple question, you are President and Commander-in-chief, completely in charge of security in the country, and I wonder that he has all these evidence since that time, why has no single agency invited Buhari to make a statement? Why did you not make complain to the International Criminal Court, ICC for post election violence, like it happened in Kenya and other parts of Africa?
No single complaint was made by the government? No police officer invited Buhari to make a statement in respect of that. What is the implication of that? You either have a commander in chief who is economical with the truth or who has no time to check those who caused the post election violence. You had the information that somebody destroyed life and property and you are now crying to Nigerians, saying,   ‘see what they have done’ and you are Commander-in-Chief. This is not true and it is most unfortunate.
What is going on is similar to what happened in the time of Abacha as Bola Ige talked about   ‘the five fingers of a leprous hand’. When all the parties then were calling for adoption of Abacha as the only one fit for the job and he kept quite as if he didn’t know what was happening.   Even you as Journalists you must be kidding yourselves if you say Jonathan is completely unaware of what is going on.
With this your submission, do you think Jega has all it takes to conduct free and fair election?
INEC Chairman, Prof  Jega
INEC Chairman, Prof Jega
Jega is completely hamstrung. There is no way the INEC chairman can begin to conduct election under this circumstance of security challenges. He cannot start carrying ballot boxes here and there without security. It is a reality that he cannot conduct the election without the support of security agents. It is not possible. The way they are going, they may even force circumstance on him to resign. They will give him a situation that is impracticable for him to go on and that is where Nigerians will come in. My prayer is for it not to degenerate to that level. When most of us were inhaling teargas, fighting for democracy, these individuals were teaching in classrooms. Jonathan was associated with one single protest. He was not in any human rights or civil society group anywhere anytime. So, they don’t know the value of what we have and yet, they are the ultimate beneficiaries of it. I feel bad when I see people abuse icons like Soyinka, even Obasanjo was in jail for this democracy. He was in prison for three and half years and he sweated for it. It was this and other things that created international awareness of what was happening in Nigeria. I want to beg the President that what he is enjoying now, people sweated for it; so, he should not destroy it. If he loses election, he should go honourably. Sycophants around him should also realise that this is about our country and not about Jonathan.
Recently, the Chief Justice of Nigeria warned Judges against being compromised by   politicians, we have heard of similar warning in the past, how is this going to influence fair dispensation of justice?
It is only a matter of hope and prayer because the judiciary has had bags of disappointments and sometime successes. In some cases, the Judiciary restored hope in our democracy and in some cases, they let the people down. It remains the last hope of the common man and for democracy. It is only our prayer because it is a fact that there is corruption in the judiciary. The level of rot may be a subject of debate depending on what level of information you have. The institution that is saddle with the responsibility of checks and balances should be well oiled because human nature is prone to do bad things.   When we go out everyday, some people could wish they could get somethings that are not theirs. It is the consequence of going to get those things illegally that keeps you back. That also applies to the Judiciary. People should also know that the Judges are from this environment and all the issues in the society are also affecting them and   their judgment. So, we must always pray that they don’t allow these variables to becloud their judgment. At times, it may not be financial gratification; at times, family ties and consanguinity could affect judgment because they are members of the society. They have childhood friends, and they cannot be closed to the entire world.
Do you think the EFCC and the other anti-graft agencies have the bite to clampdown on corrupt politicians?
They are hampered by a lot of factors. I have seen a lot of sincerity and hard work in EFCC team. I have worked with them. I have seen patriotism among some of the leaders of these institutions. The problem is that they are hampered by lack of facility to work. They can’t work beyound what is made available. Imagine, one agency trying to police 774 local governments.
But he EFCC had more bite during the Ribadu era!
No! It was the creation of the media. The only thing that happened during Ribadu’s time was that there was an understanding with the courts not to grant bail to those who were charged.
That was all the difference. And because people like Tafa Balogun were not granted bail, Lucky Igbinedion, Alameighsieha entered into plea bargain. Thereafter, some of the second generation governors like Orji Uzor Kalu, Ladoja Timipre Silva, Gbenga Daniel were charged but all of these people as they were entering court they were being granted bail. And that was it. There was the spectacle of the Black Maria. That was the Ribadu style. It was the judiciary that supported that process at that time. But Yar’Adua came with the mantra of rule of law. But they were charged, the crux of the matter was that the intention was not to kick you but to charge you. No single case under Ribadu was tried. All of them could not go to trial.  Probably because of the torture of the prison, they entered plea bargain. None of them went to trial. So, all the hype about Ribadu was a media creation. I am talking as an insider. The only reason was that people were imprisoned and it was like- ‘look, what do you want? Return some of my property and go away.’ In fact most of those Plea Bargains were crazy. They took some of the property from them and they walked away; there was nothing like 10 years imprisonment or anything near it.
Some people will argue that the same method should have been applied
I agree, but the judiciary has to co-operate. Don’t forget that the same media kept saying, you cannot keep people in prison without trial since they are presumed innocent until   found guilty by the court.
This is the problem we are facing in the country, we have a disease but we don’t want to go in for surgery. We have a cancer that requires surgical operation and yet you don’t want to go in for surgery. As Nigerians, what do you want?
The President has consistently said that successive governments did not equip the Military and that was why the fight against insurgents was difficult; again with the fact that this Boko Haram did not start with Jonathan; what should he have done?
This is a very weak argument. We have had so many uprisings, like the Maitasine uprising. The government of the day crushed them and nipped the uprising in the bud. Boko Haram should have been crushed before they became an octopus. Before, they were not occupying territories.  They were only running to their enclaves and hide-outs. The situation is bad now.
Recently, Obasanjo and Jonathan have been at war. Does it not bother you that an elder statesman was so infuriated that he tore his party membership card in the public?
Nigerians should be bothered more about the rot in the ruling party and the state of the nation rather than to worry about Obasanjo’s action. It is an action of an elder
Jonathan and Obasanjo
Jonathan and Obasanjo
statesman who is deeply troubled. If you remember what I wrote in January, that Jonathan will be remembered as President who destroyed the PDP and almost destroyed Nigeria. Is not worrying that the number one and number two men of the last administration (Obasanjo and Atiku) have been driven out of the ruling party?   Just think deeply about it. How did it come to that point?
Some body who was godfather and leader of a party? Something is wrong. These are people who have shown their open frustration, not just left, but openly driven out of the party. I remember, it got to a point Atiku could not be called to his own ward meeting. The PDP should not use their intrigues and power play to destroy Nigeria as a whole. So, who is to blame if not Jonathan because as the President, he is the leader of the party and the whole nation.
Anywhere in the world, the security of lives and property is number one for any government. But it appears that Jonathan, in the last four years,   had prioritized the privileges of the office rather than the responsibilities of the office.
He and his wife are only interested in being the President and the first lady and neglected the things that come along with them.
Eventually, he auctioned most of his powers out to Okonjo-Iweala. . Okonjo-Iweala just reports to him and he says carry on.   Obasanjo then would listen to every minister and treat every file up till 2am.
Jonathan contracted out the economy to Okonjo-Iweala and contracted the security to the army, and some of the waterways to   some private individuals. It should not be like that.   Without going through scrutiny and every economic detail, every financial transaction, he leaves them in the hands of others. Even politics, at times, the wife hijacked it from him and began to make decisions. I am sure you know what is happening in PDP. I am not the one saying it and you know they have more information than I seem to have. In fact see most of the editorial around the world, the New York Times, The Economist, The Washington Post, all of them came to one conclusion on the two difficult choices Nigeria will make in the elections. Soyinka put it well by saying that one is troubled by his past and the other troubled by his presence. All of them came to a conclusion that let us have a strong hand rather than a weak hand. No amount of advert will change that path.
Again, as the dynamics of the society change, the issues that guide campaign must change. You cannot be campaigning about 1984 issues now. They are missing the point. Human rights are not the issue now.

