Wednesday 25 March 2015

Edo Govt Raises the Alarm over Alleged Plans to Clamp Down on APC Leaders During Elections

Edo state Commissioner for Information, Mr. Louis Odion

Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

The Edo State Government has raised the alarm over alleged plans by the opposition to use security agencies to clampdown on the faithful of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the State, including members of the state executive council, as part of the desperate moves to cow the people of the state and pave the way for the rigging of the forthcoming election in the state.
In a statement signed by the state Commissioner for Information, Mr. Louis Odion, the government said: “We wish to alert the Nigerian public, foreign election observers and lovers of democracy to an evil plot by the presidency to clampdown on APC in a last-ditch attempt to rig the coming general election in Edo State in favour of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
“The devilish design consists of a vicious smear campaign against Governor Adams Oshiomhole, in form of newspaper adverts/articles and sponsored television documentary dripping of lies and slander as well as intimidation and detention of APC leaders across the 18 councils in the state on trumped up charges.
“One of such smear campaigns was featured on the national network of NTA yesterday signed by “Edo Political Rebirth Group”, a phantom body, in clear breach of decency and NBC code. We find it curious that whereas decent jingles taken by APC and its supporters to the same NTA are rejected outright, this supposed public trust has been desecrated and parlayed by PDP to slander innocent citizens of Nigeria.
“We are aware that some media organisations, mindful of the laughable and libelous contents, had responsibly rejected the said adverts/documentaries in spite of the huge blood money offered them in dollars.
“We not only condemn this recourse to Nazi tactics by a desperate and - by God’s grace - outgoing PDP government, but wish to reassure that the Comrade Governor remains unshaken in the noble struggle to reclaim Nigeria from a hopelessly incompetent ruling party. Their desperation should be understood.
“In 2011, President Goodluck Jonathan polled more than 90 per cent of the votes in Edo on account of a singular push by Oshiomhole who deployed his persuasive skill to sell Jonathan against his own party’s candidate in the hope that the then trenchant promise of ‘fresh breath’ would redeem the nation.
“Now utterly disillusioned by PDP’s monumental failure, Oshiomhole is convinced the challenge confronting the nation today transcends ethnic solidarity or religious affinity.  To him, it is now a choice between those who want a continuity of insecurity, corruption and deepening poverty and a promise of real change as embodied by APC’s General Muhammadu Buhari.
“For the avoidance of doubt, the Comrade Governor calls on APC members to remain calm but resolute against the dirty moves by these anti-democratic forces in the rock-solid conviction that Edo people, like other patriots across the country, are now wiser and will vote for change come March 28 and April 11.”

PDP Alleges INEC’s Plan to Rig Presidential Election

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 Director of the PDP Presidential Campaigns, Femi Fani Kayode

•       Calls for investigative audit of PVCs production
•       Says Sani Musa owner of ACT. Technologies is staunch member of APC
Less than seventy hours to the Presidential and National Assembly elections, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Campaign Organisation has raised the alarm that the Independent National Elections (INEC) is plotting to rig the elections in favour of the All Progressives Congress.
The PDP Presidential Campaigns disclosed that Sani Musa, the owner of the ACT Technologies that produced the Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) is a card-carrying member of APC.
It also called for a comprehensive audit of the production of the PVCs, as the party is suspecting that the production of the PVCs has been compromised.
Addressing newsmen on Wednesday, the Director of the PDP Presidential Campaigns, Femi Fani Kayode, said it is incumbent as a responsible, accountable and sensible campaign organisation to expose the rot, point out the dangers of doing nothing about it, finger and identify those that are involved and call on the authorities to do something about it before it is too late..
According to Fani Kayode, “Our concerns stem from the fact that the moving spirit and a major shareholder and board member of the company that supplied the card reader system and machines to INEC is not only a friend of but also an ardent and keen supporter of General Mohammadu Buhari and the APC. That man's name is Sani Musa and he is indeed the main force behind the company. The company's name is Act Technologies Ltd. and the Chairman of the company is one Engineer SK Danladi.”

