Sunday 30 August 2015

Mourinho: I am to blame for home loss to Crystal Palace

Aug 28, 2015
Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho says he blames himself for the champions' 2-1 defeat to Crystal Palace at Stamford Bridge on Saturday.
The Blues slumped to their second Premier League loss of the season thanks to Joel Ward's winner after Radamel Falcao had equalised Bakary Sako's opener.
The result leaves Chelsea eight points behind Manchester City after just four games and Mourinho says he must take his share of the blame for the result.
"I cannot say I had 11 players at the same time performing. To be fair, two or three of them, individual performances were far from good," he told reporters.

Jonathan, Diezani under probe over $6m mobile stages

Aug 28, 2015
The ongoing probe of the past administration by President Muhammadu Buhari has indicted his predecessor, President Goodluck Jonathan, and two of his former officials, over an alleged purchase of three mobile stages to the tune of $6.9million, a Presidency source has said.
It added, "By the next month, an NNPC payment voucher number 3840336 was already in place revealing that the money was released.

American arrested on Sierra Leone 'blood diamond' charges

Aug 28, 2015
DAKAR Spanish authorities have arrested a American man on charges of enslavement and diamond pillaging during Sierra Leone's civil war, a victims' association said on Saturday.
Michel Desaedeleer, who has U.S. and Belgian citizenship, is suspected of forcing enslaved civilians to mine for diamonds in Sierra Leone's eastern district of Kono between 1999-2001, according to Swiss-based Civitas Maxima.
During Sierra Leone's long conflict, the diamonds were sent to neighboring Liberia where former President Charles Taylor used the proceeds to finance weapons for rebels.
"(The case) will help to raise awareness of the pivotal role played by financial actors in the trade of mineral resources that fuel armed conflicts in Africa and elsewhere," said Alain Werner, director of Civitas Maxima, which has been working for years to document the crimes and assist victims.

Body of abducted man found in Ebonyi

The dead body of a man in his late 40s, Christian Isha of Ndubia village, Igbeagu Community in Izzi local government area of Ebonyi State was at the weekend found in a swamp with his private parts mutilated and the face skinned.
His hand was placed on his chest and his mobile phone which has been off since he was kidnapped.
Isha was whisked away a week ago by unknown gunmen with a Hilux van on his way back home from where he went to buy things for his family in the night.
The people of the area had declared him missing and organized a search party for him but to no avail as he was still missing the weekend when his remains was found in a nearby swamp in the area.
A family source who pleaded anonymity and who confirmed the death of Isha said that he was found dead.
The source added that a relative of the deceased had gone to farm and started perceiving offensive ordour which made him uncomfortable while in the farm and he began to look for the source which led to the discovery of Isha’s dead body.
‘’One of us went to his farm. While in the farm, he said he perceived bad ordour and that the ordour was so offensive that no one could stand it.