The issues are Boko Haram, corruption and the economy and you are campaigning about issues that are not current. There is no decree 2, there is no law that says you can detain without trial; when we have a court without outer clauses, chapter four that is fully alive, a National Assembly that is fully alive, a burgeoning private press with internet, facebook, twitter will you now tell me that Buhari will come and shut down all of you? .
The peace accord entered into by both parties recently appeared dead on arrival, why is it not working?
It is cosmetic. First of all, it was not a legal document.
You cannot make people sign an agreement not to commit a crime. It is the law that compels you not to commit a crime. You cannot also say you signed agreement to keep within the bounds of the law. By law, you have to keep within the bounds of the law. It was meant to satisfy international community and after that, our local politics comes lives.

2015: Jonathan moves to stop slide

ALARMED by seeming soaring popularity of his main opponent in the March 28 presidential election, President Goodluck Jonathan may have decided to personally coordinate his campaigns for the strategic election, which has already drawn global attention.
Saturday Vanguard learned last night that Jonathan was uncomfortable with field reports that he would have been defeated by Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) of the All Progressives Congress, if the election had been held on February 14 as earlier planned by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).
To stem the tide of the perceived “Buhari momentum” and tilt the pendulum in his favour, Jonathan, it was gathered, has opted to drive some aspects of his campaign by himself by meeting relevant political groups and individuals considered very important for his victory.
Personal touch
A source close to the new thinking in the Presidency, said that Jonathan had come to the realization that it would be better for him to be personally involved in the new phase of campaign instead of relying on emissaries, some of who have not been able to “deliver” despite being appropriately empowered to do so.
Ignores party chieftains in Lagos
Indeed, President Jonathan’s visit to Lagos beginning from Wednesday did not include elders of the party in the state.
President Jonathan, as part of his visit itinerary, met with market women yesterday without any indication as of press time that he would hold meeting with PDP leaders and elders in the state with the state leader of the party, Chief Bode George said to be away in England.
A chieftain of the party, who believes that the President has not carried the state party structure along in his quest to woo and win the state, Mr. Lukman Abioro, wondered why people like Chief Bode George, General Tajudeen Olanrewaju and others were not part of the visit.
Another leader, who spoke under anonymity said, “Mr. President has done well enough for Nigeria but I think he can be more comfortable as second term President if he wins in Lagos. But he has been in the same Lagos for the past three days and we are not carried along.”
Poor performing aides
The President was said to have been rattled by the discovery that many of the party leaders, who had assured him that they were fully in charge of their states and would deliver them to him, were far from delivering on their promise barely a few weeks to the crucial election.
Apart from the field reports, which were being sent regularly to him from each state, the president was said to have come face to face with the reality of the state of support for him when he visited the respective states to campaign.
A top source said that what the president saw in many of the PDP states, which gave him massive support in 2011, was far from encouraging and he decided to take an urgent step to salvage the situation instead of waiting for any of the governors or so-called political leaders from the zones.
“That is why the President is in Lagos to be able to woo as many South-West leaders and supporters as possible. I can tell you that although he went to Lagos officially to commission the four new war ships acquired for the Nigerian Navy, the underlying reason is to spend more time in the South-West and meet with relevant political entities and individuals who can help him out,” a close source to the Presidency said.
It was learned that unlike before when aides of the president spearheaded meetings and discussions with those considered germane to his re-election, Jonathan will personally meet with key traditional rulers, top businessmen, community leaders and even former party leaders, who had defected to the opposition and could be swayed to work for him anywhere he visits from now.
Already, Jonathan’s personal touch approach is said to have started yielding dividends with a host of some Yoruba leaders drumming support for him.
Unhappy with attacks on Danjuma
The source said that the president was also worried about the recent verbal attacks on General Theophilus Danjuma (rtd) by Nigeria Delta militants, fearing that the man, who personally rallied northern Christians and leaders for him in 2011, could be provoked by the insults to work against his re-election.
To visit Danjuma, Northern leaders
For that reason, Jonathan is said to have made up his mind to visit Danjuma and other northern leaders to personally plead with them to see reasons to still stand by him as they did in the last presidential election, which he won with ease.
A prominent northern leader told Saturday Vanguard yesterday that the assault on Danjuma by the former Niger-Delta militants did not go down well with most northerners, who have now decided to work against Jonathan, to retaliate the unwarranted attack on one of their leading lights.
Feuding media team
These developments came in the wake of alleged squabble among the President’s Campaign Media team. The media team was said to have performed poorly prompting recent appointments. Still the team has incurred the wrath of some presidential aides for allegedly paying more attention to attacking personalities in the opposition rather than zeroing in on issues that could rake more support for the president.
It was not clear as at last night if some changes were in the offing to sharpen the campaign team and elicit more support for the president as the date for the election draws nearer.