Court Removes Legal Hurdles against Buhari's Participation in Saturday's Polls

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Court Hammer
A  Federal High Court in Abuja has finally cleared the hurdles for the presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC, General Muhammadu Buhari to participate in the Saturday Presidential Polls.
The court has finally adjourned further hearing  in the suit seeking to disqualify Buhari till April 22 and 23.
This adjournment has finally laid to rest the speculation that  the court would be used to stop Buhari from taking part in the Saturday polls.
About four different plaintiffs have approached the court seeking to disqualify Buhari from participating in the presidential polls over alleged certificate forgery and perjury‎.
The trial judge, Justice Adeniyi Ademola at the resumed hearing Tuesday refused the joinder application brought by one pro-democracy activist, Ebunoluwa Adegoruwa and another lawyer, Chukwuma Ochu seeking to be joined in the matter.
Ruling on their application, the court held that none of the parties seeking to be joined had  shown enough interest that could warrant their joinder.
The court  described them as interlopers and busy bodies.
It was on that note that the court refused their application.

My vision of Nigeria in four years by Goodluck Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan’s vision of Nigeria is one of a rosy future built on a secured environment, robust and diversified economy and well laid infrastructure to guarantee good life to all Nigerians.
In articulating his vision of where he wants to take Nigeria to, the president recalled his well known humble beginnings, his challenges in office especially the difficulties tackling Boko Haram which he claims as a worldwide phenomenon that has only lately landed in Nigeria and his achievements so far in office.
“When I was growing up in Otuoke, a small town in Bayelsa, as the son of a boat builder, life was hard. Of nine children to my parents, only two of us survived. But I had the chance to go to school. Many did not. I worked at my studies. God smiled on me. I am here today as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and I tell you now: there is not a moment that I forget where I come from, or how tough life can be for so many of us.
“I have no sense of entitlement. I am not from a big family. I do not come from a profession or background that believes it has some God-given right to rule. I am here because of the will of the people and I will remain here because of the will of the people. I  am willing and able to serve, but I am not desperate to serve. I am living proof that Nigeria is a country that rewards hardwork, integrity and ambition. At its best, Nigeria is a country where, no matter where you come from, through honesty, hard work and by the grace of God, everything is possible.
Vision for Nigeria
DEBATE-Jonathan“I shall win this election because Nigerians know exactly who I am, and what I stand for. I fight for what I believe in. I don’t walk out of the door when the going gets tough. Nigerians know what I have delivered and I want Nigerians to know what I will deliver in the next four years. Our plan will build on the platform we have laid in the last four years, to deliver growth, prosperity, peace and justice for all. We are ready to take Nigeria to the next level.
“The future I see and work for is for a Nigeria that works for all. I see a Nigeria where mothers and children do not die due to lack of medical attention. A Nigeria where no child goes to bed hungry or is out of school because of family circumstances. In the future of Nigeria that I see, the young and the youths will receive quality and sound education that provides them access to job opportunities and a higher standard of living.  A Nigeria where the elderly have access to the medical care they require and life expectancy is significantly higher than it is today.

Buhari is the change Nigerians are yearning for — Eloka

Bernadine Ifeoma Eloka, a seasoned accountant is the CEO of Clarion Shipping West Africa, a business woman and grass root women mobiliser who is mobilizing the business community for change. She spoke on her passion for change. 
What informed your decision to throw your weight behind the APC candidate? Why now?
My decision to threw my weight behind the candidature of the former military Head of State and mobilize support for General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) through massive mobilization of Nigerians most especially women is borne out of my conviction that what we need in this time of our nation’s history is true change not mere promises. We started by mobilizing the Igbo women of Amoji Women Association, Umoji, in Anambra State during our annual New Year Get together party in Amuwo-Odofin, Lagos. Since then, we have been mobilizing effort that will boost APC chances at the poll. Presently, we are mobilizing both women and men in all our areas of influence to support and vote for change.
Are you saying that APC is the party for the change that Nigerians want?
Yes. APC is the true change we want. It is the party for change. We have discovered that APC is the right party with the right candidate to give Nigeria and Nigerians the needed change for a better Nigeria. There is no doubt that APC is a party for change. We are tired of empty promises, which our politicians have always failed to fulfil. This is the opportunity we have to tell other women what we have discovered about Buhari. We need a man who is angry at the state of the nation as it affects the masses, to bring positive change.
Does this mean that you do not share the sentiment that President Jonathan should continue with what he has started?
It does not matter where a candidate hails from, especially if the person possesses good leadership qualities to salvage the country from its predicament for a positive change that is missing. Too many things are wrong with this government. Look at the challenges of doing business or of investing in the country, foreigners don’t have confidence here anymore, because they are not sure of tomorrow in terms of government policies and security. As business people, what we are looking for is a government that would build confidence in foreigners. What we want is constant power supply and security that will attract a lot of foreign investors into this country. You’ll find out that if we achieve this, the issue of unemployment will be addressed

