Thursday 12 February 2015

Emergency calls in Bruce Jenner traffic accident released

Los Angeles — The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has released emergency services calls reporting the fatal traffic accident involving Bruce Jenner on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.
In both recordings released Wednesday the callers immediately described Saturday's collision as a major accident, and one told the operator one car was destroyed and there were likely injuries.
Neither call, however, described how the accident occurred.
The four-vehicle crash killed a 69-year-old woman driving a Lexus. Authorities have said the victim's car rear-ended a Toyota Prius and Jenner's Cadillac Escalade then rear-ended the Lexus, which veered into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a Hummer.
The accident remains under investigation and authorities have not released any conclusions about the cause.

- AP

France only gives Fifty Shades under-12s restriction

Paris - French children as young as 12 can head to see the highly-anticipated erotic drama Fifty Shades of Grey on its release Wednesday, after the country's film board decided against giving it an adult certificate.
France's classification president, Jean-Francois Mary, deemed that the movie, starring Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, "isn't a film that...can shock a lot of people."
This is the trailer of the film:

Mary considers the film, that contains scenes of nudity and sadomasochism between an entrepreneur and a virginal student, "a romance, you could even say schmaltzy."
The film based on the best-selling E.L. James novel has been rated R in the U.S. for its "graphic nudity" and "unusual behavior."
Britain granted it an 18 certificate and the film is banned on screens in Malaysia where it was deemed
 "too sadistic."


Buhari endorsed by Christian Association of Nigeria

Buhari endorsed by Christian Association of Nigeria

Supporters rides in a campaign bus of Nigeria's leading opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) presidential candidate Mohammadu Buhari and his unning mate Yemi Osinbajo in Lagos on January 24, 2015. Unknown gunmen stormed and bombed the site of a  ~  PIUS UTOMI EKPEI
Bauchi - The All Progressive Party presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, has been endorsed by the Christian Association of Nigeria in the north-east, Naij reported.
The endorsement was made when in front of other members of the association by chairman, Shuaibu Byal.

Muslims and Christians in the north have been urged to unite and stand together to ensure that the leadership returns to the north in the upcoming elections.
CAN has stated that due to the youth not being able to be promoted and have a good legacy, rather the leadership be bestowed in the north in order for them to have a brighter future.

Former Minister dumps PDP for APC

Former Minister dumps PDP for APC

Bauchi - A former Minister of Health, Ali Pate, has dumped the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) for the All Progressives Congress (APC), reports National Mirror.
Pate defected with other chieftains of the party and their supporters in Bauchi State.
Pate, who contested the PDP’s governorship primary, has donated his campaign office to  the APC's presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari.
Other notable chieftains of the PDP that joined APC include the 2011 coordinator of President Goodluck Jonathan/Sambo campaign organisation in the state,  Haruna Ningi and Umar Gwadabe.

Receiving the defectors, APC's state Women Leader, Hajiya Saadatu Mahmuda said the chances of the party to win the governorship and other elections have been boasted.
She stated that more PDP members have signified their intentions to join the APC.
Read more at National Mirror.

Obasanjo clarifies his endorsement of Buhari

Olusegun Obasanjo
Olusegun Obasanjo. (File: AFP)


Lagos - Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Wednesday clarified his stand concerning his endorsement of the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Muhammadu Buhari, reports Channels TV.
Obasanjo, who was responding to questions during the launch of his book, "My Watch" in the United Kingdom, said he does not  believe Nigeria is having the best of time under the present administration.
He described the Jonathan led administration as a  mediocre.

He said his desire is to have a President that can move Nigeria forward.
Read more at Channels TV.

Opposition win will curtail citizens rights, says PDP

Supporters ride in a campaign bus of leading opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) presidential candidate Mohammadu Buhari and his running mate Yemi Osinbajo as they drive past a campaign poster of Nigerian President and candidate to his re-elect ~ PIUS UTOMI EKPEI
Abuja - The ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) alleged the All Progressives Congress (APC) would violate the citizen’ freedom of expression if voted into power.
Under President Jonathan, you are free to say what you want to say, do what you want to do provided it is lawful. Under the opposition APC, you will be watched, trailed and sorted out if you oppose them as you are freely opposing the present incumbent," National Chairman of the party, Ahmadu Adamu Muazu, said through a statement by his Press Secretary, Tony Amadi.
"The Internet is awash with evidence of abuse of President Jonathan and PDP leaders. If you think it can continue if the opposition is incharge, wait and see. The incumbent party was nonetheless upbeat ahead of the rescheduled elections.
We are on the threshold of winning the 2015 general elections because our opponents have been disoriented, their consistent fabrication oflies to win the votes of Nigerians has been exposed and their changemantra has lost steam. There is no sector in Nigeria that has notwitnessed tremendous transformation and change under the PDP government, Muazu said.

He said the seed sown by the President Goodluck Jonathan administration in the area of education has hit the most desired part of the country with the establishment of the Almajiri schools, which had already revolutionized education in the north of Nigeria.
The establishment of nine new universities in the area means that those youngsters will continue with University education when they graduate to that level. The opposition All Progressive Congress hastried to belittle this massive transformation with their high decibelof noise that it was nothing to write home about, but the truth is that those young lives have never had it so good. Their totally transformedlives are bound to become the cornerstone of the new Nigeria we arebuilding in the next four years and beyond, he added.
The PDP leader asked all its members at all levels to ensure that wewin a fourth presidential election victory, control the NationalAssembly and have more governors after the general election.

- CAJ News

Aliyu Orders His Deputy To Leave Executive Meeting For Calling Him A Thief - Politics

Gov. Aliyu orders his deputy to leave executive council meeting for allegedly calling him a thiefRecently, the deputy governor of Niger state, Alhaji Ahmed Musa Ibeto, dumped the ruling PDP for the opposition. Ibeto had tried without success to pick the PDP ticket to run for governor and so decamped, citing injustice.

On Thursday, at the state executive council meeting, Ibeto was ordered to leave by Gov. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, who threatened to “deal with Ibeto” with security.

According to reports, Aliyu said that he would not preside over the cabinet meeting if Ibeto was seated since the deputy is now a member of the opposition and could share privileged information. He also accused Ibeto of calling him a thief while on gubernatorial campaign of the APC.

On his part, the deputy governor denied ever calling Aliyu a thief. He confirmed that he left the while cabinet meeting after the governor threatened to use security against him.

The governor had earlier released a statement through his Chief Press Secretary, Isreal Ebije, that the deputy governor excused himself from the meeting and was not ordered to leave. Ibeto however debunked the governor’s claims.

“If this statement is coming from government let me react. It is not true that I excused myself. When I received notification for the council meeting of yesterday I went as usual. But before the council started the governor in his opening remarks said that people and members of the executive council were aware that I have decamped from the PDP to APC, and that we had gone on campaign round the state.

“He said that he has the information and clips that I called him a thief and that he will not preside over the council where I am sitting.”

Ibeto said that the governor said he was no longer sure that he will not use council deliberations against the PDP government.

“I objected and explained that I have never called him a thief and that everywhere we go, people always wanted to know why I defected to APC and I have been telling them .I left PDP because of the injustice in the Party”.

The deputy governor has stated that the governor has no constitutional power to stop him from attending legitimate council meetings.

Explosion Rocks The Largest Southern Borno Town, Kills Many

A fatal bomb blast hit an overcrowded market in the largest Southern Borno town, Biu, had killed many, witnesses report.

