Thursday 13 August 2015

Horrific video shows 15 MAGGOTS being removed from schoolgirl's gums

WARNING: Graphic content. Shocked Ana Cardoso, 10, 'felt something moving' inside her mouth and was diagnosed with a rare fly lava maggot infection

WARNING: Graphic content. Shocked Ana Cardoso, 10, 'felt something moving' inside her mouth and was diagnosed with a rare fly lava

One-inch worm removed from 17-year-old boy's eye after one month(video)

It started as a fairly normal visit to the hospital.

A 17-year-old boy in Peru's capital, Lima, was complaining of swelling to his eye when doctors at the National Children's Hospital discovered something, well, that will make your skin crawl.
After performing an MRI scan, doctor's discovered that a one-inch worm had been living under the boy's eyelid for one month. The uncomfortable discovery was compounded by the dangerous location of the insect: it was living in the "danger triangle of the face", the area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose. Any infection here can spread to the brain.

Consequences of sex Before Marriage

Consequences of Sex Before MarriageIntroduction
Sex outside of marriage (fornication) is having a devastating effect on the world today. Most people, including Christians, choose to ignore God's instructions concerning this area. A lot of pastors choose to ignore teaching God's instructions and unfortunately society is crumbling under the weight of this sin. Many people make their own rules as to what is okay and what is not okay. In this article, we will explore what society has to say about sex outside of marriage and what God says.
What Society Says
Everywhere you look in our society today, people are promoting sex. A short trip to the grocery store, restaurant, ball game, gas station, etc often presents you with some display of lustfulness in advertisements and the way people dress. It's even hard to avoid it in the privacy of your own home because it is all over television. If you attempt to watch a basketball game, the cameras will catch shots of the cheerleaders and dancing girls who are barely dressed. If you watch a sit-com, expect to find some reference (verbally or physically) to immoral sexual behavior. Even if you watch the news, you are almost guaranteed so see a commercial that is using sex to grab your attention. And what is very sad, this behavior has found its way into the church. In any given worship service, you can expect to see a woman wearing tight revealing pants, dresses, and low-cut tops. It is common now to see several unwed pregnant women in church. And there seems to be no concern to correct this behavior. 
Society says that a real single man tries to "get" with as many women as he possibly can. If a man practices abstinence, society labels him as gay or something must be wrong with him. I can personally say that I suffered a lot of ridicule while growing up due to practicing abstinence. One might expect that the mocking came from guys. But I would say that 95% of the ridiculing came from females. They would make joke after joke and often said I was not a real man. A poll was recently taken and women were asked if they wanted to marry a virgin or a man who is sexually experienced. Well over 50% of the women answered that they wanted the experienced man

8 shocking reasons why women cheat on their husbands

Infidelity2.jpgMost women have been taught since childhood to be "good little girls", "behave like a lady", and "grin and bear it”. Remember hearing the saying "little girls are made of sugar and spice, and all things nice"?
Fast forward to the 21st century, where women are now allowed to be tough, to say NO, to speak their mind, to become CEO's and to enjoy sex. Women have become more assertive and in tune to their needs, wants and desires.
Some men like the fact that women are able to "talk the talk" and "walk the walk" while others feel intimidated by it. Without a doubt, this change has had a great impact on relationships between men and women, specifically the actions and behaviors of women.
According to 2012 statistics from the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14% of married women have cheated compared to 22% of married men. Although women are not exceeding men in cheating, women are having emotional affairs and sex behind their man's back. However, when a woman cheats, she is usually cheating for emotional intimacy while a man usually cheats for physical pleasure. 

8 Reason why men cheat

There are reasons galore why men pull wool over the eyes of their wives. Oftentimes, it's out of spite and neglect, while the other times, it's because they feel they will never be caught.

What makes men cheat? Expert,  dug through past research on male infidelity, and has even counseled couples and has arrived at the conclusion that most answers are from the wife's point of view. Here, some of his findings:

How to unlock mtn, glo, etisalat modem without any software

The Idea of Unlock our Internet Modem is now known to everybody, I Guess! Though some people without their Own PC Still find it hard to Unlock Modem because they need a Software to Generate the Unlock Code but the Good News is that their is good Website that offer Modem Unlock Code where you Provide your Modem IMEI Number only.

Though have Written a Tutorial on How to Unlock Modems using a Simple Software but i sense this is going to be Cool because you can Actually Unlock Modem and get Paid even without your PC with you.
With this Website, You don't need to have your Own PC before you can Unlock Modem.