Why I’m being attacked over card readers — Jega

ABUJA—Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission, INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega, Wednesday, said he has no regrets for insisting on deploying Smart Card Reader machines for the conduct of the general election, saying he knew that the decision would attract unwarranted attacks on his integrity as a person.
Would-be riggers the ones crying foul, says INEC boss
Jega, who stated this while unveiling the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room in Abuja yesterday,, maintained that it is only those that hitherto nurtured plans to fraudulently manipulate the outcome of the elections, that have been crying foul over the introduction of the technology which he said would only add credibility to the electoral process in the country.
He said that INEC had perfected all its strategies and put every apparatus in place with a view to ensuring a hitch free poll that will reflect the summative choice of Nigerians.
“Let me use this opportunity to reassure Nigerians that we believe that we have done everything possible to ensure that the 2015 general election is successful. We are adequately prepared in terms of both logistics and manpower. Likewise, all the security agencies, especially the police which have a lead role to play in terms of providing security during elections, have assured us that they are ready.
Chairman of the Commission, Professor Attahiru Jega
Chairman of the Commission, Professor Attahiru Jega
“Beginning from today, we are commencing the rolling out of non-sensitive materials. Likewise, from Friday, all the sensitive materials will be retrieved from the vault of the Central Bank Nigeria by our officers, accompanied by security operatives and representatives of the political parties”.
He said that the materials would be distributed to states from where it would be taken to local government areas and subsequently to the ward level.

Please Don't Vote For Prison - Patience Jonathan

Dame Patience Jonathan, wife of the president, has begged Nigerians not to vote Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, the APC presidential candidate so as to avoid going to prison.
The first lady made this plea at a PDP rally held at the Gani Fawehinmi freedom Arcade ground in Akure, on March 24, Tuesday.

According to Vanguard, she warned Nigerians not to make the mistake of voting Buhari because a vote for Buhari is a vote to send people to Prison.
According to her, a dictator will always be a dictator no matter how his handlers white wash him
She described the APC as a party of liars, propagandists adding that the party has “nothing to offer but to grab power by all means”.

Dame Jonathan said the Jonathan administration impacted the lives of women more than any administration before him.
She pointed out that out of 42 Federal executive council member under President Jonathan 16 were women.
” This is pay back time for President Jonathan all our women should come out on Saturday and cast their vote for him
Dame listed all the achievement of the president in the area of education, transportation, Agriculture, oil and gas, power, aviation, trade and investment health and security.
She said the president has promised to give 40 percent political positions to the women if  he is re elected.

The wife of the president said Nigerians should nail the political coffin of Gen Buhari next Saturday by not voting for him.
Patience Jonathan’s latest attack on Buhari comes barely a week after she labeled Governor Rotimi Amaechi a rascal for accusing her of being behind the attack on APC supporters in Okrika.

Buhari's Disqualification Will Bring Great Chaos – APC

The All Progressives Congress, APC, has made known what will happen if the Goodluck Jonathan administration truly want to do a-last-minute disqualification of Rtd. Gen. Muhammad Buhari from the forthcoming presidential race.
Vanguard reports that the APC has warned against any orchestrated, last-minute disqualification of its presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu, in order to pave the way for an easy victory for President Goodluck Jonathan or even another postponement of the elections.
In a statement issued in Abuja  earlier today by the National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party warned the  Federal Government, saying, ”If it is true, as it is being widely speculated across the country, that the Jonathan Administration has procured a judgement to disqualify the APC Presidential Candidate on Wednesday, when the Federal High Court in Abuja is expected to rule on the issue, then it portends a great danger for our country.”