Jonathan, PDP Moves To Ridicule Obasanjo

President Goodluck Jonathan and former president Olugesun Obasanjo have been at loggerheads for some time now.

On Monday, their rift took a different dimension as Obasanjo in a very dramatic manner dumped the ruling Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), tearing up his membership card.
Seems like Jonathan is set for a showdown as there are indications that the presidency may move against ex-President by revisiting the probe of the $13.278billion power projects which were executed between 1999 and 2007 when Obasanjo was in office.
According to The Nation report, some forces in the Presidency and the PDP have been working round the clock on how to subject Obasanjo to ridicule.
Obasanjo Vs Jonathan
Obasanjo Vs Jonathan
It was gathered that the 2009 report of the House of Representatives Committee on Power and Steel on the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) had been retrieved by the forces in order to hang something on Obasanjo.
A highly-placed source, who craved anonymity said: “For his daring attacks on President Jonathan, some forces in the Presidency and PDP are out for vengeance.
“They are plotting to revisit how  $13.278billion was spent on power projects between 1999 and 2007. They said there is a subsisting report of the House of Representatives on the wastage in the power sector.
“They said they want to demonstrate the government’s further commitment to the anti-corruption campaign by revisiting the NIPP projects.
“They are also placing Obasanjo under surveillance because they believe he is allegedly up to something against the government. That is their perception. They have accused him of allegedly promoting the ING idea which Obasanjo’s camp has denied.”
However, some PDP chieftains are said not to be in support of any move against Obasanjo, because they believe it will further heat up the polity and portray the party in bad light.
A leader of the party was quoted as saying: “There are moves to demystify Obasanjo in one way or the other, but it might backfire.  For instance, the House report on the NIPP recommended the investigation of 18 people, some of whom are loyalists of President Jonathan. Some of them include Governor Liyel Imoke; the late Governor Olusegun Agagu; ex-Minister of State for Energy, Alhaji Abdulahamid Ahmed; a former MD of PHCN, Mr. Joseph Makoju; the CEO of TCN, Engr. G.O.P Osakue; Head Transmission, TCN, Engr. Dr. C.E. Ifesie; AGM, Lines, Engr. Mike Ezeudenna; the Chairman of the Technical Committee and General Project Manager, Engr. C. N.O. Nwachukwu; Deputy Chairman, Technical Committee, Engr. I. Onuoha; and the MD, NDPHC/NIPP, Mr. J. A. Olotu, among others.
“If they single out Obasanjo, it may become a scandal for the PDP government because many people will be rubbished.”
One of the daughters of Obasanjo is reportedly under investigation already over alleged deals with a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and the Presidency during the same period.
A source claimed that the Presidency has drawn a battle line against Obasanjo by placing one of his daughters under surveillance over the alleged deals.
The source said: “The deals involving the daughter of the ex-president at the NNPC subsidiary and the Presidency are allegedly worth $300,000 per month. We don’t know why the girl is now being subjected to investigation because her father criticized the President.”
Apparently, aware of the moves, the immediate past governor of Osun State and former National Secretary of the PDP, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola has warned Jonathan’s aides casting aspersions on Obasanjo, adding that they should leave him alone.

Recall that following Obasnjo’s dramatic exit, the Jigawa State Governor, Sule Lamido, had hinted that the party will go and beg the former president to return and forgive whatever wrong doing the grand children may have committed.

Agbaje Shows His Inexperience On Channels TV Interview

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial candidate in Lagos, Mr Jimi Agbaje displayed his poor understanding of governance, inexperience and lack of ideas to improve the lot of Lagosians at an interview on Channels Television.

At best, Agbaje succeeded in convincing viewers that he actually does not have a plan to solve the problems he says Lagosians are faced with. He was at his evasive best during an interview session on a Channels TV programme, Straight Talk With Kadaria.
The interview seemingly went on well until Mr. Agbaje was asked to clear the air as regards the irregularities and rigging issues that surrounded his emergence from the PDP primary elections. After all attempts to evade the question Agbaje ended up with an unconvincing retort. He fumbled further by giving bland answers when questioned about his plans and programmes for Lagos state, answers that were far short of bold.
The PDP guber candidate infuriated a majority of the viewers by defending the incumbent government at the centre based merely on ethnic sentiments, saying that the South-south deserves another 4 years of rule insinuating that people of the area do not shut down the economy if Jonathan does not win. He was unable to mention an achievement of the present administration and  goofed further by when trying give excuses in support of the PDP as regards the Boko haram situation.
The aspect that would be most worrisome to Lagosians was his inability to profer articulate programmes and plans for Lagos. For someone who claims to have bold idess he came across as lame and lacking in ideas and experience. He kept on evading direct questions and rather than sell his own ideas ended up promoting the work of the incumbent APC government.

