Wednesday 4 March 2015

Court grants Edo PDP candidate bail

A Federal High Court sitting in Benin on Tuesday granted bail to a Peoples Democratic Party candidate for Egor constituency, Edo State House of Assembly, Mr. Nosa Adams‎.
‎Adams was granted bail following a fundamental right application filed by his Counsel, Kingsley Obamogie.
It would be recalled that an Egor Magistrate Court had on November 5, 2014, remanded Adams, at the Oko Prison, over the alleged shooting of three delegates at Aunty Maria Primary School, venue of the party’s ward congress.
The PDP candidate was arraigned on a four count of alleged conspiracy to commit felony and attempted murder.
The presiding magistrate, Igho Braimoh, had said since the court had no jurisdiction to entertain the case, it also had no jurisdiction to grant bail to the accused.
He, however, secured the party’s ticket while in prison custody.‎
But the presiding judge, Justice A. M. Liman, granted the suspect bail based on an argument that he had been in custody for almost four months.
The bail was in the sum of N2 million and two sureties, who must be property owners in the state.
Obamogie had earlier urged the court to invoke the Doctrine of Necessity to grant his client bail and tendered a medical report on his state of health, adding that the continued detention of his client infringed on his fundamental rights.
But the Counsel to the state government, Oluwole Iyamu, who opposed the bail application, said the suspect had been remanded by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Oluwole also said the application ought to have been filed at the State High Court, rather than a federal court.

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