How to tweak immigration of infinix zero and Innjoo i2,i2s

The Infinix hot x507 is a new amazing product from Infinix mobile. It's price is very cheap.
The mobile phone is running on Google Android operating system Android 4.4 KitKat, 1.4GHz Quad-core, dual sim support, large display of 5.0 inches touchscreen with a dual camera of 5MP camera with LED flash and 2MP front camera designed for video calls. 1GB Ram, 16GB internal memory and a powerful 3G network with with 16,000,000 colors, Nice battery life and pixel density of 401ppi, the mobile device is perfect. 

Simple way to root infinix zero, Innjoo i2,i2s just one click

can see many comments dropped by Infinix and Innjoo users to request for compatible rooting method. Infinix and Injoo are new Android Smartphones which appears to be the best and most affordable mid-range Smartphone in Nigeria given the great technical specifications, premium build and the surprisingly low price. You can easily get any of the two products at Konga or Jumia.

Today, I will show you a simple method to root your Infinix Zero, Infinix Hot, Innjoo i2, i2s and the method is also works for other stubbornSmartphones

Secret Tips – 14 Ways To Keep Your Man Begging For More Of You

God has given you your Mr. Right and your marriage/relationship is as strong, exciting, and hot as ever. My advice is, never go slow in your show of affection for him.

How to keep your man interested and the fire of love burning should be your utmost priority. Make him feel that he is the luckiest guy for having chosen you. Here as some tips to keep your man’s interest:

Top 15 things to know if she is ur rightful partner

Many of my clients lately are men who have at some point or other in their lives been deceived and dazed by a woman's looks. Many of them have wasted countless hours and spent small fortunes chasing after women who lied to them and basically treated them like dirt. Some regret the lost opportunity to the marry a woman who was not exactly physically attractive but was a good woman.

There is really no "standard" litmus test for telling right away that a woman is "a good woman" or one of those "other" ones.

Here are just a few things to look for when you meet or date a girl/woman:

Top ten reasons why some marriages fail

Marriage like any other relationship is never perfect. Even the best of marriages tumble. Most experts agree that the key to a successful and loving marriage is hard work, commitment and constant re-evaluation of our expectations in addition to how we communicate. Sounds easy enough, but in reality, it's easier saying than doing.
Speaking to a few marriage therapists and Muslim counselors, I asked them what they noticed to be the most common niggly issues that couples face. Of course, there were more complex problems like infidelity and drugs, but other top issues might be surprising.
    1. I Love You…Now Change- This seems to be one of the biggest issues most couples face. Spouses so often try to change the other to a version that they would love more. The very qualities that were cute in the beginning turn into something that causes much resentment and contempt. 
    If you married a slob, he will not automatically change into a neat and orderly person because you want him to.The only person you can change is you. The best you can do is changing your response.
    2.Talking VS Communicating- The most common misconception threatening marriage is that couples mistakenly believe that talking means communicating, that is, whenever they engage in talking, they believe they are communicating.
    Voicing our complaints, criticism and emotional blackmail are not tools of communication. Learn to express your feelings with assertiveness and not from a point of complaint and criticism. This will help protect your marriage at a later stage. Effective communication means we listen and we are willing to see the world through the eyes of our partners, and not only our own. If we listen as well as we speak, real connecting would take care of itself.  
    3Time Management- Modern lifestyle equals stressful lifestyle. Time is of the essence and many couples do not manage their time efficiently. Couples are pulled in all directions on a day-to-day basis except towards each other.
    Quality time even if it is just five minutes a day, is an essential requirement of marriage. Couples need to regularly re-evaluate their relationship in a gentle and honest manner, if only just to know whether they are on the same page or not.
    4. Intimacy- Nadirah Angail, author and therapist from believes that lack of intimacy is a major issue in Muslim marriages. “Sex is only a small part of intimacy’’, she says. It is more about being fully engaged as a couple. Staying connected on every level. Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Most couples constantly face an uphill battle to keep the spark alive. Intimacy is not a goal that couple should seek but rather a journey, which lasts throughout marriage.
    5. Turned Focus- The most frequent issue men seem to have is that the focus of the wife changes when the couple have children. It often leads to the husband feeling inadequate and neglected which in turn, leads to lack of intimacy. Couples also allow technology to interfere with their relationship; this is quite rampant with people texting at dinner, surfing the Internet in the evenings and using their smart phones constantly. 
    Most issues in a marriage can arise from a partner’s unwillingness to forgive each other. In marital life, forgiveness should be unconditional.
    As a result, the focus on each other is shifted. Sitting next to your partner with your own tablets does not equate to quality time.  
    6Money, Money, Money- Money is a huge issue. Marriages can often survive infidelity but money issues can be a dissolver of the marital union universally. Nadirah maintains that this issue is not uncommon in the Muslim household. It can be way at times for the insecure man to control the woman. In a two-income household, there is often resentment felt for the partner who earns more. This often leads to unhealthy competition.
     7Forgive Me; Honey- Forgiveness should come easy to a relationship based on mutual love. Not so for a majority of couples according to the experts. Unwillingness to forgive for minor offences (i.e. not unpacking the dishwasher, leaving clothes lying around) and major issues (i.e. accumulating debt) can affect negatively on a relationship. Most issues in a marriage can arise from a partner’s unwillingness to forgive each other. In marital life, forgiveness should be unconditional.  
    8Lack of Appreciation- When appreciation is low, conflict is high. Lack of appreciation is often the root cause of infidelity in marriage. Couples tend to take their partner for granted. They mistakenly believe they will always be there. When two people feel 100% validated and appreciated by their partner, there is little room for conflict.  
    9Emotional Affairs- Islamic Care line, a counseling service for couples in South Africa has seen a major rise in emotional affairs with the advancement of technology. These affairs are usually not about sex, but more an emotional intimacy shared with someone else rather than the partner.
    Learning to trust and be emotionally healed after these types of affairs can be incredibly difficult. Couples face a huge uphill battle, and it can be avoided if the partner learned to express their feelings and needs to their significant other.  
    10Power Struggles- Anisa Moosa, a social worker at Islamic Care line finds this to be huge issue in marriages as couples compete even spiritually to be on top of the relationship. Each partner tries to outdo the other and this can have disastrous effect if the couples do not know when or how to toe the line.
    When winning and being right becomes more important than having a loving union then the victory is often hollow and short lived. Relationships are complicated and couples’ circumstances are unique. Although these are certainly not all of the relationship troubles that can befall us, they are the most common ones, which seem to be reported. Always invest in your relationship and be grateful that Allah has bestowed you with a beloved partner in this world.