The interview laid credence to the APC’s call for voters to vote for experience. Agbaje showed that he did not have a grasp of how government works.
The social media immediately went agog with reactions to the interview. Most people expressed disappointment and disaffection at the discordant and inexperience-laden responses given by Agbaje.
One of such comments on a popular blog stated: “I watched Jimi Agbaje interview on channels tv tonight and I was baffled by some of his words. He said and I quote “For the unity of nigerians the south-south (Jonathan area) should have 4 more years. So it is not about competence again? He also said as a politician his job is to tell people to vote and not refrain from crisis. This Agbaje is one useless man who cannot be allowed to govern Lagos state. Let us vote wisely.”
Instead of informing Lagosians about his reasons for running as a governor, he was busy making threat-like statements possible of inciting violence among the unsuspecting electorates.
Mr.Agbaje, actually tried his eloquent best to enumerate his plans for the state at different points during the interview, but the fact that they lacked convincing content further confirmed the truth that governance is not just about elementary eloquence, but about experience, tested expertise and convincing capabilities.
The APC governorship aspirant, Akinwunmi Ambode was right when he called him an intern in the last debate hosted by Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
See video below:
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INEC Warns Nigerians About Their PVCs

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) warns holders of the permanent voter card (PVC) to be alert and careful while handling their cards during the elections to avoid being disenfranchised.

Speaking in Benin, the Edo State resident electoral Commissioner Mike Igini stressed that the cards are embedded with electronic chips containing important data (such as the biometric information about the bearer) and may be deactivated if handled wrongly.
“We have heard that some people have punctured the edges of their cards to make them like key holders and this is unfortunate. They must not do that because they may destroy the integrity of the PVCs and deactivate them,” Mr. Igini elaborated.
“It is best to take precautionary measures, as electromagnetic waves have been known to occasionally de-activate other chip-bearing cards. And, of course, they should be kept away from fire and corrosive chemicals for obvious reasons.
“Similarly, one must advice holders of PVCs … that the proprietary right of the PVCs still belongs to INEC, hence, they should take good care of them.”
Igini reminded Nigerians that the PVCs would be of no use except in the hands of their rightful owners
The card reader, which will be used to authenticate each voter before they will be issued ballot papers reads the card data, confirms if the voter is in the right polling unit and then confirms whether the information in that card matches the fingerprint of the person who presents the card.
“Those who have wisely heeded this advice in Edo State have even assisted us in retrieving some snatched PVCs because, as I told them, even if I throw all the PVCs in the street for anyone to pick, they will be useless unless they match the biometric and other data for the bearer.”

Mr. Igini said the Commission had so far distributed ‎1,190,653 PVCs to eligible voters in Edo, representing 66.9 per cent of the 1,779,738 registered voters in state.

Buhari not in London hospital – APC

Muhammadu Buhari
Muhammadu Buhari. (File: AFP)
Abuja - The All Progressives Congress (APC) has debunked rumours that its presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari is being treated at a hospital in UK, reports Vanguard.
Garba Shehu, spokesperson of the party’s presidential campaign organisation, noted that Buhari was not in any hospital in London.
Shehu was reacting to a report credited to Gov. Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti, which claimed that Buhari is being treated at a hospital located at Cavendish Street, Cavendish Square, W2 London West End, London.

Shehu stated that the false report was part of the antics of Fayose, who has never hidden his desire for Buhari to die before the March 28 presidential election.
He reiterated that Buhari was in London to  give a talk at the prestigious foreign policy hub, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House.
According to Shehu, Buhari is expected to speak at the Chatham House on Thursday.
Read more at Vanguard.

Aggrieved PDP aspirants threaten to nullify Jonathan’s candidature

Abuja - Some aggrieved aspirants of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who contested for various positions in the party’s primary elections have threatened to institute a court case to nullify the candidature of President Goodluck Jonathan and all the candidates of the party in the forthcoming general elections, reports Tribune.
The aggrieved group under the umbrella of the PDP Aspirants Forum (PAF),  said they were highly disappointed by the manner in which the party’s primary elections were handled across the country.
They are demanding that the party refunds the over N15 Billion collected from them as nomination fees since there was no primaries.
They threatened to work against the interest of the party in the general elections if their grievances are not addressed.
Read more at Tribune

Fleeing Boko Haram Terrorists Drown In Lake Chad

A large number of terrorists have drowned in the Lake Chad as they fled the heavy bombardment by Nigerian Air force heralding the advance of Nigerian troops on mission to flush them out of Baga, the Nigerian defence headquarters has said.

“Not even the strategy of mining over 1500 spots with land mines on the routes leading to the town could save the terrorists from the aggressive move of advancing troops,” the Director of Defence Information, Chris Olukolade, a Major General, said in a statement.
He added, “All the land mines were skillfully cleared one after the other. Eventually, the resistance of the terrorists collapsed and the land forces finally stormed the town in the early hours of Friday.

“Many of the terrorists died while an unknown but substantial number of them fled with various degrees of injury, in the series of encounter along the routes of advance as troops headed for Baga.
“Apart from the 5 anti air craft guns and the rifles captured from the terrorists, over 34 motorcycles and 5 vehicles including trucks being used for operations by the terrorists were destroyed in the course of the fighting as troops headed for Baga. The troops finally began clearing the terrorists from Baga on arrival in the town early Saturday morning.

“A comprehensive cordon and search phase of military operation has now commenced to enable troops mop up arms and ammunition and also apprehend any terrorist who might be hiding in the vicinity.
The exercise will also determine details of the casualties inflicted or incurred in the course of the operations to clear Baga and environ of terrorists.