According to the Channels Television, a member of the Biu Youth Volunteer popularly called “Civilian JTF” involved in the rescue efforts, who pleaded anonymity, said a suspected member of the Boko Haram sect entered the vegetable section of the Market and detonated an Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), killing 15 people at the market.
People who received varying degrees of injuries are currently receiving medical attention at the Biu General Hospital.
A doctor at the Biu General Hospital, who pleaded anonymity, said that 7 dead bodies were brought from the scene, while 8 others passed away shortly after being brought to the hospital.
He also said 21 others with severe injuries are currently being prepared for referral to other major hospitals within and outside the state.
According to the Agence France-Presse (AFP), the attacker was a female suicide bomber.
Earlier the AFP reported that at least seven people died.

Today is market day in Biu, about 185km away from Maiduguri, the Borno state capital. It is the first major attack on the town in a long time.

A local resident, Babagani Ali, said: “There has been a suicide attack by a female suicide bomber in the market this afternoon.
The female suicide bomber shouted “God is great” before detonating herself, a Borno resident, Mallam Yuguda Biu, said.
While another local resident reports that there were two women, who later were arrested:
The incident caused confusion at the full market as almost everybody scurried for safety on hearing a freighting bang, witnesses reported.
A seller, Nuhu Usman who became an eyewitness said: “I was very much close to the van that ferried the explosive but I cannot say the whole thing was a suicide mission. The vehicle came with some goods and passengers, including a woman but suddenly exploded.”
“There was carnage at the scene because most of the victims could not be recognised when we return to offfer help,”  he said.
The Youth Volunteer said youths in Biu Town angrily protested the suicide bomb attack, alleging it was orchestrated by the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), who had organised a political rally in the town earlier.
He, however, noted that the protest has been suspended due to security reasons.
According to another source, the incident happened when ex-Governor Ali Modu Sheriff was allegedly on his way to Biu.

The insurgents had descended on the town on January 14 but were effectively repelled by the military, which recovered two anti-aircraft guns and captured a number of the terrorists.
Boko Haram militants had largely been kept out of Biu through the joint efforts of the military and youth of the town.
The terrorist group has seized towns in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States. The latest seizure was Monguno and Baga, where numerous people, including soldiers, were killed.
It should be noted that month ago, seven Boko Haram suspects were supposedly killed on December 29th, when an explosive hidden in a Toyota pick-up van had gone off before they reached the Biu market, Borno State.

APC Says Jonathan's Lagos-Abuja High Speed Rail Line Is A Hoax

The All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation (APCPCO), said President Jonathan’s promise to open a high speed Abuja-Lagos rail service in three years time is a hoax.
According to a press release posted on Muhammadu Buhari’s Facebook page on February 12, the APCPCO said in a statement by its Director of Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu, that it is the height of irresponsibility for a senior member of government to tell such outlandish lies and give false hope for cheap political points.
Shehu disclosed that a PPP agreement to build and operate a rail line takes at least two years to negotiate and bring to financial closure, adding the Jonathan government has not even started negotiations with anybody yet on the project.
Mr. Shehu in a statement said: “Before they can start construction, they will need to secure the right of way and pay land compensation along that corridor. This could take years to accomplish.
“Then they will have to construct the line. But a look at the government’s record only confirms that this is nothing but a pipe dream. Just 186km Abuja to Kaduna, an ordinary standard gauge line has taken six years to construct and it is not even finished yet regardless of their false claims of completion.
“Ajaokuta to Warri has taken the government nearly 30 years. Just the last 27km has taken this government six years and it is not finished yet.
“Rehabilitation of existing rail lines which they promised would take 10 months took them four years and they are still not finished yet.
“Is it then 600km of electrified rail tracks that they can build in three years?
“Then they have to order the rolling stock and operations equipment. These are not off the shelf items. They will need to be manufactured over say another two years.
“A high speed rail line means electric trains, so they will need a dedicated IPP with transmission and distribution. When will that come together? What about the gas supply and infrastructure or they will import more expensive diesel?
“So how are they going to build a 600km electrified high speed line and put it into operation in just three years?
“It is either the Minister does not know what he is talking about or he is deceiving Nigerians. He even had the cheek to say, “It is not a question of story” except it is. It is a hoax and Nigerians need to be worried about a lying government that is incompetent and dishonest.
“The government should stop misleading the people. The people deserve a more responsible government.”

See APC's Hilarious Tweets Against PDP

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The All Progressives Congress in the United Kingdom is obviously not taking this 2015 election as a child’s play.
 Yes, it is true that every political party will go all the way to win more ‘lovers’ to its side. This has over the time made political parties to be seen engaging in so many things that can attract Nigerians to them. If it is to make promises, (Nigerians call it empty promises because of their experiences after the candidate has been voted in), some political parties even go all the way to target abusive words at the opposing parties.
READ ALSO: 9 Things President Jonathan Said During The Presidential Media Chat
There are a lot of times parties use the historical inaction of their opponents against them all in the name of gaining popularity. Like someone will say, politics in Nigeria is sure not something you can just take lightly.’s microscopic eyes caught a tweet that the diaspora signature of the All Progressives Congress posted few minutes ago on Twitter. The tweet is so full of meanings that we couldn’t but just let it go… See the tweet below:
For those who might not understand what ‘ As you ‘NTA’ us, we will ‘CNN’ u. As you ‘Desuwa’ us, We will ‘Amanpour’ U. Nigerians reject you!’ means, here is the explanation below…
Recall that President Goodluck Jonathan who is going for a re-election bid under the flag of Peoples Democratic Party against the All Progressives Congress’ presidential candidate, Rtd. Gen. Muhammad Buhari. They were both billed to have a media chat few days back but APC’s Buhari pulled out without concrete reasons. Now fast forward to yesterday, the both had a separate media chat. President Jonathan was broadcasted live on Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) where he talked about various national issues and Gen. Buhari was also interviewed on one of the most respectable news Media abroad, Cable News Network. He was interviewed by 57-year-old British-Iranian journalist and television host, Christiane Amanpour. Amanpour is the Chief International Correspondent for CNN and host of CNN International’s nightly interview program Amanpour.
Now you understand where the sentence ‘As you NTA us, we will CNN you’ is coming from now?

Graduate Trainees (Admin Officer Entry Level) at Dreams Africa Resource Enterprises

Dreams Africa Resource Enterprises is recruiting fresh graduates to fill the position of: Graduate Trainee (Admin Officer Entry Level). the position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification, - Click to read more..

Graduate and Experienced Job Recruitment at Lakeshore Integrated Services Limited (5 Positions)

Lakeshore Integrated Services Limited, a company engaged in supply of manpower, trainings and consultancy to oil servicing companies in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the following graduate and experienced positions: Front Desk / Customer Service Representative, Finance Officer, Human Resources Manager, Accountant, Lawyer. - Click to read more..

IT Information Security Analyst at GVA Partners

GVA Partners is recruiting to fill the position of: IT Information Security Analyst. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidate should possess a good Bachelor's degree in Science, Electronic Engineering or any related discipline, with a minimum of 5 years experience. - Click to read more..

Accountants I at Afordonz Consulting

Afordonz Consulting - Our client, a reputable automobile company, is recruiting to fill the position of: Accountant. The Position is based in Lagos. Interested candidates should possess a degree in Accounting with a minimum of 5 years experience. - Click to read more..

Website Designers at Intermatics Software Services

Intermatics Software Services is recruiting to fill the position of: Website Designer. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidate should possess relevant qualification. - Click to read more..

HVAC Engineer at Asiko Energy and Gas Terminalling

Asiko Energy and Gas Terminalling is recruiting to fill the position of: HVAC Engineer. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess Degree qualification in Mechanical/Electrical/HVAC Engineering. - Click to read more..

Offshore Drilling Site Safety Advisor at Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited

Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited, is recruiting to fill the position of: Offshore Drilling Site Safety Advisor. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidate should possess relevant qualification. - Click to read more..

