Saturday 13 June 2015


Saraki, Dogara, Ekweremadu and PDP redivivus

Three weeks ago, a few Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) officials had defiantly, and with rousing, prescient confidence, announced that their party would be readied on time for the reclamation of the presidency in 2019.  Against an aggressive All Progressives Congress (APC) party, President Muhammadu Buhari’s cult following, APC’s near total dominance of the National Assembly and the states, and pushy, sometimes cantankerous APC propagandists and publicists, it was felt that PDP’s sanguineness was both far-fetched and gaseous talk. Last Tuesday, after the PDP almost single-handedly determined the outcome of the NASS leadership positions, and in the process grabbed the coveted post of Deputy Senate President, few still held on to the belief that PDP’s 2019 hope was a chimera.
In both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the PDP made the difference. Two years after its founding, the APC had still been unable to accrete power brilliantly and elegantly or crystallise its essence. Formless, quarrelsome, and self-satisfied, the new ruling party recklessly opened its flanks for external exploitation and manipulation. Gifted by political circumstances with the unique opportunity of insinuating itself into the confidence of APC’s legislative leaders, the PDP hungrily appropriated the chance and immersed itself in the internal politics of the APC, accentuating the divisions and distrust festering within the ruling party. Former Senate President David Mark relished the primal role of thrusting the dagger deeper into the back of the neophyte ruling party by masterminding the Machiavellian humiliation of the APC as a ruling party.

Tinubu and the parable of the ‘first supper’


WHEN I wrote the piece: ‘Tribute to Tinubu: A Parody of Shakespeare,’ a few friends and colleagues said I was un-characteristically ‘patronising’. Some wondered if I too had not fallen for the Tinubu ‘cult of the personality’; or as one of them put it, ‘cult of the insatiable power-seeker’. And to quite a few of those friends and colleagues whose opinion about my professional integrity I do give a damn about, I did vouchsafe some cogent explanation: first I said that even as I was sure they knew me not to ‘advocate for the devil’, yet they should not forget that I was not one either not to ‘give the devil his due’.
I should say, for the records, that I believed and I still do- that Tinubu deserved that tribute which I paid to him; that I still think him worthy of all the sentiments contained therein and that I still feel proud that I wrote that piece. Tinubu has fathered a peaceful political revolution in Nigeria which has not only moved our democracy beyond a notch by its shattering of the myth of the invincibility of incumbency, but it has saved the nation from the malignance of a ruinous era of political impunity which was bent on balkanising our country.

Gbajabiamila: Travails of a loyal party man

Femi Gbajabiamila

Femi Gbajabiamila

THE decision to set aside party directives in electing the new principal officers of the House of Representatives on Tuesday must be a big blow for former Minority Leader, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, the All Progressives Congress (APC) consensus candidate, who was narrowly defeated by the new Speaker Yakubu Dogara.
But, something in his demeanour suggests that what happened to the brilliant, hardworking and sound parliamentarian is a temporary setback and that he would bounce back in no time. In spite of the painful and controversial loss, he still congratulated the winner. He took a full page advertisement in a national daily yesterday, where he spoke on the eletion of the Speaker and rededicated himself to the service of his country.
He said, inter alia: “The contest has come and gone and God’s will has been done. I am greatly humbled and deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support from well wishers from across the country and beyond.
“I rededicate myself and I intend to continue to work hard in whatever capacity I may find myself for the progress of my constituency, state and country.”

Fashola, Segun Oni, Amaechi, Ezekwesili, Danbazzau may make Buhari’s cabinet

Fashola and Amaechi

One year after! Rest In Peace Kefee Obareki

The very talented singer died exactly today June 12th in 2014 in the US. Continue to rest in peace, Kefee Obareki Don Momoh.

NA election: Femi Gbajabiamila accepts defeat, says God's will has been done

Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, who was APC's choice of House of Reps Speaker, says he's accepted defeat of the election that held this past Tuesday. More tweets after the cut...

First assignment for anyone appointed as AGF is to probe Amnesty Int'l report- Buhari

President Buhari says the first assignment he will give anyone he appoints as the Attorney General of the Federation will be to examine the recently released Amnesty International report which indicted some top military officers of gross Human Rights Abuse.

In a statement released by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu today June 12th, President Buhari said the allegations leveled against the Nigerian military is quite disturbing and will require the AGF to look into the report and advise the govt on an appropriate course of action.

"The president is quite disturbed by the allegations contained in the report. The next step is to look into the allegations and confirm or disprove the disturbing details." The statement went further to add that allegations of Human Rights Abuse during President Buhari's tenure will be investigated immediately "Any allegation of human rights abuse that takes place during the tenure of President Buhari's government will be swiftly investigated and dealt with" the statement said.

Buhari off to South Africa, heads AU Summit

President Buhari will be departing Nigeria for South Africa on Saturday, June 13, to attend the 25th African Union Summit which is currently taking place in Johannesburg.

A statement issued on Friday in Abuja by the Special Adviser to the President on Media & Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, said Buhari will be undertaking his first continental assignment since taking office by chairing  the meeting of the  Peace and Security Committee of the AU summit, which will hold on Saturday, the day of his arrival.

He will also be holding a number of bilateral meetings that will consolidate his ongoing drive to secure Nigeria and the neighboring countries from Boko Haram.

The theme of this year's AU meeting is itself the issue of security. President Buhari will return to Nigeria on the morning of Tuesday, June 16.

World's first penis transplant recipient to become a father

The South African man who made headlines in March for having the world's first successful penis transplant is to become a father. His girlfriend is said to be 4 months pregnant. His doctor, Professor Andre van der Merwe says this development proves without a doubt that 'the transplant worked'.

The 21 year old recipient, who has not been identified, lost his penis in a botched traditional circumcision three years ago and had the ground-breaking, nine-hour surgery in December 2014.

"This is what we intended, that he should be able to stand up and be able to urinate and have intercourse, so it is a milestone for him," Dr Van der Merwe, head of Stellenbosch University's Division of Urology, told the BBC. He added that he was “very pleased” for his patient that he was to become a father.

Buhari to present ministerial list to National Assembly next week

Baring any last minute changes, President Buhari is expected to present his ministerial list to the National Assembly members for screening and consideration next week. The ministerial list is expected to be made up of only technocrats who he believes will be very productive in whatever capacity they are to function in.

Names like ex Lagos governor, Babatunde Fashola, Oby Ezekwesili, Kayode Fayemi, former Chief of Army Staff Lt Gen Abdurrhaman Dambazau amongst others are rumored to be in the list.

There are also reports that the President will be picking his Ministers from all 36 states which is against his wish as he is reported to have wanted a smaller number of Ministers for cost effectiveness. The constitution however dictates that all states must be represented in the Federal cabinet.