While adding to other reasons, it also made it known that the six-week postponement of the elections may have been used by those who never wanted the polls to hold in the first instance to shop for such a satanic judgement.
”Anyone who will disqualify a presidential candidate on the eve of an election can only have one and only one purpose for that: to trigger chaos and pandemonium across the country. Perhaps this is the reason for the deployment of troops across the country to crack down on possible protests and create confusion
”Then, those who orchestrated the disqualification will simply use what they expect to be angry reactions nationwide as aan excuse to postpone the elections again, thus triggering a constitutional crisis, the end of which no one can predict.
”This is why we are hoping that good reason will prevail and nothing will be done, deliberately, to plunge Nigeria into crisis by the same people who have always been quick to say their political ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian,” APC said.
There are no fewer than 10 suits seeking Mr. Buhari’s disqualification from the race on different grounds. All have now been consolidated for a hearing since they are all seeking the same end.
Meanwhile, the All Progressives Congress (APC) is reportedly worried by an order by Justice Abdu Kafarati of the Federal High Court in Abuja for an accelerated hearing in a suit alleging forgery and perjury against Gen Muhammadu Buhari.

Why Buhari Openly Shed Tears For Nigeria -Muse

Why Buhari Openly Shed Tears For Nigeria -Muse
Alhaji Razaq Muse

The former national vice-chairman of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, Alhaji Razaq Muse has talked about the All Progressives Congress presidential candidate, Rtd. Gen. Mohammad Buhari.
Alhaji Razaq Muse in a new interview with Punch talked about the coming Saturday elections and why Buhari, who was the CPC’s presidential candidate in the 2011 election, wept openly after his loss. Read excerpts below:
  • PDP says Buhari will Islamise Nigeria….What can you say about that?
This is not possible because even during his time as the military Head of State, the Supreme Military Council was made up of Christians and Muslims. Now we are in a democratic system and have both federal and state legislative bodies. And you know, for you to Islamise Nigeria, they must get two thirds of the National Assembly and state houses of assembly to agree to it so how can he Islamise Nigeria? It is all cock and bull story.
Buhari, I can tell you without mincing words, vowed in 2011 that he would not contest again. I was there beside him when he shed tears. He did that because he felt that despite his desire to bring about
change in this country, people could not see it. At that time, he was trying to have an alliance with the then Action Congress of Nigeria but that alliance collapsed three days before the elections. But today, it was the people that called him saying, “General, you are still alive and healthy, come on board.”

CBN gives banks three months to submit recapitalization plan

Abuja—THE Central Bank of Nigeria has directed some systemically important banks considered too big to fail, that are short of capital to submit recapitalization plans to it by June 13th.
The CBN letter suggest that a few undisclosed banks do not meet the minimum CAR of 10 per cent and 15 per cent for regional/national and international banks, respectively, under Basel II. These banks have been given three months, till 13 June 2015, to submit recapitalisation plans and till 30 June 2016 to implement same.
CBN Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele
CBN Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele
The letter also affirms CBN’s willingness to support the banks in their bid to raise the required capital.
Some banks have either been raising funds through rights issues or have approached the international capital market to raise dollar denominated bonds.
CBN last year classified eight Nigerian banks – First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank), Zenith Bank Plc, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTBank), United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA), Access Bank, Ecobank Nigeria Plc, Diamond Bank Plc and Skye Bank Plc – as systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) and imposed on them a new set of rules, requiring them to maintain a minimum Capital Adequacy Ratio CAR of 16 per cent.