Drill Team Support at Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited

Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited is recruiting to fill the below position: Drill Team Support. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidate should possess relevant qualification. - Click to read more..

Contracts Engineer Specialist at Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited

Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Contracts Engineer Specialist. The Position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a degree in Engineering. - Click to read more..

Contracts Engineer Specialist at Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited

Multinational Logistics and Allied Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Contracts Engineer Specialist. The Position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a degree in Engineering. - Click to read more..

Graduate Cycle Planning and Activation Manager at Guinness Nigeria Plc

Guinness Nigeria Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Cycle Planning and Activation Manager. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Graduate qualification. - Click to read more..

Sales and Distributor Operations Manager at Guinness Nigeria Plc

Guinness Nigeria Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales and Distributor Operations Manager. The position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Degree / HND qualification with 5-10 years cognate experience. - Click to read more..

Huawei Technologies Job Vacancies (4 Positions)

Huawei Technologies is recruiting to fill the following positions: Digital Marketing Manager / Online Marketing Manager, Human Resources Business Partner, Compensation and Benefits Analyst, IT Solution Senior Manager. - Click to read more..

Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) Graduate and Experienced Job Recruitment

Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) is currently recruiting to fill various entry-level and experienced positions in Nigeria. - Click to read more..

ExxonMobil CV/Resume Submission 2015 for Fresh / Experienced Graduates

ExxonMobil's subsidiaries in Nigeria: Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited, and Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited are accepting CV / Resumes from fresh / experienced graduates in the following disciplines: Human Resources, Finance, Engineering, Information Technology, Procurement Services, Law, Health and Medical Services, Public and Government Affairs, Support Operations, Security Services. - Click to read more..

Fitzel Consulting Limited Job Vacancies (18 Positions)

Fitzel Consulting Limited - Our client is an Agro Company located in Ondo State. As a result of diversification and expansion in the business, we are currently seeking to employ suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant positions in various departments of the company: - Click to read more..

Airtel Nigeria Job Recruitment (4 Positions)

Airtel Nigeria, a leading mobile telecommunication services provider in Nigeria and a member of Airtel Africa Group, is committed to providing innovative, exciting, affordable and quality mobile services to Nigerians, giving them the freedom to communicate, rise above their daily challenges and drive economic and social development. We are recruiting to fill the following positions: - Click to read more..

KPMG Audit Graduate Trainees Recruitment 2015

KPMG Nigeria is looking for young, vibrant and forward looking Graduates as: Audit Graduate Trainees. The position is based in Lagos State. Are you looking for a career in a challenging, fast-paced environment? Are you generally curious about why things happen in the way they do? Can you offer ideas about how businesses could improve their operations? A career in KPMG could be for you! - Click to read more..

Graduate Marketing Associates (MA) in a Leading Nigerian Bank - Whyte Cleon Limited

Whyte Cleon Limited - Our Client, a first generation bank in the Nigeria economy, is recruiting fresh graduates to fill the position of: Marketing Associates (MA). The position is required Nationwide. Interested candidates should possess minimum of a good Bachelors degree or HND in any discipline, with good customer service skills. - Click to read more..

Graduate Call Center Agents at Service Desk Limited (7 Positions)

Service Desk Limited - Our Client, is seeking to fill the position of: Call Center Agent. The Position is based in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a good First Degree in any discipline, with good communication skills. - Click to read more..

Graduate Assistant Superintendent of Immigration II (ASI II) Massive Recruitment at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) 2015

The Nigeria Immigration Service assisted by the Presidential Committee, hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Nigerians by birth or descent for full-time appointment to the vacant position of: Superintendent Cadre - Assistant Superintendent of Immigration II (ASI II). Interested candidates should possess minimum of undergraduate level qualification. - Click to read more..

Assistant Inspector of Immigration (AII) Massive Recruitment at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) 2015

The Nigeria Immigration Service assisted by the Presidential Committee, hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Nigerians by birth or descent for full-time appointment to the vacant position of: Inspectorate Cadre - Assistant Inspector of Immigration (AII). Interested candidates should possess National Diploma (ND) obtained from a recognized institution; or National Certificate of Education (NCE) from a recognized institution; or General Certificate of Education (Advance Level). - Click to read more..

Graduate and Experienced Job Recruitment at Lakeshore Integrated Services Limited (5 Positions)

Lakeshore Integrated Services Limited, a company engaged in supply of manpower, trainings and consultancy to oil servicing companies in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the following graduate and experienced positions: Front Desk / Customer Service Representative, Finance Officer, Human Resources Manager, Accountant, Lawyer. - Click to read more..

Immigration Assistant III (IA3) Massive Recruitment at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) 2015

Immigration Assistant III (IA3) Massive Recruitment at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) 2015

The Nigeria Immigration Service assisted by the Presidential Committee, hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Nigerians by birth or descent for full-time appointment to the vacant position of: Immigration Assistant Cadre - Immigration Assistant III (IA3). Interested candidates should possess minimum of School Certificate (WASC) or Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSC). - Click to read more

Nigerian Agip Oil Company Tertiary Scholarship Scheme 2014 / 2015

The Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited (NAOC) Joint Venture in pursuance of its corporate social responsibility invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for its 2014/2015 Undergraduate tertiary scholarship scheme for Nigerian students from ALL states of the Federation. - Click to read more..

Graduate Trainees (Admin Officer Entry Level) at Dreams Africa Resource Enterprises

Dreams Africa Resource Enterprises is currently seeking to employ suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:

Job Title: Graduate Trainee (Admin Officer Entry Level)


Job Descriptions
Admin Officer Entry Level
  • The Administrative Services Officer II performs a wide variety of professional level administrative support duties involving budgets, policies, procedures, organization, planning, contracts, facilities, systems, equipment, supplies, personnel and special projects; performs related duties as assigned. The incumbent may be assigned to any administrative and/or operational area.
  • The Administrative Services Officer II is the advanced journey level or specialist class in the Administrative Services Officer series. Incumbents report to a Director or designee. Incumbents in these positions perform a wide variety of assignments, representing the division independently within specific assignments, subject to general supervision, depending on assignment. Duties are performed in the Court's administrative and/or operational divisions. Typical assignment is either as a team leader or specialist.
  • The Administrative Services Officer II may provide work direction to one or more technical or clerical staff, or may provide work direction to subordinate administrative personnel, or may work independently. Emphasis of duties is on several major administrative activities including assisting in preparation and monitoring of the division budget and other fiscal matters; policies and procedures; facilities management; systems; collections; grants development; equipment and supplies; personnel; and special projects.
  • This class is distinguished from the Administrative Service Officer I by the duties and responsibilities above the journey level and the requirement for performing assigned duties with only general supervision.
  • Positions assigned to the Administrative Services Officer series are designed to perform the full range and a wide variety of administrative support services.
  • Specific duties of individual positions vary considerably, and analytical, budgetary, and fiscal duties may be a major or minor part of individual jobs depending on location and assignment. Incumbents generally are not responsible for line functions and do not perform line duties of the specific division or program to which they are assigned, but most positions require that the incumbent become knowledgeable in those areas to provide administrative support.
Application Closing Date
10th March, 2015.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV's to:


Prof. Osinbajo Blast Jonathan After Presidential Media Chat - Politics

Corruption is defined as "dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery". The definition is simple and we all know what it is, yet Mr. President has spent the last several minutes of his media chat explaining to Nigerians what it is, suggesting we are all somehow confused about this.

