Sunday 22 February 2015

Satanic Suggestions While Serving God - Religion

Every sinner is under the bondage of Satan, and everybody was born a sinner. But it would get to a point in your life that you may want to make a decision to surrender to Jesus and serve Him; at this point of time, your old task master, Satan, would not want to let you go. Since you have the power to decide and choose, he cannot force you down but he can suggest deceptive options to serve God.

When you accept any of his options to serve God, he keeps you in his bondage in your ignorance, thinking you are free from him. That was exactly the case with the children of Israel and Pharaoh; when the children of Israel were determined to go and serve God, and Pharaoh saw he could not hold them down any longer, then he gave them several options by which they could serve God, but Moses did not accept any of the Pharaoh suggestions.

You cannot serve God acceptably through satanic suggestion or option; for us to serve God acceptably, we must serve Him in accordance to His word and way, not in line with Satan options. So many people are seriously and zealously serving God today – in their personal lives and different churches, but they are ignorantly serving God in the ways of Satan, and so they are not recognized by God, and their services are not acceptable or rewardable.

Here are some of the options and suggestions of Satan to serve God:

Remain In Your Sinful Bondage And Serve God:
Exodus 8:25, “Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God in the land.”
Satan can tell you to remain in your sin and start serving God, that you can be a worker in the church, in choir and a minister, and still continue in your old way of life. Such service is an abomination to God. Pharaoh offered same thing to Moses, that the Israelites could serve God even in the land of Egypt that no need for them to leave the land because they want to serve God. But Moses was wise to reject such offer, “And Moses said, “It is not right to do so, for we would be sacrificing the abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord our God.” Exodus 8:26.

Any service unto God in sin is an abomination to God. Before you can serve God acceptably, you must first surrender your life to Jesus, forsake your sins and be cleansed.

Not Too Far
Exodus 8:28, “So Pharaoh said, “I will let you go, that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness; only you shall not go very far away. Intercede for me.”
When Satan sees you are determined to serve God and get free from his bondage, he will suggest, “If you want to go, you can, but you can still be coming around to visit here, so don't go too far.” That is satanic deception to keep you in perpetual bondage, knowing fully well that if you don’t go too far, you will still remain under his bondage.

To be free from Satan’s bondage, you must leave completely and go far. You must be far from sinful territory, sinful partners, properties, materials, music, movies and anything that will link you back to the old life of sin; until you do that, you are not yet free from the bondage of Satan. You must put sin and its elements far from you.

Job 11:14, 15, "If iniquity were in your hand, and you put it far away, and would not let wickedness dwell in your tents; 15 Then surely you could lift up your face without spot; Yes, you could be steadfast, and not fear."

If you will want to be free totally, you must completely leave the tent of sin and old life.

After your salvation and rededication to the Lord, Satan will want you to still keep some sinful and worldly materials and relationship, to still be visiting once in a while the sinful people and places, but for you to go far with God in your new life, you must move far from the old life and people, else you will find yourself back in the vomit.

Half Bondage, Half Freedom
Exodus 10:11, "Not so! Go now, you who are men, and serve the Lord, for that is what you desired.” And they were driven out from Pharaoh’s presence."

Satan will tell you that you can leave some sins and still hold to some, and continue to serve God. When you dedicate your life to Jesus, Satan will differentiate some sins as serious and major, and some as simple and minor; that you can continue in some little sinful stuffs, that it doesn’t matter, "Since you have surrender the majors ones." That is the deception from the pit of hell. Every unrighteousness is sin, meaning sin is sin, and every sin, no matter how simple or minor, has the capacity to lead to hell if it is not repented and rejected. Satan will suggest half freedom, that you don't need to drop everything at once, that you can drop them gradually. But he knows there is nothing like half freedom or a better or trying Christian, it’s totally free or never free.

If the Son of God shall set you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36.

Leaving Your Belongings In Bondage
Exodus 10:24, "Then Pharaoh called to Moses and said, “Go, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back. Let your little ones also go with you.”

Satan can suggest that you can go and serve God but you can leave your belongings under his bondage of sin, that since you don’t drink again, you can still give your money to people to buy alcoholic drinks at ceremony; that since you don’t do ritual and traditional festival again, you can still send your money to them at village to do it or they will get mad at you; that since you are now a born again Christian, but you can still give money to your Muslim family to buy ram.

Satan would tell you, “Since you are now a child of God, and you don’t smoke or drink again, you can still invest your money to buy shares at beer Breweries, or you can still work at sinful companies like Breweries, Tobacco companies, Beer Parlor, etc. Such suggestions are from Satan to hold you in eternal bondage, because as long your belongings still remain in his territory, or you work at sinful producing companies, your heart will remain under his bondage, because where your belongings, money are, or where you get money, is where your heart will be. Matthew 6:21.

Satan can suggest several ways for you to serve God, but it is unwise to take any of his suggestions, it is just like taking advice from your enemy on how to attack him. Jesus Christ is the Way, and He is pleading and soliciting to you to accept Him into your life and serve Him in His own way as clearly written in His Word, before it is too late forever. He says, “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.

To serve God acceptably, you must first surrender all to Him by realizing your sins and ready to forsake them. Then you confess them and ask Him to forgive you, cleanse you and save you. Then you start a new life in Him by following Him; you will detach yourself from the old things and people, you destroy all the sinful things in your life, and you delete the materials, music, movies, and memories of sinful connections. Then you can freely serve God in Christ Jesus, then you can go far and forward in your Christian life without rising and falling.

What are you waiting for?
Then what are you waiting for? Now you need to bring your life to Jesus and surrender it unto Him for His transformation and regeneration. You don’t need to delay further. You need to give your old life, polluted life up to Jesus so He can give you a brand new life in Him. Delay can be dangerous, do it now. Admit your sins, surrender all to Jesus, ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you.

Accept Him to be the Lord of your life and determine to be pleasing Him and following Him for the rest of your life till you get to heaven, no turning back to sin and the sinful world.

You about to experience unspeakable peace of divine touch, this is like never before! Just pray it in prayer now!

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