Tales of the unexpected at NNPC and CBN, By Atedo Peterside

Atedo Peterside
Atedo Peterside
A foreign correspondent first called my attention to it. We were at the same party in Lagos. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, in a tone that suggested conspiracy and/or gossip, asking if I had heard about the missing $49.8 bn at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). There was a glint in his eye. A knowing look and a half smile that said: “after all this is Nigeria and so we love to give headline coverage to the negative – theft, corruption, sleaze etc.” I pointed at the glass in his hand and asked him if he had been drinking a little too much.
I could understand $1bn or $2 bn going missing, but not $49.8 bn which was close to 75 per cent of our Federal Budget. Then he “hit” me with what I was least prepared for. The allegation came via a letter addressed to President Goodluck Jonathan by the then Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), which alleged that up to $49.8bn might have gone missing at the NNPC.
My head was spinning because I knew there was no way such a huge amount could be missing without the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Finance Minister (CME) and her team being aware. Meanwhile, I knew the ex-CBN Governor to be largely patriotic, sincere, hard-working, intelligent, courageous and truthful. If I was to list his faults (and we all have ours), I would have listed a hot temper, mild arrogance, and being “louder” than all his contemporaries around the globe. It was impossible for me to reconcile the CME’s assurances and my own intuitive assessment that any missing funds could not be anywhere near $49.8 billion, with my knowledge of the ex-CBN Governor to be basically a truthful person. I shall return to this theme later.

Buhari tells Nigerians: Don’t be intimidated

Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar yesterday frontally dismissed insinuations of his possible endorsement of President Goodluck Jonathan for a second term as he affirmed that only General Muhammadu Buhari could tackle the critical problems facing the country.
Atiku spoke at the Northeast Zonal Rally of the All Progressives Congress, APC as Buhari urged voters not to allow themselves to be intimidated from coming out on Saturday to cast their votes.
Yesterday’s zonal rally attended by governors and party chieftains from the Northeast literally led to a lockdown of the city. Roads leading to the Ibrahim Babangida Square, venue of the rally were congested as early as 7.00 a.m even though the rally did not commence until late yesterday evening.
Atiku who was making his first appearance at a Buhari rally, said:
‘’I want to use this opportunity to plead to you all of you to vote for Gen Buhari. All his promises to you in 2003, 2007 and 2011 would be fulfilled this time if given the needed votes in 2015. Buhari, I am telling you that so many challenging responsibilities await you if God allows you to be President The task is enormous. It is the task of fixing Nigeria. Presently all the sectors in this country have collapsed.’’
‘’We have been supporting you for a very long time because we believe that you will save this country. When God makes you the President, the retarded development we have had in this country and the growing unemployment should be among you priorities. We are pleading that you save this country. Our support for us is as a result of some of these challenges we have highlighted.’’
Buhari on his part said: ‘’Atiku has highlighted our problems in this country. Others who spoke also reiterated the fact that Nigeria needs to be salvaged. On the day of election of the election, don’t allow yourselves to be intimated. Be calm and peaceful.

Nigerians will witness bloodless revolution this Saturday – Oshiomhole

BENIN CITY- AHEAD this weekend’s presidential election, Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State says Nigerians will witness what he described as bloodless revolution this Saturday but however warned against any plot by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to use the military to intimidate voters in states controlled by the opposition.

He pointed out however that “although we learnt in literature that those who made peaceful change impossible, they indirectly encourage violent change”. Speaking after a road walk tagged “March for Buhari” which started from Oba Ovoranwen square, the city Centre, and culminated in a mass rally in the New Benin area of the state capital, Monday, Oshiomhole said Nigerians have the opportunity on Saturday to vote out the government which has failed them in the past 16 years.
Oshiomhole stressed that the transformation agenda of the present administration has failed to make any meaningful impact on the country, and rather than transform the country, President Goodluck Jonathan’s transformation agenda has rather deformed the country, adding that Jonathan’s administration has abused the trust of the people and should be voted out. He said: “I have seen the huge gap between the promise and the reality. Nigeria today is 16 years into democracy. Governments have come and made promises, they have abused the trust of our people.

Kaduna PDP plans to impose curfew, APC alleges

The All Progressives Congress, Kaduna State Council, on Tuesday raised the alarm that the ruling Peoples Democratic Party is planning to cause violence in the state so that election would be held under curfew.
Spokesman of the Council, Mr. Samuel Aruwan, in a statement, said the party was not surprised because of the desperation of the PDP to sabotage the election.
According to the APC, the party (PDP) plans to instigate violent actions and confrontations as a pretext to impose a curfew. He said this would lead to a suppressed turnout and therefore give them the opportunity to rig the forthcoming election.
Specifically in Kaduna State,”the PDP has arranged to ensure that cars emblazoned with the pictures of Goodluck Jonathan and Namadi Sambo are driven persistently through the known APC strongholds in the hope of triggering a reaction.
Aruwan said, “The APC has also hired and primed its thugs to act with a practice run, being staged at Ungwar Shanu last Sunday.
“However in the coming days, the PDP plans to put its thugs in APC attires so as to shift the blame for the nefarious, brutal and callous acts of violence they are planning.”