“Similar exercise is being carried out in over 12 locations namely Gajigana, Ngaze, Ngenzai, Marte Junction, Mile 90, Yoyo, Kekeno, Kukawa, Cross Kauwa, Kangarwa, Amirari and other localities where troops have flushed out the terrorists in the operations preceding the entry to Baga. The troops are now dominating and conducting aggressive patrols in the locations. The morale of troops remain high.”

'Fayose Hired People To Monitor Buhari's Movements In London' - Garba Shehu

The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Muhammadu Buhari, has confirmed that he will honour his speaking engagement at the Royal Institute Of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, on Thursday, February 26.
According to a press statement from the Directorate of Media and Publicity of the APC Presidential Campaign Organisation (APCPCO), Chatham House will post the event and send out invites on Monday, February 23.
The statement, signed by spokesperson Garba Shehu, reveals that as part of his ongoing engagement in the United Kingdom, Mr. Buhari had an interview Friday with a local medium, the “All Eyes on Africa TV Show” with Kemi Fajodutimi and met with Tony Blair on Saturday, February 21.
Mr. Shehu disclosed that Buhari left the London residence of the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona, at about 1.30 pm U.K. time and returned to his rented flat in the city.
Meanwhile, the APC Presidential Campaign Organisation has appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to call one of his party’s governors, Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State, to order over his continued pestering of their candidate, with falsehood and death wishes.
Mr. Shehu said the APC had learnt on good authority that Governor Fayose has hired people in London who have been trailing the movements of the APC presidential candidate while on his working visit in London.
“Let it be on record that knowing Governor Fayose’s antecedents, we are not leaving anything to chances. The Governor who has published death-wish advertorials on Buhari will stop at nothing. If anything should happen to General Muhammadu Buhari while in London or anywhere, the authorities over there in the UK and at home should know who to hold responsible,” he said.

Nigerian army retakes Baga town from Boko Haram

The Nigerian army has retaken the north-eastern town of Baga, held by Boko Haram militants since 3 January.

In a tweet from its official account, the army said that "mopping up" operations were continuing.

It also claimed in a separate statement that it had killed many Boko Haram militants, though this has not been independently verified.

Nigeria says 150 people died when Boko Haram took Baga and nearby Doron Baga, but locals said up to 2,000 died.

Will Ross reports from Abuja: ''We have been able to verify that the town is no longer under the control of the jihadists''

Residents were left largely undefended as the military deserted when the jihadists attacked the towns.

This time, the army claims it was the militants who fled, with some drowning in Lake Chad as they tried to escape the aerial bombardment.

It added that 1,000 mines had been laid in Baga, which soldiers had to negotiate before entering.

The BBC's Will Ross in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, say other sources have confirmed that Boko Haram no longer control Baga.

The massacre there is regarded as the worst attack of Boko Haram's six-year insurgency. Thousands fled across Lake Chad when the assault began with 7,000 taking refuge in the Chadian town of Ngouboua.

map showing Ngouboua

Boko Haram, which controls of much of Nigeria's north-east, has killed thousands of people in its drive to establish an Islamic state.

In recent months it has also carried out cross-border raids in neighbouring Chad, Cameroon and Niger, attacking villages and military bases.

All three countries have joined Nigeria to form a military coalition against the Islamist militants.

Also on Saturday, Niger's army reported the deaths of 15 Boko Haram militants following clashes in an island on the Niger side of Lake Chad.

Seven Niger soldiers and one civilian also died in the attack.


When I was running and they were hunting us, shooting us, some people were falling and dying, others being run over with motorbikes and dying. Some reached the bank of the lake"
Hadija Abakar, survivor from Baga
The Baga massacre
  • Boko Haram attacked the town at dawn on 3 January
  • Soldiers and local people pushed the group back, but the militants returned with reinforcements
  • The soldiers fled and many of the townspeople made for Doron Baga on the edge of Lake Chad
  • The militants followed and those who did not escape were killed

How the massacre unfolded


It is not yet clear whether other armies were involved in the recapture of Baga. However, the Chadian army spokesperson said there had been no involvement from his country's troops.

Chad has been carrying out attacks against Boko Haram deep inside Nigeria.

The Nigerian army has been criticised by its failure to tackle the militant group, although it has recaptured some territory in recent weeks.

Last week, Nigeria retook the north-eastern towns of Monguno and Marte from the group.

Nigeria's president Goodluck Jonathan, inspects the honour guard, during an event to commission Naval warships in Lagos, Nigeria on 19 February 2015 President Jonathan has been criticised for delays to the presidential election over security fears

Earlier this month, presidential elections were delayed for six weeks over security concerns.

The electoral commission said it made the decision after the security agencies advised there would not be enough troops available to guarantee the safety of voters.

President Goodluck Jonathan says the election will take place on 28 March. However, opponents say they fear Mr Jonathan, who is running for a second term, will use the delay to hold on to power.

Manchester United suffered only their second Premier League defeat since November

Swansea midfielder Jonjo Shelvey
Manchester United suffered only their second Premier League defeat since November as Bafetimbi Gomis's second-half goal gave Swansea victory.

Ander Herrera's low strike put United ahead, but the hosts responded immediately as Ki Sung-yueng flicked in from Jonjo Shelvey's cross.

Louis van Gaal's side dominated the second period but failed to score.

Shelvey's 73rd-minute shot deflected off Gomis to give the Swans a first league double over United.

Defeat means United drop to fourth place in the Premier League - Arsenal leapfrogging them by beating Crystal Palace - and hampers their hopes of making an instant return to the Champions League after failing to qualify for Europe last season.

We forgot to score - Louis van Gaal

Swansea won 2-1 at Old Trafford on the opening day of the season to ruin Van Gaal's first competitive match as United boss.