The GEJ presidency has failed Nigerians. The facts are undeniable. ‪#‎ChangeWillCome‬

Full Text Of President Jonathan 8th Presidential Media Chat - Politics

Nigeria’s president, Goodluck Jonathan, tonight hosted his eight presidential media chat since May 2011. The challenges confronting Nigeria – insecurity, the economy, corruption, dearth of infrastructure – were largely discussed. Here's all he said, compiled by me with additional information from PremiumTimes.

On postponed elections:

The president sought the understanding of the international community over the postponed elections. He said the kind of scenarios where elections are postponed for the sake of perpetuating power is not the case in Nigeria.

Boko Haram:

The president was asked why he thinks the war against Boko Haram can be won in six weeks even though the war had raged for six years. The president said he has just acquired new weapons, and gotten support of neigbhouring countries to fight Boko Haram. He mentioned that Chad waited for African Union approval, which they recently got too. He also mentioned that the issue of security is beyond Boko Haram. The president said it runs into dangerous signals of youth restiveness. In the next four weeks Nigerians will see the difference in the security intervention in the North, he said.

The president is asked where he bought arms for the coming onslaught on Boko Haram. He said they managed to get from other sources other than America.

Do you have confidence in Jega to conduct the 2015 elections?

The president said he wished Jega was seated by his side to answer the question.

I wish Jega were here, I could have asked him to answer whether I have confidence in him Yes those who called for his sack may be close to me, but they express their own opinion. More than 80 per cent of those who sponsor messages on our behalf we don't even know them. People use the reschedule of election to misinform Nigerians.

I have never thought about removing INEC Chairman, though I have the constitutional power to do so.''

GEJ blamed his supporters for rumours about Jega's resignation. "I have not told anybody that I will remove Jega," he said. He explained that if there are obvious reasons to remove Jega, he would rely on "constitutional" provisions that gives him powers to sack whoever he appoints.


''The level of misinformation, especially from young people is high. Attempting to attack the president is treasonable offence.The president is protected by soldiers, not just the police. People get carried away and make some provocative statements.

Those who pelted my convoy during my campaigns in the Northern part of the country were ignorant. If INEC conducts the election poorly, it will be on my head."

Hate speeches and political violence by both opposition and ruling party members.

The president explained that "some people" get carried away by the political play and exude these violence. He blamed aides and associates of key political actors for the hate speeches and political violence. He did not categorically condemn the hate speeches or war threats or politically-motivated violence.

"We will make sure things are done so that nobody goes to war," the president said when he pressed for categorical stance on the war threats by ex-militants should he lose the elections. He argues journalists have responsibility to ensure the unity of the country.

On why he frequents churches for campaign but never visited mosques:

GEJ responded by saying he does not receive invitations from Muslims like from the churches.

If election would hold should the military fails to eliminate Boko Haram in six weeks:

The presidents said the new dates are sacrosanct and a new president would be sworn in by May 29. He argued that the goal is not to totally eliminate Boko Haram but to make adequate security arrangement for the election.

Missing Chibok girls:

Questioning moves to the issue of the president's perceived weak support especially as it relates to the missing Chibok girls. "Just give us some times," he said, responding to questions seeking the state of the girls at the moment. The president is optimistic the girls would be rescued with the new military collaboration with neighbouring countries. "I believe the story would be different in a few weeks," the president said. "We would recover them alive."

I believe the story of Chibok Girls will get better in the next few weeks, but don't quote me. We are working with our neighbours, we will comb the whole of that place Partying after abduction? It's unfortunate that people play politics with the issue of Chibok girls. It's not like that elsewhere. In other countries, political boundaries collapse in the face of terror attacks, not so in Nigeria.

With regards to his weakened political base, the president said "in politics, there are only permanent interests."

The president is asked to clarify his previous comments that "stealing is not corruption":

He said he made that statement quoting the former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Dahiru Mustafa, who explained to him that his analysis of corruption cases in Nigeria showed that most of such cases were theft. He argued that referring to stealing as corruption minimizes the crime. "Ole (thief in Yoruba) should be called Ole and given that treatment," the president said.

"Let us communicate properly. The word corruption, we have abused it."

"It is not actually my quotation. I quoted the former Chief Justice," as he continues to defend his previous comments on corruption and stealing.

We have convicted more corrupt people than ever. It is just that Nigerians are confused on what the difference is between stealing and corruption.

The state of the N1 billion security loan and funds confiscated in South Africa.

He said the government have not started disbursing the N1 billion loan. With regards to the .3 million arms money seized in South Africa, he said the money does not belong to Nigeria, technically. He added that the matter was in court.

The president is asked if he would hand over if he loses the next election.

"If the elections are conducted and I lose, of course, another president would be sworn in," the president said. He argued that Nigeria is more important than any individual.

The president is asked what he will do differently if he wins.

He said most of the problem he had in the past is related to perception and not concrete. He did not really say what he would do differently.

The president is asked to comment on his opponent for the 2015 general election, Buhari.

The president responded it was an unfair question. He however mentioned that he has recieved more criticism that Muhammadu Buhari on social media.

The president is asked if he has confidence in INEC as presidently constituted.

He answered saying he appointed everyone at the management level of INEC.

Closing Remarks:

In his closing remarks, president Jonathan assured Nigerians that elections would be conducted and a new president sworn in on May 29. He argued that it is better for INEC to conduct an election everyone would be happy with.

Chat ended 20:19, 11th February, 2015.

Bayelsa PDP Suspends Chairman Over Diezani’s N40m Gift - Politics

The Peoples Democratic Party in Bayelsa State has suspended its Chairman, Col. Sam Inokoba (retd.), over alleged financial impropriety.

Inokoba was suspended by the members of the State Working Committee on Wednesday for alleged misconduct and diversion of N40m gift provided for the party by the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Allison-Madueke.

It was learnt that the decision to suspend Inokoba was taken on Tuesday after deliberation by members of the State Executive Council.

Publicity Secretary of the PDP in the state, Mr. Osom Makebre, who confirmed the suspension, declined to give further details.

He however explained that the decision of the SEC had been forwarded to the national leadership of the party for ratification.

Makbere said in accordance with the party’s constitution, it was expected that the Deputy Chairman of the party, King Serena Dokubo-Spiff, would take over the running of the party within the next 30 days.

A source at the meeting said the suspended chairman had been invited to appear before the enlarged SEC but that he refused and reportedly travelled to Abuja.

According to the source, SEC members deliberated on a five-count charge of misconduct levelled against Inokoba.

Inokoba was also accused of refusing to join in the ongoing campaigns for candidates of the Bayelsa Central Senatorial district because the candidates were not his choice.

The party source, who craved anonymity, said, “He has since neglected to carry out his official duties as party chairman. He sponsored aspirants during the party primaries instead of engaging in neutrality as the chairman of the party.

“He also publicly, in the presence of party members, ordered his security aides and thugs to beat a party member due to dispute over party primaries materials.

“He also engaged in promoting factions within the state PDP and engaged in financial dishonesty with funds provided by members of the PDP from the state and national level.”

But reacting to the suspension, media aide to the suspended chairman, Mr. Nelson Agadi, described the suspension as illegal and “a sponsored action.”

“The suspension is a lie that cannot hold and it is a violation of the Section 10 sub section 7 of the party constitution,” Agadi said.


Jonathan Explains What Meant When He Said ‘Stealing Is Not Corruption’ - Politics

President Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday clarified what he meant by stealing is not corruption, saying he was quoted out of context.

Responding to questions during a presidential media chat on Wednesday, the President explained that the remark flowed from a discussion he had with a former chief justice of the federation, who told him of how he had to distinguish straight acts of stealing from other forms of corruption he acted upon.

“People who told you I said stealing is not corruption did not tell you I said stealing is good. That is why philosophers say that the primary reason people disagree is because people use one statement to explain two typical things or vice versa.