Judge orders NCC, telecoms firms to pay APC N500m

Eugene Ikemefuna Juwah, the Executive Vice Chairman, NCC

Apart from NCC, the other judgment debtors are Etisalat, MTN Nigeria Limited, Globacom Limited, Airtel Nigeria Limited and Visafone Communications Limited.A Federal High Court in Lagos has ordered the Nigerian Communications Commission and five others to pay the All Progressives Congress a sum of N500m over unlawful shutting down of its presidential campaign fund-raising platform.
The monetary cost was awarded against the six respondents severally and jointly on Tuesday by Justice Ibrahim Buba, who held that the shutting down of APC presidential campaign platform by the respondent was unlawful and constituted an infringement on the party’s fundamental right.
The party, through its lawyer, Chief Kola Awodein (SAN), had sued the respondents, claiming N25bn in damages for banning its presidential campaign fund-raising platform.
APC had accused the NCC of instructing the 2nd to 6th respondents to discontinue an SMS platform it created for the purpose of getting donations from willing members of the public for its presidential campaign.
The party claimed that it initiated the participatory fund-raising platform as a way of getting members of the general public to contribute N100 to its presidential campaign fund each time they sent APC as an SMS to 35350.

Buhari planning to build prisons —Patience Jonathan

Mrs. Patience Jonathan

Speaking at a rally organised by the women wing of the Peoples Democratic Party, in Akure, Ondo State, on Tuesday, the President’s wife said Nigerian women should reciprocate the gesture of her husband, who ensured that a large number of women was appointed into political offices during his administration.Wife of the President, Mrs. Patience Jonathan, has warned women against voting for the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Muhammadu Buhari, saying the retired soldier was planning to build prisons if elected into power.
She said the APC was a dying party that thrives on propaganda and lies, saying that women should not be deceived into “returning to bondage.”
She said, “If you vote Buhari, you vote for prison. When the PDP is busy building schools, they are busy thinking of building jails.
“We will not allow our children to be put in jail, God forbid. We pray for oneness, we pray for unity, we pray for peace.”
Patience urged the women to come out on Saturday and vote for “the government that has provided more access to education and health care and brought down by 50 per cent the maternal mortality rate.”
“He was a former Head of State, he did not build Almajiri schools. It was Goodluck Jonathan that built the schools.

Anxiety as judge adjourns suit to stop Buhari till today

Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd)
Justice Adeniyi Ademola is to rule on fresh applications by intended parties seeking to join the suits as defendants.There was anxiety in the camp of the All Progressives Congress on Tuesday as a Federal High Court in Abuja fixed Wednesday (today) for further proceedings in one of the suits challenging the eligibility of the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(retd.), to contest in Saturday’s presidential election.
The judge fixed Wednesday (today) for the ruling after hearing the intended parties’ applications on Tuesday.
Those whose applications for joining the suit as defendants were heard on Tuesday are Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, Chukwuma Ochu, Sunusi Musa, Ahmed Maitarki and the Fiscal and Civil Rights Enlightenment Foundation.
The suit was filed on January 26, 2015 by a lawyer, Chukwunweike Okafor, asking the court to declare Buhari ineligible to contest the presidential election slated for Saturday over his (Buhari’s) alleged failure to submit his school certificate along with his Form CF001 to INEC.
The Plaintiff’s counsel, Chief Mike Ozekhome (SAN), had in his objection to the applications of the intended defendants, described the applicants as interlopers.