And the Welsh club pained the Dutchman again by inflicting only a second defeat on United in 20 matches across all competitions.

The Red Devils' misery was compounded by the sight of Robin van Persie leaving the Liberty Stadium on crutches, with a protective boot around his right ankle after suffering a late injury.

The Netherlands striker had been recalled from injury as United made three changes from their FA Cup win at Preston.

There was a more radical alteration from Swansea, as manager Garry Monk switched to a midfield diamond for the first time.

Super Swansea

Swansea put two league goals past Manchester United at home for the first time since January 1982
Ki Sung-yeung has scored in back-to-back appearances at the Liberty Stadium for Swansea

And it was the hosts who made the stronger start.

Gomis had managed only one league goal before this match, but the France international striker could have scored twice in the opening 10 minutes.

His header from a Gylfi Sigurdsson corner was cleared off the line by Herrera, while he nodded over from Ki's flick on moments later.

Monk hails Swansea 'character'

United threatened sporadically as Van Persie's close-range effort grazed the crossbar and Wayne Rooney had his first shot on target of 2015, albeit a weak effort easily held by Lukasz Fabianski.

When the visitors' attacking talent finally clicked, they took the lead in fine fashion.

After Luke Shaw's burst down the left wing, a neat exchange of passes between Wayne Rooney and Angel Di Maria set up Herrera, whose low drive went in off the post.

But the lead lasted less than two minutes, as Shelvey's excellent cross was guided in by Ki.

After an open, fluid first half in which both sides pushed forward, United sought to control the contest after the interval by dominating possession.

Swansea dropped deeper as a result, seemingly inviting pressure, and there were scares for the hosts such as Marcos Rojo's missed free header.

Their resilience was rewarded with 15 minutes left, as Shelvey's 25-yard shot deflected off Gomis to seal Swansea's second win of the season over United.

Manchester United midfielder Ander Herrera
Spanish midfielder Ander Herrera opened the scoring for Manchester United with a low drive

Swansea equalise against United
Ki Sung-yueng finished a flowing move to equalise for Swansea just minutes after United took the lead

The Manchester United bench at Swansea
United boss Van Gaal was in animated conversation with assistant Ryan Giggs

Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal
Louis van Gaal's side lost for just the second time in 20 matches

Barcelona missed the chance to go top of La Liga as they suffered a shock home defeat to seventh-placed Malaga.

Malaga goal from Jiminez Lopez
Barcelona missed the chance to go top of La Liga as they suffered a shock home defeat to seventh-placed Malaga.

Juanmi scored the seventh-minute winner following a Dani Alves mistake as Barcelona's 11-match winning run ended.

A second home league defeat of the season means Barcelona stay a point behind Real Madrid.

And it was far from ideal preparation for the Catalans' visit to Manchester City next Tuesday for the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie.

Barcelona had scored 42 goals during their recent winning run - with top scorer Lionel Messi contributing 10 goals in his last five league games - but could not find one to cancel out Juanmi's early strike.

Alves inadvertently created the chance with a weak backpass to goalkeeper Claudio Bravo, which the 21-year-old intercepted to take the ball around the keeper and slot into the empty net for his fifth goal of the season.

The goalscorer almost made it 2-0 on the break with a shot that was saved by Bravo, before Barcelona piled on the pressure in the second half.

But despite dominating possession they were unable to create any clear-cut chances and overhaul Real Madrid who play at Elche on Sunday.

Having drawn 0-0 in the first league meeting of the season between the sides last September, Malaga became the first team since Getafe in 2007/08 to keep Barcelona scoreless over two games.

Barcelona coach Luis Enrique:

"We're used to these kind of games.

"I'd like it to be an accident but it is becoming habit, the opposition close up and we can't find a way through.

"These kind of results are sometimes a good reminder that other sides have their qualities.

"You could consider this a deserved defeat."

Manchester City recorded their biggest Premier League victory of the season to overwhelm Newcastle and cut Chelsea's title lead to five points

David Silva
Manchester City recorded their biggest Premier League victory of the season to overwhelm Newcastle and cut Chelsea's title lead to five points.

Edin Dzeko won a penalty inside 30 seconds as he was fouled by Vurnon Anita, with Sergio Aguero scoring.

City were 3-0 up after 21 minutes, with Samir Nasri firing a second into the top corner, before Dzeko chested down David Silva's pass to add a third.

Silva scored twice in three minutes after half-time to complete the win

Buhari meets Blair(PHOTO)

L; Former Governor of Kwara State, Senator Bukola Saraki, former UK Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, APC presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari and Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun at a meeting with Blair in continuation of the APC presidential candidate's working visit to the United Kingdom on Saturday, 21 February, 2015.
L; Former Governor of Kwara State, Senator Bukola Saraki, former UK Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, APC presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari and Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun at a meeting with Blair in continuation of the APC presidential candidate's working visit to the United Kingdom on Saturday, 21 February, 2015.

