Saturday 4 April 2015

Men of history


Last Saturday’s historic victory of the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, is a watershed by all standards. First, it marks the first time an opposition candidate will defeat an incumbent. Two, the candidate can best be described as ‘Abraham Lincoln’ of Nigeria. Like the famed former American President, Gen. Buhari triumphed at the fourth attempt at the presidential slot and after he had almost given up. However, the victory was one achieved after navigating through so many landmines. Whenever the story of this milestone is retold, some people will definitely occupy chapters in the chronicles of the events that led to it. We profile them below:
HE towers above others, not only in height, but also in character, patriotism and political luck. The light-skinned, tall and dignified gallant officer weathered the storm four times to fulfill his destiny. Although he has seen it all before as a civil war hero, military governor, minister, military commander and Head of State, necessity has made it compelling for him in retirement to embark on a rescue mission. His victory at the historic presidential election underscored the power of courage and the audacity of hope.
Today, Muhammadu Buhari, a Fulani and retired soldier from Daura, Katsina State, is the man of the moment. On May 29, he will inherit a national burden; a country in despair, a disunited polity, an empty treasury, a huge foreign debt, an army of unemployed youths, dilapidated infrastructure, wobbling health system, and insecurity. According to observers, Nigeria, for the first time, elected a leader whose aversion to primitive accumulation is legendary. His strength lies, not only in his power of ideas and passion for progress, but other vital assets, including integrity, credibility and disdain for corruption. He will work hand in hand with a resilient deputy, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo (SAN), another powerhouse of ideas, a silent worker, planner, organiser and result-oriented technocrat.
Buhari is not the first former military Head of State to return to power through the ballot box after disengagement from the Army. His former boss, Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, who handed over power voluntarily to the civilian regime in 1979, was elected President 16 years later. Other former military Heads of State-Gen. Yakubu Gowon and Gen. Ibrahim Babangida-also made futile efforts in the past. However, Buhari’s second coming is significant in some ways. History will record that he is the first politician to defeat an incumbent in a critical election that had aroused domestic passion and the interest of the international community.

