Tuesday 17 March 2015

N18,000 minimum wage no longer realistic, says NLC president

Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)

THE President of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Dr. Ayuba Wabba, has emphasised that the N18,000 minimum wage is no longer realistic, considering the nation’s  economic situation.
Wabba, who spoke at his maiden news conference in Abuja yesterday, noted that the negative impact of the falling global price of crude oil at the international market on the country’s economy made it imperative to review the minimum wage.
He said with the devaluation of the Naira by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the purchasing power of the average worker had reduced.

Wabba added that in the face of dwindling economic fortunes, the labour movement would dialogue with the Federal Government and other employers of labour to protect the workers’ interest.
He assured Nigerians that despite the challenges associated with the conduct of the elections, the union would remain one indivisible family.
His leadership, he said, would use direct and indirect means to resolve the disagreement arising from the  the election, stressing that the congress was bigger than any individual or group.
Dismissing the special delegates’ conference called by some aggrieved members, the NLC president said the only organ of the congress constitutionally empowered to call for a delegates’ conference is the National Executive Council, adding: “That body duly called for a delegates’ conference, which had just elected a new leadership for the congress”.
His words: “We are going to use both direct and indirect approach to approach the aggrieved parties to reconcile. What I mean is that the present leadership will try and meet them individually and collectively to see reasons beyond personal interest and to look at the organisation as the ultimate.
“We have had such situations in the past and we have been able to resolve them. I think we must give peace a chance. That is why I said we have already extended a hand of fellowship to everybody and, therefore, we are looking ahead to see how we can resolve the issues.
“Before the elections were to proceed, the veterans intervened and we sat down in this hall to look at preliminary issues that contestants raised and the issues were addressed.
“A decision was also made that whatever the outcome, everybody is going to abide by it.
“We made those commitments before the veterans in this hall on the day of the election and so, I am certain that they will play a significant role. Those are the two areas I think will be important for us to use in reaching out to them. We also have time-tested procedures in resolving conflicts and disputes. We will approach the issues with an open mind so that we can move forward.
“As far as I am concerned, the only organ that can convene a delegate conference in accordance with the constitution is the National Executive Council. That organ has convened a conference, a National Returning Officer was appointed and the results were declared in public. Everything about the election is on record and so, we must also accept the outcome.
“I think that the most important thing is to continue to extend our hand of fellowship to them and we stand on the constitutional provision. The first President of NLC was the person that administered the oath of office, which is an indication that they believed in the process because they were there throughout the night, watching the proceeding.
“We don’t believe there will be two leadership because our believe is that we should be able to unite and look at the issues that affect the workers and not personal interest.
“Although there has been a lot of challenges, it has been a credible process that all of us can attest to. But for me, the most important thing is how we can address the mounting challenges facing the workers because the interest of workers should be paramount and that should guide our engagements. And from what we have heard from all over the country, our members are also satisfied.”
Wabba assured subscribers of the NLC housing projects that his leadership would do everything possible to refund their money, adding that the congress was aware that they subscribed to the project because of the involvement of the NLC.
He added: “You are aware that there are two signatories to the account and one of the signatories is at large. The process of refund has been completed, but he has refused to come and sign. Already, he has been declared wanted by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC).
“What we want the court to do, having been declared wanted, is to make an order empowering the NLC to refund everybody through the process of e-payment since it was mutually agreed between us and the subscribers. We want the court to issue that order.
“So, the assurance I want to give is that this is a continuous process and NLC is an institution and once decisions are made, every leader that emerges is obliged to carry out those decisions and instructions. So, we will go ahead and make sure that every worker is refunded.”

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