Buhari meets Blair

Buhari: Call Fayose to order, APC tells Jonathan

Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari (left) responding to questions from the Chief Executive Officer, All Eyes on Africa TV Show, Kemi Fadojutimi (right), during Buhari's Working Visit to the United Kingdom on Friday, 20 February, 2015.
Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari (left) responding to questions from the Chief Executive Officer, All Eyes on Africa TV Show, Kemi Fadojutimi (right), during Buhari's Working Visit to the United Kingdom on Friday, 20 February, 2015.
The All Progressive Congress (APC) Presidential Campaign Organisation has appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to call the Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose to order over his continued pestering of the party’s candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari with falsehood and death wishes.
In a statement issued on Saturday signed by Malam Garba Shehu, APC Directorate of Media and Publicity said the Party had learnt on good authority that Governor Fayose has hired people in London who have been trailing the movements of the General Buhari while on his working visit in London.
“Let it be on record that knowing Governor Fayose’s antecedents, we are not leaving anything to chances. The Governor who has published death-wish advertorials on Buhari will stop at nothing.
” If anything should happen to General Muhammadu Buhari while in London or anywhere, the authorities over there in the UK and at home should know who to hold responsible,” Shehu stated.
Shehu confirmed that he will honour his speaking engagement at the Royal Institute Of International Affairs, Chatham House in London scheduled for Thursday, February 26.
He said Chatam House will post the event and send out invites on Monday, February 23.
According to him, General Buhari as part of his ongoing engagement in the United Kingdom, had an interview on Saturday with a local medium, the “All Eyes on Africa TV Show” with Kemi Fajodutimi and met with Tony Blair on Saturday, February 21 morning.
Shehu disclosed that Buhari left the London residence of the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona at about 1.30 pm UK time and returned to his rented flat in the city.

Tambuwal seeks advice on use of military


Tambuwal seeks advice on use of military

Amid growing concern of lawmakers on the deployment of military personnel for elections, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal yesterday opted to seek professional advice on the subject.
Tambuwal halted a debate on a motion on military deployment for elections and directed the Committees on Justice, Judiciary and Business and Rules to appropriately advise him on the subject.
His decision followed the objection of Sunday Karimi (PDP Kogi) to the motion by the Minority Leader, Femi Gbajabiamila, who sought a probe of the roles played by the military deployed in last June 21 governorship election in Ekiti State.
Gbajabiamila sought the House resolution calling on the Federal Government not to deploy military personnel during the general elections in compliance with the decision of the court.
The Minority leader also asked the House to urge the Federal Government, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), military authority and stakeholders to obey the decision of the Federal High Court.
He noted with dissatisfaction the deployment of military personnel in polling units for election purposes, contrary to Section 217 of the 1999 Constitution
According to him, the maintenance of public safety and public order anywhere in Nigeria, including all polling units and wars during elections, was a constitutional function of the police under Sections 214 and 215 of the constitution.
“We are aware of a secretly-recorded audio tape involving some personnel of the military, now in the public domain, revealing or suggesting how the election in Ekiti State was allegedly rigged.
“It is also disturbing that the presence of military personnel in polling units and wards is capable of generating unwarranted apprehension that will scare away innocent citizens, thereby preventing them from peacefully and willfully exercising their franchise.”
Karimi objected to the motion in a point of order, saying that reference could not be made to a subject that is under litigation.
The Speaker cautioned his colleagues, saying “In view of the sensitivity of the matter and the unfolding political events in the country, I want us to take this matter very seriously.”
Subsequently, he mandated the three committees to work on the motion and advised the House appropriately on the status of the subject.

Acting drama: You lied, Niger deputy governor tells Aliyu

Niger State deputy governor, Hon. Ahmed Musa Ibeto yesterday faulted claims by the state governor Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu that his absence in the state informed the appointment of the Speaker of the House of Assembly as the Acting Governor of the state. Ibeto who defected from Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to All Progressive Party (APC) last month was denied to serve as acting governor when Aliyu left for Lesser Hajj on Wednesday, rather he asked the Speaker, Barrister Adamu Usman to act under the guise that the deputy travelled. The deputy governor  told newsmen in his Tunga residence in Minna, the state capital on Friday that he has always been in town. “I want to say with all emphasis that I never travelled. I have been in Minna and I was in Minna the day the governor travelled”. The deputy governor who was reacting to a statement by the governor through his Chief Press Secretary, Israel Ebije, that  the decision to  make the Speaker acting governor was on account of Ibeto’s absence. The statement further said that the deputy governor had travelled for lesser Haj since Monday. Ibeto who described the appointment of the Speaker unconstitutional said he has never travelled out of the town talk less of out of the country without the express permission of the governor. He stated that he was surprised at the position of the governor, arguing that the deputy chief of staff in Government House, Hon. Saba that work directly with him knew he has been in town and wondered why the governor would want to tell the world what was not. Ibeto recalled that he had apply for permission to use 15 days of his leave to travel but the application was never acknowledged or approved. “I wrote 3 weeks ago for permission to use 15 days of my leave to travel to Dubai, UK and for Lesser Hajj. I wrote another when I did not hear anything but I gathered my application is still on my boss table untreated. I don’t know where the story of my leaving the country came about. “A Journalist called to ask me yesterday (Thursday) if I am in town and I told him I was not only in town, I was in my sitting room. It was only on Monday that I went to Abuja for a party meeting, returned same day and have been in Minna all this while,” Ibeto stated. The deputy governor also said that despite repeated assurances that his rights and privileges will not be denied for dumping the ruling party complained that government had started to order the withdrawal of his personal aides who are civil servants. According to Ibeto, “Though, I have not been denied anything neither have I been stopped from entering my office only that my personal aide, a civil servant was withdrawn and I graciously release the officer”.