    Kylie Jenner shows off her curvaceous body in a purple bikini

    Kylie Jenner who is currently in Mexico still celebrating her birthday with her friends put her curvaceous body on display at Joe Francis' private estate Casa Aramara in Mexico. More photos after the cut....

    Senators reject pay cut recommendation by panel

    The Senate on Wednesday suspended consideration of the report of its Finance committee following disagreements among members over the pay cut recommended by the panel.
    It was gathered that during a 2 hour deliberation behind closed doors the senators resolved to reject the reduction of salaries and allowances as recommended by the Senator James Manager’s committee.
    The senators said it was not possible to accept pay cut with other beneficiaries of the N120bn National Assembly annual budget not doing same. He said his colleagues also resolved to reject the report because the recommendations were not practicable.

    Nigerian gets 22 years in U.S. prison for helping al Qaeda affiliate

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Nigerian citizen accused of receiving weapons training from al Qaeda's Yemeni affiliate and writing rap lyrics, among other contributions, for the group's English-language media operations was sentenced on Wednesday to 22 years in U.S. prison, authorities said.
    Lawal Babafemi, 35, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge John Gleeson in Brooklyn after pleading guilty in April 2014 to providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
    Prosecutors had sought up to 30 years in prison for Babafemi, who was extradited from Nigeria in 2013 after being arrested several times two years earlier on local terrorism charges.
    Babafemi's court-appointed lawyer in Brooklyn was not immediately available for comment on Wednesday afternoon.
    Prosecutors said that from January 2010 to August 2011, Babafemi traveled from Nigeria to Yemen twice to meet with leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, known as AQAP.
    During his time with that group, Babafemi, who went by the name "Ayatollah Mustapha," worked on AQAP's media operations, including its magazine "Inspire," prosecutors said.
    He and two other individuals including a Vietnamese man named Minh Quang Pham contributed writing and editing, prosecutors said, and Babafemi became close with Samir Khan, a U.S. citizen who was Inspire's editor.
    Together, the men appeared in the magazine in a photograph, wearing camouflage and holding rifles, authorities say.
    After Khan and Pham had the idea of recording rap songs as AQAP propaganda, Babafemi began writing lyrics about jihad, prosecutors said.
    The group's leadership, including Anwar al-Awlaki, paid Babafemi almost $9,000 to recruit English speakers from Nigeria, prosecutors said.
    Khan and Awlaki, a U.S. citizen born in New Mexico, were killed in U.S. drone strikes in Yemen in 2011. Pham was extradited to the United States in March and is awaiting trial.