APC, others ask court to order impeachment proceedings against Fayose

Governor Ayodele Fayose

The All Progressives Congress (APC) Presidential Campaign Council and 53 others have asked the Federal High Court in Abuja to compel the Ekiti State House of Assembly to begin impeachment proceedings against Governor Ayodele Fayose.
In the suit filed on Monday, the plaintiff accused Fayose of gross misconduct for allegedly suggesting, in an advert he sponsored in some national newspapers, that the APC’s presidential candidate, Maj. Gen.  Muhammadu Buhari, will die in office, if he is elected.
They prayed the court to award N50billion against Fayose and 21 other defendants for malicious falsehood against Buhari
The APC, which sued through its Legal Directorate, and other plaintiffs, alleged that such act by Fayose was a public misconduct “unbecoming of a Nigerian governor”.
The plaintiffs alleged that Fayose, described as Coordinator of the Goodluck/Sambo Presidential Campaign Organisation of the Peoples Democratic Party, sponsored the publications using the statutory funds of the Ekiti State government.
They, therefore, want the court to declare that the act of the defendants constitute a breach of Section 95(1) of the Electoral Act (2010) as amended.

Buhari can’t be disqualified, says APC


‘Boko Haram kidnaps 500 in Borno’

Boko Haram ok

Residents of Damasak in Borno State said yesterday that Boko Haram insurgents kidnapped over 400 women and children, as they left the town when it was freed by troops from Niger and Chad, a few days ago.
“They took 506 young women and children,  killing about 50 of them before leaving,” a trader, Souleymane Ali, told Reuters.
“We don’t know if they killed others after leaving, but they took the rest with them.”
Lt.-Col. Toumba Mohamed, the Nigerien commander of the Niger-Chad forces in Damasak, said residents reported between 400 and 500 women and children kidnapped, according to Reuters report.
Yesterday, the Defence Headquarters said troops took over the control of Pulka, also in Borno State, after a fierce encounter with Boko Haram militias.
Troops also arrested a male suicide bomber, who was on a mission to attack Kwaya Kusar Market in Borno State.
A plot by two women suicide bombers was yesterday aborted by troops at Aouno in Borno State.
The Director, Defence Information, Maj.-Gen. Chris Olukolade, who spoke in a statement in Abuja, said there was no going back on the mission against the insurgents.

150 die in German plane crash

german plane crash

Rescuers have recovered the black box of a GermanWings plane which  crashed yesterday in the French Alps on its way from Barcelona to Duesseldorf, killing all 150 people on board.
The Airbus A320 – flight 4U 9525 – went down between Digne and Barcelonnette. None of the 144 passengers or six crew is expected to have survived.
French air investigators were last night examining a black box cockpit voice recorder (CVR).
Investigators are puzzled as to why the crew did not send out a mayday or distress signal as flight U49525 rapidly lost altitude for eight minutes, or why the pilot did not change course to avoid smashing into a rocky ravine at around 430mph (700kmh).
In the last 10 minutes of the flight, there was total radio silence from the crew of the Barcelona–Düsseldorf flight operated by Lufthansa’s low-cost subsidiary.
Yesterday’s crash happened around local time in calm weather. Unverified information from plane-tracking websites appeared to rule out an explosion or a mid-air stall, both of which would cause a much faster descent. Experts said planes such as the Airbus would be able to glide for some distance in the case of total engine failure.
David Learmount, the operations and safety editor of Flightglobal, said on Twitter: “German-operated A320s do not crash in the cruise. Not these days. This one is weird.”
The dead are believed to include 16 German schoolchildren. French and German leaders have expressed shock.
“This is the hour in which we all feel deep sorrow,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters, adding that she was planning to travel to the crash site.
A rescue helicopter has reportedly reached the site of the crash, in a remote mountain area.
Gilbert Sauvan, a local council official, told Les Echos newspaper that the plane had “disintegrated”.
“The largest debris is the size of a car,” he said.
The passengers included a German school class on its way back from an exchange trip.
Sandrine Boisse, a tourism official from the ski resort of Pra Loup, told the BBC that she had heard a strange noise in the mountains at around11:00 (10:00 GMT).
“At first we thought it was on the ski slopes, an avalanche, but it wasn’t the same noise,” she said. “I think it was the noise of when a plane goes very quickly down.”
The plane began descending one minute after reaching its cruising height and continued to lose altitude for eight minutes, Germanwings managing director Thomas Winkelmann told reporters.
He said the aircraft lost contact with French air traffic controllers at 10:53 at an altitude of about 6,000 feet
Although it began its life as an independent low-cost carrier, Germanwings is wholly owned by its parent Lufthansa.
It operates increasing numbers of the group’s point-to-point short-haul routes and takes many passengers from German cities to Mediterranean sunspots.
The airline has an excellent safety record with no previously reported accidents. The average age of its Airbus fleet is just over nine years old, though flight 4U 9525 was a 24-year-old A320.
The plan was to phase out the Germanwings brand and replace it with Eurowings.
There has been a longstanding dispute with the Vereinigung Cockpit union over early retirement. Pilots went on strike for three days around this time last year
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said he had sent Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve to the scene and a ministerial crisis cell had been set up to co-ordinate the incident.
The interior ministry said debris had been located at an altitude of 2,000m (6,500ft).
Spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet told BFM TV that it would be “an extremely long and extremely difficult’’ search-and-rescue operation because of the remote location.
Spain’s King Felipe, on a state visit to France, thanked the French government for its help and said he was cancelling the rest of his visit.
The Airbus A320 is a single-aisle passenger jet popular for short and medium-haul flights.