Osun APC threatens legal action against Fani-Kayode over ‘fake video clip’

The All Progressive Congress (APC) in Osun State, has threatened to file a legal action against a former Minister of Transport and Aviation and the Director of Media, Goodluck Jonathan Campaign Organization, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, for allegedly fabricating a video clip which suggested that APC rigged the August 9, 2014 governorship poll in the state.
Describing the video clip allegedly posted on the internet as libelous, the party vowed to pursue the suit against Fani-Kayode unless he tenders an unreserved apology to the party.
Addressing a press conference on Friday, the state chairman of the party, Prince Gboyega Famodun, also said all the collaborators of the former minister would not be spared.
Famodun said the APC has resolved to go court to teach Fani-Kayode and his collaborators a lesson that not everybody has crooked tendencies like them.
The chairman also described the accusation of the former Minister as falsehood and unfounded. He queried why the PDP did not tender the fabricated tape at the Justice Elizabeth Ikpejime election petition tribunal.
He also challenged the Directorate of State Security(DSS) and the Nigeria Police to explain to Nigerians why they have refused to investigate and take necessary actions on the petition by the APC on the fake PDP’s video since November, 2014.
According to him: “It is very clear that the PDP has no shame and that is why they think they can deceive Nigerians. We will not allow this matter to lie low.  So, we are demanding for an independent Judicial Commission of Enquiry into the entire process leading to the Osun Election. We demand an exposition of all that happened two weeks to the election,the night before the election and on the day of the election up to the announcement of election result the following morning.
“When the panel of enquiry is convoked, it must be given the power to extract evidence from anybody through invitation and that nobody must refuse to appear before it. Failure by the president and National Assembly to act on this within two weeks, we will call on the governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, to take up the task of setting up of a panel of enquiry without delay.”
The APC showed journalists the purported video footage by the PDP, where some armed men were freely thumb printing the ballot papers allegedly meant for the Osun State August 9 governorship election.

Violence: Ekiti APC asks NHRC to prosecute Fayose

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti Sate wants  the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to prosecute Governor  Ayodele Fayose, for allegedly promoting violence and intimidation of  its members and supporters in the state.
The party, in a petition submitted  to NHRC’s Executive Secretary, Prof Bem Angwe yesterday, accused Fayose of sponsoring political violence with the aid of  thugs.
The thugs,the APC alleged in the petition, physically attacked  and intimidated members of the opposition.
Ekiti  APC’s Secretary, Omotosho Ayodele, who led  the APC delegation said : “While all Nigerians are busy praying for peace, what we have in Ekiti State is a clear departure from that.”
“As the commission is clamouring for violence-free polls, it is unfortunate the person, who is supposed to be the Chief Security Officer in Ekiti State, is the person unleashing violence in the state,” he said.
He  said the PDP boys are always on the streets, macheting and  scaring people as well as  damaging vehicles and houses. He said the situation has persisted  regardless  of many  petitions they had written to the police.
He said:”Governor Fayose does his things with impunity and nobody challenges him. With what we have seen so far, we can no longer guarantee violence-free elections in Ekiti State. The activities of Fayose are undermining the peace pact signed by our presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and President Goodluck Jonathan.
“On January 21,2015  Fayose’s thugs and members of the Odua Peoples Congress (OPC), dressed in army and police uniforms  and backed by policemen attached to the Government House, ransacked and vandalized the APC Secretariat in Ado-Ekiti, while the security guards on duty were physically assaulted.
“On January 24th, Adeleke Samsom, a student’s union leader who attended the APC presidential rally in Ado-Ekiti with his colleagues, was violently attacked by Fayose’s thugs. He sustained life threatening injuries on his head.”
Receiving the petition,Angwe  vowed that the commission  was prepared to bring to book those promoting  violence and hate speech during and after the coming  elections in the country.
“The commission is home for all Nigerians irrespective of religion, ethnicity and political affiliation. I want to commend you for taking this cause of action and not to take the law into your hands. Your allegations are against a sitting governor which has conse

Gunmen attack Benue APC guber candidate’s vehicles

Gunmen in Adikpo on Friday shot and damaged three vehicles on the convoy of the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC, in Benue State, Chief Dr Samuel Ortom, at the funeral of the late Dr Samson Sambe which they also disrupted.
Chief Dr Ortom was delivering funeral oration when sporadic gunshots were heard and sympathizers started to scamper for safety.
Elder brother of the deceased and Permanent Secretary, Bureau of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Dr Asen Sambe, had to appeal for calm as the funeral was hurriedly concluded.
In spite of the shots which intensified, Chief Dr Ortom concluded his speech before he was informed that three of his vehicles parked near the Magistrate Court close to Adikpo Comprehensive College, ACC, Adikpo had been targets of some of the shots.
The glass on the owner’s side of a branded Ford Hillux van was shattered and the bullet exited through the roof even as another branded pick up was hit at the tail board and the bullet went through, came out of  the left side and brushed a journalist’s car parked close by.
Another bullet flattened the right front tyre of the third vehicle.
The gunmen sped off through the street that passes by the side of ACC.
While inspecting the vehicles an informant told Chief Dr Ortom that the gunmen belonged to a group headed by a prominent Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, thug in Adikpo town.
The former Minister of State, Industry, Trade, and Investment, proceeded to the Adikpo police station where he lodged a formal complaint to the Divisional Police Officer.

Stable power not feasible until 2017, says Jonathan

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan  hinted yesterday that the nation’s quest for stable light might not be met by the government until after two or more years .
According to him, the interface between the federal government and the private sector on full privatisation of the energy sector to make steady power supply feasible in the country, would hopefully be completed in two years period.
The president who dropped the hint while inaugurating the 750 Mega Watts Olorunsogo Power Plant Phase II, Papalanto, Ogun State, said that his administration had spent about US$8. 26 Billion in the bid to boost  the national electricity generation capacity by over 4, 700MGW.
He said: “to stimulate the micro and medium enterprises, government must invest and must show significant concern for power and that is what we are doing.
“And we promised this country that surely in the next two years, the interface between 100 per cent government control of power sector and 100 per cent control of the private sector will be sealed properly and Nigerians would take power for granted.”
He explained that of the US$8. 26 billion invested or spent on power, US$ 650 million of the amount was committed to the Olorunsogo power plant inaugurated yesterday.
There are 10 of such power projects spread across the nation including the two inaugurated in Kogi and Ondo states in 2014,he said.
He  is scheduled to inaugurate  the Egbin power station today