    Mum bursts into a chapel after 'slashing her 3-month-old baby’s throat

    Police say they have arrested a woman suspected of killing her 3-month-old baby by slashing his throat in a cemetery chapel in a small central Spanish town.
    A Civil Guard spokesman said the woman, a 37-year-old Spaniard, was arrested early Wednesday in the cemetery of Villa de Don Fadrique, located just southeast of Madrid.
    According to reports, the woman had recently spent time in a psychiatric hospital and picked up her son that day from a relative's house.

    She is then alleged to have taken the baby to the cemetery where she used a kitchen knife to fatally cut the infant's neck.
    After the act, the woman is said to have burst into a nearby chapel yelling 'I have the devil inside'.
    El Mundo, Spain's largest newspaper, reports that a neighbor called authorities when she saw the woman walking around near the cemetery looking 'very nervous'.
    Police showed up at the scene where they found the dead baby and the mother walking around in shock. The woman was treated by doctors and taken to a nearby hospital for further assessment.
    The woman was married to a man from Colombia who found out about about the grisly murder later in the day.
    The couple have one other 3-year-old child, who remains safe and with a relative.
    The mayor of the town, Jaime Santos, said he knew the 'pretty' woman and said that she may have been suffering from postpartum depression.
    An officer said a judge had a placed a secrecy order on the investigation and he could not give any further details.
    The officer spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with police regulations.

    North Korea's vice premier executed

    North Korea's vice premier Choe Yong-Gon has been executed for voicing frustration at the policies of leader Kim Jong-Un, South Korea's Yonhap news agency said Wednesday, citing an anonymous source.

    Choe was last seen in the North's state media last December at the death anniversary of the late leader Kim Jong-Il, South Korea's unification ministry said Wednesday.
    Choe, who took the job in June 2014, was executed by firing squad in May after voicing opposition to forestry policies promoted by Kim, Yonhap said, citing the source "with knowledge of the North".
    Seoul was "closely monitoring the possibility of any changes in Choe's circumstances", said the ministry, which is in charge of cross-border affairs.

    Helicopter crashes into lagoon in Nigeria's Lagos, killing at least four

    Debris of an helicopter is washed ashore Lagos Lagoon after it crashed into the lagoon in Oworonsoki district in Lagos
    View photoLAGOS (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying 12 people crashed into a lagoon in Nigeria's commercial capital Lagos on Wednesday, killing at least four people, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)said.
    The helicopter operated by offshore energy transportation specialists Bristow Group, flying from an oil rig, crashed at around 3.30 p.m. (1430 GMT) in the Oworonshoki area of the city, shortly before it was due to land.
    A rescue operation was continuing.
    "We were watching the helicopter swaying in the air. And then it started to go down. As soon as it hit the water, we saw flames," said Nkoli Moka, who watched the crash from a car on the city's Third Mainland bridge.
    "Four bodies have been recovered. Six people survived and two people are missing," said Fan Ndubuoke, a spokesman for the NCAA. The aircraft had been carrying 10 passengers and two crew.
    Bristow Helicopters (Nigeria) Limited is part of Bristow Group, which provides helicopter transport to the worldwide offshore energy industry.
    "Bristow Helicopters (Nigeria) Limited, confirmed today
    that one of its helicopters was involved in an accident ... on approach to the Murtala Muhammed International Airport at Lagos, Nigeria," said the company in a statement.
    "The aircraft, a Sikorsky S-76C+, was returning from a drilling rig offshore," it said.
    (Reporting by Alexis Akwagyiram and Angela Ukomadu; additional reporting by Julia Payne in Abuja; editing by Andrew Roche)

    Huge blasts at Chinese port kill 44, firefighters missing

    By Joseph Campbell and Sui-Lee Wee
    TIANJIN, China (Reuters) - Two huge explosions tore through an industrial area where toxic chemicals and gas were stored in the northeast Chinese port city of Tianjin, killing at least 44 people, including at least a dozen fire fighters, officials and state media said on Thursday.
    At least 520 people were injured, more than 60 of them seriously, the Tianjin government said on its Weibo microblog, and the People's Daily newspaper said four fires were still burning.