Sunday 22 February 2015

Young Suicide Bomber Kills 5 In Yobe – Witnesses

A suicide bomber on Sunday, February 22, blew up herself and five others when the explosive devices strapped to her body detonated in a market in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Potiskum, Yobe state, witnesses said.
Reportedly, the suicide bomber was a young girl from 7 to 10 years old.
According to the Eagle Online, the female suicide bomber struck at about 1:20pm when the market was in full swing.
The female suicide bomber was said to have died alongside many others.
As the AFP reports, nineteen others who sustained various degrees of injury were taken to hospital after the blast, a local vigilante leader said.
“So far, five people were killed with the girl while 19 others have been taken to hospital for injuries,” Buba Lawan said.

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