Obasanjo cautions against hate campaign


Barely three days to the presidential election, former President Olusegun Obasanjo is worried over rumours of a likely handing over of power to the military.
Obasanjo said Nigeria is awash with rumours of an Interim National Government(ING) being installed which, he said has been blown away, but wondered whether the rumour of the military take over would also go away.
The former President who quit partisan politics recently with the shredding of his Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) membership card by proxy, spoke at his Presidential Hilltop Estate, Abeokuta, the Ogun state capital, when the wife of the Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Hajia Aisha Buhari, and the Southwest women leaders and spouses of APC governors, visited him.
Obasanjo said besides military rule not being fashionable any longer, it is unconstitutional and the Intentional community would not condone it.
According to him, a military coup anywhere on the African soil would neither be accepted nor tolerated by the African Union (AU) member countries until such government is “dismantled.”
He warned that the world was watching Nigeria, saying as the largest country in Africa, Nigeria should be a model to others.
The former President urged Nigeria not to draw the rest of Africa backward and lamented the campaign of hate and division engaged in by those seeking elective.
He charged women to take active part in the redemptive mission for Nigeria, warning that should things go worse, they would be the hardest hit.

Buhari to youths: don’t carry arms


ALL Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Gen. Muhammadu Buhari yesterday took his non-violence campaign a notch higher by calling on youths not to take arms to the polling units on Saturday.
He spoke at the IBB Square in Bauchi, the Bauchi State capital, during the Northeast zonal rally.
The Northeast is the epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency.
Gen. Buhari, accompanied by former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, Governors Kashim Shettima (Borno), Ibrahim Gaidam (Yobe) and the APC governorship candidates in Bauchi and Gombe states, was received by a huge crowd.
Urging his supporters to be law abiding, the presidential candidate said: “I was overwhelmed by the large turnout of youths that came out to welcome me from the airport throughout the town to this venue. I want to tell you that those of you that are of voting age and have voter cards should come out on Saturday and vote for the APC from bottom to top.

INEC: voters free to stay back for ballot counting

•Samples of the ballot boxes for Satruday’s elections

VOTERS can witness the sorting and counting of ballot papers, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman Attahiru Jega said yesterday
“The results are to be announced to the hearing of all,” Prof. Jega said.
His position sharply contradicts that of police chief Suleiman Abba who said voters should go home after casting their ballots.
The duo spoke in Abuja yesterday during the INEC National Stakeholders Summit on the general elections, where Jega unveiled the procedure for the elections and launched the official app “myINEC”. This is the second time in one week that the INEC is overruling the police chief  on the issue. The elections will hold on Saturday.
The Inspector General of Police, who noted that he was only advising the electorate and politicians to stay away after casting their votes,  said waiting behind could contravene the Electoral Act, especially the one that bothers on loitering.
Abba relied on Section 129 of the Electoral Act, which lists some  of the actions which  could result in electoral offences. Section 129(1)(i) lists, amongst others, “loitering without lawful excuse after voting or after being refused to vote” as some of the actions, which could be seen as electoral offences.