Besides, he is the first Nigerian to have contested for the Presidency four times. His previous attempts in 2003 and 2007 as the candidate of the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and 2011 as the standard bearer of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) were resisted by the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). On each occasion, he demonstrated maturity and headed for the court. After the judicial verdicts, which did not favour him, he returned to the drawing board. Buhari is always on the firing line. Armed with superior arguments, after each electoral tragedy, he has always risen to challenge the status quo. The substance of his message is that a failed government has forfeited the moral right to seek a renewal of mandate. In the assessment of the old soldier who left power 30 years ago at the age of 43, Nigeria has been moving towards prosperity at a snail-like speed, despite its vast human talents and abundant natural resources. Having dissected the polity, he identified two ills that have stood on the way of development. These are poor management and corruption.
As the custodian of a popular mandate, much is expected of his administration. According to analysts, Nigerians may not be patient with him because they want a quick action.
Buhari was born on 17 December 1942, in Daura, Katsina State, to his father, Adamu, and his mother, Zulaihat. He is the 23rd child of his father. He was raised by his mother, after his father died when he was about four years old.  In 1971, Buhari married his first wife, Safinatu (née Yusuf). The marriage was fruitful. The couple had five children; four girls and one boy. In December 1989, Buhari married his second wife, Aisha (née Halilu) Buhari. They also have five children, a boy and four girls.
Buhari joined the Nigerian Army in 1961. He attended the Nigerian Military Training College in February 1964. The school was renamed the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. From 1962 to 1963, he attended officer cadets training at Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot, England. In January 1963, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and appointed Platoon Commander of the Second Infantry Battalion, Abeokuta. Between November 1963 and January 1964, Buhari attended the Platoon Commanders’ Course at the Nigerian Military College, Kaduna. In 1964, he attended the Mechanical Transport Officer’s Course at the Army Mechanical Transport School, Borden, United Kingdom. From 1965 to 1967, Buhari served as Commander of the Second Infantry Battalion. He was appointed a Brigade Major, Second Sector, First Infantry Division, April 1967 to July 1967. He was made Brigade Major of the Third Infantry Brigade, July 1967 to October 1968 and Brigade Major/Commandant, Thirty-first Infantry Brigade, 1970 to 1971.
Buhari served as the Assistant Adjutant-General, First Infantry Division Headquarters. That was between 1971 and 1972. He also attended the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, India, in 1973. Between 1974 and 1975, he was Acting Director of Transport and Supply, Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport Headquarters. Buhari was also Military Secretary, Army Headquarters, from 1978 to 1979. He was a member of the Supreme Military Council (SMC) from 1978 to 1979.
As a colonel between 1979 to 1980. Buhari attended the US Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States, and obtained  a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies. He was the General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division (August 1980  January 1981), General Officer Commanding, 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division ( January 1981  October 1981) and General Officer Commanding, 3rd Armed Division (October 1981  December 1983)
In August 1975, after the late General Murtala Mohammed took over power from Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Buhari was appointed as the military governor of the Northeastern State. In March 1976, the Head of State, Gen. Obasanjo, appointed him as the Federal Commissioner for Petroleum and Natural Resources. When the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation was created in 1976, Buhari was also appointed as its Chairman. In 1983, when Chadian forces invaded Borno State, Buhari mobilised soldiers to chase the invaders out of the country.
On December 31, 1983, Buhari became the Head of State after toppling President Shehu Shagari. His Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters was the late Major-General Tunde Idiagbon. Until August 1985, when he was toppled by the Chief of Army Staff, General Ibrahim Babangida, Buhari ran an efficient administration. He was frugal. He also loathed corruption. He steadily paid the huge foreign debts. He launched the ‘War Against Indiscipline,’ whipping decadent Nigerians into line. He was a no-nonsense military ruler.
On the economic front, he blocked the loopholes. Buhari wanted to build a thriving economy along the conditions of austerity measures. He encouraged import substitution industrialisation, urging manufacturers to look inwards through the use of local materials. He was unapologetic in tightening importation. When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) asked the government to devalue the naira by 60 percent, the military leader objected. Instead, he embarked on fiscal discipline, creative financial engineering and prudent management of resources by his Finance Minister, Dr. Onaolapo Soleye.
Many have criticised Buhari for poor human rights record as a military Head of State. Duting the presidential  campaigns, he took responsibility for his past actions, saying that the past cannot be changed. But, he assured that, now that he has become a ‘converted democrat’, he is ready to abode by the rule of law.
Under military rule, the ruler is a dictator. Thus, when he was in the saddle, Buhari’s word was the law. In fact, observers have described him as the lord of manor. He was not even planning any transition programme. Asked by reporters when he will set up one, he said: “May be, in 10 years’ time.” Under his Decree 2 and 4, citizens considered to be security risk, particularly vocal politicians and rights activists, were detained without charges. Popular demonstrations were banned. Two journalists-Nduka Irabor and Tunde Thompson-were even jailed. Past civilian leaders, including governors and ministers were tried and convicted for corruption by military tribunals. Traditional rulers were not insulated from political control. For travelling to Israel without official clearance, the Ooni of Ife and Emir of Kano were restricted in their palaces for six months. Drug pushers were tried and executed under retroactive laws. Illegal foreigners were sent packing. In a controversial,maaner, the government wanted to bring the fleeing Transport Minister, the late Dr. Umaru Dikko, back home to answer corruption charges. Gradually, Nigerians who hailed his ascension after ousting Shagari started to grumble. But, his WAI programmes restored order, discipline and public decency.
In August 1985, the beat stopped. Buhari was overthrown by Babangida. The former Head of State was detained. In retirement, he maintained a dignified silence, until he was made the Chairman of the Committee on the proposed Katsina State University. Later, he served as the Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) under Abacha, who displaced the interim contraption set up by Babangida. His tenure was marked by success, despite the bad image of the government. The infrastructure battle was vigorously fought. Buhari ensured prudent management, transparency and accountability.
In 2003, he entered the fray. His first baptism of fire was the presidential election of that year. He stood against Obasanjo. He lost. In 2007, he was also defeated by former President Umaru Yar’ Adua, who acknowledged that the poll was severely flawed. In 2011, he also lost his deposit. During those period, he embraced defeat with understanding and philosophical calmness, urging the court to intervene. Although his supporters rioted in the North following the announcement of the 2011 election results, he has repeatedly denied ever instigating the post-election violence then.
Ahead of the recent presidential election, his personality was maligned through hate campaigns by opponents. PDP chieftains maintained that Buhari was not fit to rule on account of his age, health and certificate. When he applied for his certificate from the Army, the military authorities denied him. But, Nigerians rose in defence of the General, saying that his NEPA bills will do. Former Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Alani Akinrinade, said that the military lied. He said his own certificate was also kept with the Army.
Throughout the campaigns, he elevated issues over personality. He shunned hate campaigns, refused to visit churches and mosques, unlike the President Goodluck Jonathan and his deputy, Vice President Nnamadi Sambo. Buhari exuded confidence, charisma, carriage, courage and maturity, even when he was provoked. He was like a father figure on the podium as he canvassed the alternative ideas for better governance.
Three decades ago, he rode to power on military populism. The conditions that paved the way for his ascension in 1983 are similar to the current prevailing circumstances. In the 80s, Nigerians groaned under an inept administration, making the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the leader of the defunct Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), to warn Shagari that the ship of state was about to hit the rock. Reminiscent of the Second Republic, Buhari has also warned in this Fourth Republic that the country was on the brink. It is an understatement. The economy has been mismanaged. The currency has almost become a worthless paper. A culture of theft and graft has been enthroned. Almost a year after, the abducted Chibok girls are yet to be rescued. Roads are death traps. Hospitals have become mere consulting clinics. The nation lay prostrate.
As a young man, Buhari wanted to change the course of history. He wanted to also make a name as a leader who sanitised society and established a decent rule. But, his colleagues conspired against him. Will he now make use of the second chance by imprinting his name in the letters of gold through diligent service to his fatherland? Time will tell.

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