“I made that statement because I quoted the former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mustapha, (when) I called a meeting then, with the anti-crime organisations and the judiciary.

“The CJN, Mustapha decided to take a look at the files that dealt with corruption and more than 80 per cent of them were just cases of stealing. But people use corruption to cover all. What I am saying is that let us go to the South-West and go to a typical community and they look at you and say this man is corrupt, people will be looking at you. But call that same man “ole”, that is thief, and see what will happen to him. Our people hate thieves more than corrupt people, yet most times, we use corruption to cover the lapses.

“A thief should be called a thief and treated as such. In my village, when an adult steals, they strip him unclad, humiliate him and his family, but if you say this man is corrupt, they won’t know what you are talking about. We are using corruption to cover it all up.

“So, let us communicate properly. It was not me that said it, I quoted Mustapha. He examined the corruption cases and he saw that they were just cases of stealing.

“We are identifying thieves; we can talk about what the agencies are doing. We have made more convictions in this period than before. But I always say that the answer is not convicting more people. We must make sure that they don’t steal. Do not put the money where they can steal it. That is what we are doing.”

Nigerian Engineers To Repair Refineries For N99bn –NNPC - Business

Group Executive Director, Refining and Petrochemicals, NNPC, Mr. Ian Udoh

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation on Wednesday said it had engaged the services of in-house engineers to rehabilitate the country’s three ailing refineries at a cost of $550m (N99bn), down from the $1.6bn (N288bn) presented to it by foreign contractors.

The refineries are the Port Harcourt Refining Company, Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited and the Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited.

The Group Executive Director, Refining and Petrochemicals, NNPC, Mr. Ian Udoh, stated that the corporation resolved to use indigenous engineers because it could not pay the bills of foreign contractors who were nominated by the original builders of the refineries.

Udoh spoke during a press briefing organised by the corporation to refute claims that it was indicted by the report of the forensic audit carried out on its operations by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

He said, “For the three refineries, the estimates going with the nominees of the original builders of the refineries would have come up to $1.6bn. But we can’t afford that because we are not going to get any funding from the government for that.

“We examined the work scope and picked up the essential things that we must do to get these refineries to operate optimally at around 90 per cent of capacity. That was done and we did the pricing template; not the international rates, we used the local rates. And everything for the three refineries combined came to around $550m, which is significant, maybe up to 70 per cent reduction.

“Even the $550m is quite much. So, we amortised it over 18 months so that we will be able to swallow it in bits more easily. The 18 months started since last October and this means that early next year, the refineries should be in shape.”

He stated that the original builders of the refineries were not willing to come to Nigeria but nominated their partners to handle the turnaround maintenance of the facilities.

The partners, according to Udoh, are not willing to give post rehabilitation performance guarantee, adding that their prices were exceedingly high.

He said, “So, a new pact had to be taken, which is more affordable for the NNPC, that is, to rehabilitate all the refineries simultaneously, resorting more to what is locally available. And these include the in-house engineers and such contractors that have been working with us all these years who are familiar with the plant.

“Part of that plan is that if there is any challenging big equipment, we resort to the original manufacturers to send a representative to join our engineers on the ground to carry out whatever is needed to be done.”

Earlier in his address, the Group Managing Director, NNPC, Dr. Joseph Dawha, had explained that the $1.48bn, which PwC directed it to remit to the Federation Account, was the balance of the book value of the divested assets that were transferred to the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company, excluding taxes and royalties.

“This value is still being reconciled with the Department of Petroleum Resources,” he added.

He stated that what the DPR sent to the corporation as the estimated value of the assets was $1.847bn, out of which the NNPC paid over $300m as a token to indicate its commitment to acquiring the assets pending resolution and reconciliation by both organisations.

On why the NNPC had not been able to tackle pipeline vandalism despite installing electronic monitoring gadgets on them, the corporation’s Group Executive Director, Engineering and Technical, Mr. Adebayo Ibirogba, stated that the technology might detect immediately where a pipeline had been blown up, but the ability to respond speedily was an issue.

Residence Of Shehu Garba Under Police Siege

Shehu Garba
Shehu Garba
The All Progressives Congress (APC) February 12, today, raised alarm over another act of intimidation in relation to the party’s member.

Earlier this week the APC national leader, Bola Tinubu, raised alarm that his private residence along Bouillon Road in Ikoyi had been under surveillance by soldiers for 3 days.
It came amid continuous talks within the opposition circles that the current administration plotted to use military to affect the elections outcome.

Thursday morning another report broke, with the APC saying that the residence of the Director of Media and Publicity of the APC Presidential Campaign Organization, Shehu Garba, had been under police siege.
His house has been reportedly surrounded by armed policemen since 3 a.m., which has prevented him from attending mosque.
An Abuja statement by APC National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, published on Premium Times reads:
“Going after the Spokesman of our party’s Presidential Campaign Organization is aimed at muffling the organization’s voice and abridging the constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the Spokesman himself. This is antithetic to democracy and totally unacceptable.”

“The PDP and the Jonathan Administration are bent on badgering the opposition through the harassment, intimidation and arrest of its leaders as well as the circulation of unfounded rumours against the party. These actions are all aimed at fomenting a crisis and scuttling the forthcoming elections.
“We are therefore calling on all Nigerians as well as the international community to take note of this growing pattern of harassment and intimidation of the opposition, and the effect such action will have on the conduct of the elections.”
Further development of the situation is yet to be obtained

APC Warns Jonathan To Caution His Wife

Members of the All Progressives Congress from Okrika Local Government Area of Rivers State have called on President Goodluck Jonathan to caution his wife, Dame Patience Jonathan, over the woman’s alleged refusal to allow the party to hold its governorship campaign in the area.
Patience Jonathan
Patience Jonathan
Punch Reports

The party alleged that rather than agree to provide security for the APC governorship campaign in Okrika, the state Police command had suggested that the event be postponed indefinitely since it (command) would not be able to guarantee security if the rally was held.
Okrika, the native home of Mrs. Patience Jonathan, is one of the areas in the state currently embroiled in political crisis, having recorded cases of attacks on APC campaign ground and other forms of politically-motivated violence.
Speaking with newsmen in Port Harcourt on Wednesday, the Chairman of Dakuku Peterside Campaign Organisation in Okrika Local Government Area, Mr. Tamuno William, explained that the APC had been forced to postpone indefinitely its proposed rally in Okrika based on the directive of the state Police command.
William explained that the governorship campaign rally that was to hold on Wednesday was thwarted by police insistence that security was not guaranteed in the area.
He added, “On Monday February 10, leaders of the APC in Okrika received invitation letters to a security briefing with CP Bature scheduled for Tuesday February 11, 2015.
“Prior to these invitations, there were rumours all over Okrika to the effect that the wife of the President, Mrs. Jonathan, had decreed that the APC must not be allowed to hold its rallies in the two Okrika-speaking local government areas of Okrika and Ogu/Bolo.
“According to the rumours, despite several entreaties to her majestic Excellency to allow the APC hold a mere campaign rally, she insisted that the rallies must not hold on ‘her turf’.
“To further guarantee that her orders were not to be thwarted, Mrs. Jonathan arrived Port Harcourt today, Wednesday February, 11, 2015, with plans to visit Okrika on Thursday, February 12.
“In obedience to the invitation from the CP, the leadership of the APC was at the Rivers State Police command at 12 noon and waited to meet with the CP and waited up till 12.40pm.
“Eventually, DC Shaba, DC Amadi and other members of the command, who sat in for the CP, received us. The members of the PDP were evidently absent at the meeting. The sum total of the meeting with the police command was that the Rivers State Police command was unable to guarantee security for anyone in Rivers State during any rallies.
“This meeting was holding at the same time as the PDP was holding its own rally in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area.”

