Sunday 15 March 2015

France increases efforts in fight against Boko Haram


France is providing intelligence to  Nigeria and neighbouring Chad, Cameroun and Niger Republic, all of which are at war with Boko Haram.
Paris says it has also reoriented its military efforts in the region to focus more on the fight against the terror sect.
France specifically supports the Chadian offensive.
About 30 French troops have been deployed in Niger since last month near the Nigerian border, and French jets frequently fly over the area to provide intelligence, according to two French top diplomatic officials, who were not authorised to speak publicly.
The country also provides fuel and food supplies to Chadian troops, said one of the officials.
France has a big air base with 600 troops in N’Djamena, the capital of Chad, close to Cameroon’s border and northern Nigeria.
It has deployed 3,000 troops in five countries of the Sahel in an operation aiming at fighting Islamic extremists in the region.
The operation to fight Boko Haram is “flexible,” which means that some troops can be redeployed from one country to another, one of the officials said, without giving more details.
France’s defence minister said last week that the country would “slightly” increase its number of troops in the Sahel region by the end of the year, but does not intend to take active part in the fight, against Boko Haram.

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