It will be recalled that Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson has blamed President Goodluck Jonathan’s wife, First Lady Patience Jonathan for being behind the the recent crowd revolt against his bid for a second term in office during the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Rally at the Samson Siasia Stadium in Yenagoa.

War Threat: Jonathan Defends Tompolo, Asari Dokubo Others

President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday, February 10, during the Presidential Media Chat tactfully took sides with some prominent Niger Delta militants ​who threatened war should the president loose in the forthcoming elections.
When commenting on the provocative utterances by the ex- niger delta militants, President Jonathan excused their actions on the bases that some politicians were instigating young people to act in ways not expected.

He said that provocative statements had been made by his opponents, stressing they too had threatened war.
He added that provocative statements were usually made by “actors” surrounding politicians, adding that such statements might not actually imply the intentions of the politician contesting an election.
He said “You know the actors around you can be carried away. These people (ex-militants) made these statements … based on ….you know when they have been carried away.
Mr. Jonathan noted that he had been careful in making statements, being a sitting president.
He assured that “Nobody will go to war. Nigeria will remain Nigeria​.” the president said.​ “My plea is that without Nigeria, there will be no president.”
President Goodluck Jonathan however categorically refrained from condemning the ​​​threats by the ex-militants.

It would be recalled that Mujahid Dokubo-Asari, leader, Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force; Victor Ben Ebikabowei, aka, Boy Loaf; and Government Ekpudomenowei, aka, Tompolo had in January declared there would be war if their kinsman, Mr. Jonathan does not win the elections during a meeting in Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa State.

PDP Reacts To Obasanjo's Endorsement Of Buhari

The Peoples’ Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation, PDPPCO, has reacted to former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo’s endorsement of the presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) General Muhammadu Buhari (retd).

Speaking to newsmen in Abuja yesterday, February 11, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, the Director, Media and Publicity of the PDP presidential campaign organization said Obasanjo is entitled to his own opinion, Vanguard reports.
Obasanjo had during the launch of his book in Kenya, openly endorsed the APC presidential candidate, Buhari, despite being member of the PDP.
According to Fani-Kayode, it was unfortunate that Obasanjo would endorse Buhari, in spite of what he knows about him.
He however said they would all meet on the day of elections.
He said: “I have not seen what he said or read his text. He is entitled to his views. He is a leading member of our party and we have great respect for him. I believe it will be a very sad day indeed if from what he knows about Buhari, he still goes ahead to endorse him.
“This is about vote: about one man, one vote. But, we wish him well if he did so. We will meet them on the field.”

Obasanjo’s endorsement of Buhari has been trailed with a lot of reactions. Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State asked Nigerians to ignore Obasanjo’s declaration of support for Buhari, which he described as a political somersault and a suicidal mission.
In his reaction, Buhari said he was happy about the development.

Jonathan To Use Military For His Benefit - APC

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has narrated how the current administration plots to scuttle democracy in Nigeria.
Lai Mohammed
Lai Mohammed

The opposition party’s Publicity Secretary, Lai Mohammed​, made a scandalous allegation while briefing journalists at February 10 press conference.
He was quoted as saying by Premium Times:
“We will also like to alert Nigerians to the fact that the Jonathan administration and the PDP [Peoples Democratic Party -] have perfected the plot to again use the military to thwart the aspirations of Nigerians for a change that will usher in a purposeful government.
“Already, the Social Media is alight with information that the military is meeting in Kaduna with a view to working out the modalities to help the PDP at the polls. This sends the wrong signal to the polity as well as the international community about the role of the military in Nigeria’s elections.”
Mohammed provided that first heavily armed soldiers would be sent to intimidate the opposition. He noted that the APC’s national leader, Bola Tinubu had already experienced the tactics.
“The PDP and the Jonathan Administration have left no one in doubt that they will again abuse the military and use soldiers to rig the forthcoming elections, in spite of the ruling by a Federal High Court in Sokoto that it is unconstitutional to deploy the military to monitor or provide security during elections. The court also ordered that such deployment must stop. To the best of our knowledge, the Federal Government has not appealed that ruling.

“It is interesting to note that the PDP, which considers itself above the laws of the land, has now vowed to again use soldiers for election duty. According to the Director-General of the Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organization, Ahmadu Ali, more military personnel ”are needed to be on ground to forestall any breakdown of law and order as well as to prevent political miscreants from tarnishing the electoral process”. What he meant, perhaps, is that soldiers are needed to rig the elections in favour of his lawless party.”
The APC has several times insisted that the PDP would use army to rig the elections.  After the polls postponement, the opposition has been repeating the allegations.
Meanwhile the PDP yesterday alleged that the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega met with the APC in Dubai to ensure that over 23million Nigerians are denied the opportunity of collecting their Permanent Voters’ Cards.

Sudanese forces rape 221 in mass attack

A woman holds hands with her daughter as they walk at the Zam Zam refugee camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in North Darfur, Sudan. (Albert Gonzalez Farran, AP, Unamid)

New York - Sudanese army troops raped at least 221 women and girls in a Darfur village in a series of organised, house-to-house attacks last year, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Wednesday.
The organisation's Africa director, Daniel Bekele, called it "a new low in the catalogue of atrocities in Darfur."
The incident is at the heart of a recent plunge in relations between Sudan and the international community over a region gripped by violent chaos for more than a decade.
Reports of a mass rape in Tabit in late October quickly surfaced via radio broadcasts by Sudanese overseas. A joint UN-African Union peacekeeping mission at first said it found no evidence, but the UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict said a heavy Sudanese military presence during its visit likely affected its findings.

The Security Council demanded that Sudan allow a full investigation. Instead, President Omar al-Bashir ordered the UN mission's human rights office to close and has refused to allow the peacekeeping mission to visit the village again.
Sudan's government says its own investigation found "there had not been a single case of rape."
But the new report, based on more than 130 telephone interviews with survivors, witnesses and army defectors, says girls as young as 10 were raped by Sudanese forces, and that some women and girls were assaulted multiple times and in front of their families.
The report says Human Rights Watch "documented 27 separate incidents of rape and obtained credible information about an additional 194 cases."
One question is why it happened. Witnesses and survivors said army forces ordered dozens of men to the outskirts of the village while soldiers entered homes and accused residents of killing a soldier or helping rebel groups, then raped the women and girls.
The report found no evidence in the village of rebel forces, which have been fighting the government since 2003 across the vast region of western Sudan. More than 300 000 have been killed in the conflict, and more than 400 000 fled their homes last year alone.
Witnesses said some of the armed, uniformed soldiers in the mass rape were stationed at the army base on the outskirts of town. Army defectors said other troops were from bases near the North Darfur capital of El Fasher and Sudan's capital, Khartoum.
"Multiple victims and witnesses reported that government officials threatened to imprison or kill anyone who spoke out about the attacks," Human Rights Watch said. Among those making such threats was local commissioner Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdallah Abdelrahman.
Movement in and out of Tabit is now restricted, with new military checkpoints, and some survivors have said they avoided medical treatment after the rapes because they feared more abuse.
The report says the military personnel who ordered, aided or participated in the rapes are responsible for war crimes.
Human Rights Watch is demanding that Sudan allow immediate access to the village, that the UN Security Council and the peacekeeping force take "concrete steps" to protect civilians in Darfur and that the International Criminal Court investigate.
The ICC prosecutor, however, told the council in frustration late last year that she was "hibernating" the existing case against Sudan because she was getting little help from the council and the international community.
The new report notes the recent UN discussions about shrinking the more than 20 000-strong peacekeeping mission and Sudan's recent insistence on an "exit strategy," but it warns that "the withdrawal of peacekeepers could undermine what little protection the mission has afforded the people of Darfur."

- AP

ISIS militants drawing steady stream of recruits


Washington - The US bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria has failed to slow the pace of foreign fighters flocking to join the Islamic State and other extremist groups, including at least 3 400 from Western nations among 20 000 from around the world, US intelligence officials say in an updated estimate of a top terrorism concern.
Intelligence agencies now believe that as many as 150 Americans have tried and some have succeeded in reaching the Syrian war zone, officials told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. Some of those Americans were arrested en route, some died in the area and a small number were still fighting with extremists.
Nick Rasmussen, chief of the National Counterterrorism Centre, said the rate of foreign fighter travel to Syria is without precedent, far exceeding the rate of foreigners who went to wage jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen or Somalia at any other point in the past 20 years.
US officials fear that some of the foreign fighters will return undetected to their homes in Europe or the US to mount terrorist attacks. At least one of the men responsible for the attack on a satirical magazine in Paris had spent time with Islamic extremists in Yemen.

Officials acknowledge it has been hard to track the Americans and Europeans who have made it to Syria, where the Islamic State group is the dominant force trying to overthrow the government of President Bashar Assad. The US Embassy in Syria is closed, and the CIA has no permanent presence on the ground.
"Once in Syria, it is very difficult to discern what happens there," Michael Steinbach, the FBI's assistant director for counterterrorism, told the committee. "This lack of clarity remains troubling."
The estimate of 20 000 fighters, from 90 countries, is up from 19 000, Rasmussen said. The number of Americans or US residents who have gone or tried to go is up to 150 from 50 a year ago and 100 in the fall.
Representative Michael McCaul, the Republican who chairs the committee, said the Syrian war had created "the largest convergence of Islamist terrorists in world history." Sustained bombing by a US-led coalition has not stopped the inflow, he noted.
McCaul's committee staff compiled from public sources a list of 18 US citizens or residents who joined or attempted to join the Islamic State group, and 18 others who tried to or succeeded in joining other violent Islamic groups.
The list includes three Chicago teens and three Denver teens who were radicalised and recruited online and were arrested after attempting to travel to Syria to join Islamic State fighters. It also includes Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, a Californian who died in August while fighting with the Islamic State group near Aleppo.
US intelligence officials do not make public their estimate of how many Americans currently are fighting in Syria and Iraq. In September, FBI director James Comey said it was "about a dozen".
Francis X Taylor, who heads the Homeland Security Department's intelligence office, said intelligence agencies are "unaware of any specific, credible, imminent threat to the homeland".
However, he said, officials are concerned that Americans who join violent extremist groups in Syria "could gain combat skills, violent extremist connections and possibly become persuaded to conduct organised or 'lone-wolf' style attacks that target US and Western interests.
"We also have become increasingly aware of the possibility that Syria could emerge as a base of operations for al-Qaeda's international agenda, which could include attacks against the homeland."

- AP

Obasanjo’s support’ll give us more votes –Buhari

Former Head of State, Gen.Muhammadu Buhari
The Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd), has welcomed the endorsement of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, saying it will convince more Nigerians to vote for him and his party.
Buhari said this on Wednesday night during an interview with CNN’s Chief International Correspondent, Christine Amanpour.
Obasanjo had on Tuesday in Nairobi, Kenya during an interview with the Financial Times of London at the launch of his controversial autobiography entitled, ‘My Watch,’ expressed support for Buhari.
When asked by Amanpour what he thought of Obasano’s endorsement, Buhari said, “It would certainly bring more supporters to us and more confidence again to us for those who are sitting on the fence.”
This, he said, was “because General Obasanjo is highly respected and as far as the Nigerian nation is concerned, there is no serious issue that can be discussed without people seeking his opinion and listening to it.”
In the course of the interview, Buhari disagreed with President Goodluck Jonathan and the Peoples Democratic Party on the reasons behind the postponement of the general elections.
Although the ruling party insisted that the Independent National Electoral Commission was not prepared for the elections, Buhari maintained that INEC was forced by the military to delay the elections even after insisting it was prepared.
Despite his disappointment, he explained that since the action was constitutional, the APC had asked its supporters to obey the law and remain calm but resolute.
Asked about the Boko Haram insurgency, Buhari restated his belief that the military had been unable to overcome the insurgents because resources meant for the military had been misappropriated.
He cited scuttled plans by the National Assembly to probe the funding of the army over the last three years and interviews granted to the foreign media by soldiers, who he said, claimed that they had to fight without proper weapons, to back his view.
He said, “The National Assembly attempted to conduct a hearing by getting the budget approved by the National Assembly over the last three years and inviting the service chiefs to come and tell them why the weapons were not procured and sent to the soldiers under competent leadership and that hearing was scuttled.
“So, it showed the misapplication or misappropriation of the resources provided by government and says why the Nigerian military was unable to defeat Boko Haram.”
Regardless, Buhari said the military was competent to tackle the insurgency.
If elected as president, he said achieving that goal would not be “too difficult.”
“I believe this problem will not be too difficult for the APC government because we know the Nigerian military is competent. It is a question of making sure that the money voted for equipment and training is properly utilised,” he said.
The APC’s presidential candidate also said corruption had to be tackled “because there are serious citizens of this country that (have) said unless Nigeria kills corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria.”
In endorsing Buhari, Obasanjo had said, “The circumstances he (Buhari) will be working under if he wins the elections are different from the one he worked under before, where he was both the executive and the legislature – he knows that. He is smart enough. He is educated enough. He’s experienced enough. Why shouldn’t I support him?”
And Buhari expressed a similar view when asked if he had changed.
The former military dictator, who admitted that some of the things his regime was accused of had a degree of accuracy, insisted that things would be different.
“I think I would be judged harshly as an individual that what happened during military administration can be extended under multi-party democratic system,” he said.


I will hand over if I lose, says President Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday cleared the air on alleged plans to prolong his tenure, saying if the result of the March 28 presidential election does not favour him, he will hand over to whoever that wins.
Jonathan, in a live media chat apparently organised to douse the tension generated by the postponement of the general elections, spoke among others, the   alleged plot   to sack the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, insurgency and corruption.
Before and after the polls were shifted from February 14 and 28 to March 28 and April 11, there were rumours that   the President and the Peoples Democratic Party were nursing a sinister plot not to hand over power.
The rumours   were further fuelled by statements credited to ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo in far away Nairobi, Kenya.
Obasanjo was quoted as saying, “I sincerely hope that the President is not going for broke and saying ‘look dammit, it’s either I have it or nobody has it.”
But Jonathan told a panel of interviewers that he was not desperate to remain in power. He said such   “insinuations and wrong information” were meant to discredit him by his political opponents.
He said, “Let me assure Nigerians that a new government will be formed on May 29.They should not be perturbed about rumours that we are planning to send Jega on a terminal leave and other rubbish that is being circulated.
“In 2011, I said I will conduct a free and fair election and that if I lose, I will happily move on and that it should be recorded.
“Then I just concluded the late President Umaru Yar’Adua’s tenure. I said I will be happy to go if I lose. I said this nation is more important than anybody. Anyone who wants to hold the office of   President and feels he is more important than the nation is not right.
“So if as of 2011, I made a commitment that   if I lose I will go, it should tell you more about my stand on free and fair elections.
“But now, Nigerians have given me the opportunity to be here for four good years and so if the elections are conducted and I lose, of course, we will inaugurate a new government.
“The rumour that I will not hand over or that I am scheming to prolong my tenure are insinuations; they are not true. Those are insinuations; it is quite unfortunate that so much wrong information is floating in the system.”
Jonathan faulted the claim by Jega that INEC was ready for the elections. He said the information given to him by security chiefs was that poor distribution of   Permanent Voter Cards could have caused a security challenge in the country.
He, however, said he would not sack Jega.
Jonathan said, “During the Council of State meeting, the issue of security was emphasised and there is no way security chiefs would have disclosed all the details to everybody but they disclosed some things to me which they did not mention to others.
“There are two aspects to the issue of insecurity. The first is   Boko Haram and   the second is the threat factor in the country.
“When INEC picked the dates for elections, the threat level was not   high until we started the campaign. So, it was important for the security chiefs to review the security architecture otherwise the country would have gone up in flames.
“In election, a lot of problems are involved. When the issue of PVC was being branded as a problem, INEC, from what Jega mentioned that day, clearly was not ready for the elections. They said they were ready but they were not.
“The day we held that meeting that led to this adjustment of dates, in Lagos for example, only about 38 per cent of registered voters had their PVCs. That means if we conduct elections in Lagos, 62 per cent of   voters   not would not have been able to vote.
“Don’t you think there are security implications in that?
“Some other states had slightly above 30   per cent collection while some had 50 per cent and there were some states that had 60 to 70 per cent. The security agencies highlighted the security implications of this but ordinary people might not see it that way.”
Boko Haram
On the insurgency in the North-East, Jonathan said he was confident that within the six weeks, the international forces would have been able to regain the 14 local government areas occupied by insurgents.
He however noted that Boko Haram could not be completely crushed within six weeks but maintained that the security situation would be such that elections would   hold in the troubled areas without problems.
He said, “In 2011, when the elections were conducted, we had Boko Haram. Boko Haram started before 2007 but became a major problem when their leader was killed in 2009. Nobody is saying we must wipe out Boko Haram completely before conducting elections.
“We said that security wise, there are certain things that they need so that they can consolidate on the security architecture; so that we can conduct elections but in the next six weeks, security advancements will be made but we cannot say we will wipe out Boko Haram. At best we can only regain territories.
“When they started, they were not taking over territories; they were going to markets and using suicide bombers. Elections will hold and I don’t see why we should continue to doubt the inauguration of next President in May.”
Chibok girls
Jonathan also berated those criticising him for failing to rescue the Chibok girls who were abducted by terrorists in April last year.
He said he was confident that most of the girls would be rescued soon.
The President said, “I believe now that we are working with Chad and Cameroon, in the next few weeks, the story of the Chibok girls will change. It’s going to get better.
“I believe we should be able to rescue some of them. But I don’t want to be quoted, I don’t want you to say the President said so, that in two weeks time or in four weeks time, I cannot say that because the diapperance of those girls has taken quite some time.
“But we have mapped out strategies, we are working with our neighbours and we will comb all the areas. So, just give us sometime.”
The President denied that he went partying when the girls were kidnapped, saying people only tried to play politics with the matter.
The President said, “People are playing politics with Chibok girls and it is very unfortunate. That is one of the problems that we have in Nigeria. In other countries, when there is an issue of terror, political boundaries collapse and people work together.
“The interest of the country is paramount but in this case when we have terror, then Nigerians believe it is better to go to the United States or the United Kingdom or France and appear on television to celebrate themselves. Is that how we will bring back those girls?
“Let us face facts. When there was 9/11 in the US, how many Americans went round the world criticising their government? Is it by carrying flags and singing around the world that we will bring those girls back? I expected that those with international connections would help the country and not the other way round.”
The President   debunked the report that the Federal Government was swindled when   Boko Haram sect announced a ceasefire last year.
Jonathan admitted that there was no ongoing talks with the sect as of now because its leaders had remained   faceless.
The President corrected the statement credited to him that stealing is not corruption.
He said he only quoted a statement by a former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Dahiru Musdapha, during a meeting he held with stakeholders on how to fight corruption.
Jonathan insisted that many social vices were being wrongly referred to as corruption.
He cited an example that people could be easily isolated or lynched if they were called thieves rather than being referred to as being corrupt.
Attacks on his convoy
Jonathan decried the various attacks on his convoy during his campaigns in the northern part of the country.
He said it was a treasonable offence to attack a sitting President in that manner.
Jonathan said he saw those who attacked his convoy and that they were mainly young people who were probably instigated.
Campaign funding
Asked if he was bothered by the large amount of money spent during campaigns as against the stipulations of the electoral law, the President said pressures from the supporters of party candidates had risen beyond control.
He, however, said funds being raised by the PDP were meant for the building of the PDP secretariat, adding that the N21bn raised for his campaign was “mere pledges, some of which have not been redeemed.”

PDP accuses Jega of meeting APC leaders in Dubai

INEC Chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega

The Peoples Democratic Party on Wednesday raised fresh allegations aiming at discrediting the National Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, over the conduct of the elections.
At a crowded press conference in Abuja, the Director of Media and Publicity of the PDP Presidential Campaign Organisation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, alleged that Jega had meetings with some unnamed leaders of the main opposition party, the All Progressives Congress, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
But the commission said it was not in its character to join issues with political parties.
The Chief Press Secretary to the Chairman of the commission, Mr. Kayode Idowu, said this when contacted to react to the allegation.
Idowu said, “INEC doesn’t join issues with political parties, because the commission is a dispassionate umpire.”
However, the National Publicity Secretary of the APC, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, dismissed the allegation as utter nonsense and irritable.
Speaking in a telephone interview with one of our correspondents on Wednesday, Mohammed said, “I’m in Abuja with some of our leaders. Baba Bisi Akande is here, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is here, former Governor Kayode Fayemi is here. Asiwaju Bola Tinubu is in Lagos.
“No leader of the APC is outside the country. So, tell me who is Jega meeting? Is it members of our NEC? Not one of our leaders is outside the country. This people are paranoid. We are preparing for our NEC meeting. We have some of our governors here. The PDP is paranoid.”
But Fani-Kayode also alleged that the meeting was aimed at making sure that those who had yet to get the Permanent Voter Cards were denied the opportunity of receiving them.
The former Minister of Aviation put the number of those voters at 23 million.
Fani-Kayode added that the commission was scheming out voters in states and areas where he said supporters of the ruling party were.
Besides, he alleged that the PVCs were still at China and had yet to be imported to Nigeria.
He said, “Pieces of information at our disposal have shown that Jega has had meetings with the APC stalwarts in Dubai and other cities in the world to perfect this wanton conspiracy against 23 million eligible voters.
“Besides, we have information that the PVCs that Nigerians are scrambling for are not in Nigeria and will not arrive before the elections.
“These PVCs are still in China and Jega has strategically delayed their arrival to suit his electioneering permutations.”
Asked to provide proof about the alleged Dubai meeting, Fani-Kayode refused.
Fani-Kayode however said that Jega must also show Nigerians proof that the Chinese company printing the PVCs had been paid in full by disclosing the total contract sum and the amount paid to date.
He also demanded that Jega should show proof of arrival or expected date of arrival of all PVCs for the elections and that he should equally tell Nigerians how he could have distributed 23 million PVCs within five days to election if there hadn’t been postponement.
He said it was wrong for the commission to have claimed that the election was shifted due to insecurity, adding that the electoral body was not fully ready for the election.
“The matter is that INEC has failed in its responsibility to produce and distribute PVCs to about 34 per cent of registered voters who would require the cards to vote in the elections.
“This brings us to the issue of statistics of PVC distribution and collection which we believe Jega, as a person acting in concert with some forces of retrogression, is playing games with.
“We express our concerns today that Jega may have decided to aid the APC to rig the forthcoming elections through the manipulation of the production, distribution and collection of PVCs, such that emerging trends have consistently shown calculated attempts to deprive parts of the country that would traditionally vote for President Jonathan of their PVCs.”