Monday 23 February 2015

'Devious' care-worker who claimed ex lover raped her caught out - after he filmed their one night stand

Spurned single mum Pauline Muir even contacted her lover's 16-year-old son via Facebook to tell him of the false allegation
Pauline Muir
Jailed: A care worker made a false rape allegation about her ex

A care worker who boasted on dating websites she was "devious" claimed she was raped by her former lover only to be caught out after he filmed their one night stand.
Spurned single mum Pauline Muir's lies led to the man being arrested and held in custody before being released on bail for seven weeks.
Muir even contacted his 16-year-old son via Facebook to tell him of the allegation, Derby Crown Court heard.
Later after the lie was exposed by the footage of his mobile phone he told police: "She could have ruined my life."
Now the 44-year-old has been jailed for 14 months after admitting perverting the course of justice by making an allegation of rape.
Eugene Henderson Pauline Muir
False Claim: Care worker Pauline Muir alleged that a lover had raped her

The court heard Muir lied after realising she had been duped by her "cynical" ex-boyfriend who had sex with her then stormed out of the house making it clear they would never get back together.
Sarah Allen, prosecuting, said the pair had been in a relationship which came to an end. The man wanted to get some items returned, but failed despite the involvement of the police.
"He decided to get the items back by pretending they were rekindling their relationship. He made an arrangement to arrive at her home in the early hours. She was under the impression he would be staying.
"They engaged in a consensual sexual act, but he thought there might be repercussions and decided to record it," said Miss Allen.
He set up his mobile phone to do this. The pair later began to argue when he told her he planned to leave the house, with him calling her "a mad b****, a dumb b****".
Eugene Henderson Pauline Muir
Behind Bars: Muir has been jailed for 14 months for making the false rape allegation

The encounter took place on September 1 last year and a few days later Muir called police to say she had been raped by the man.
He was arrested on September 15, but he told officers about the recording and was given bail until November 4 while enquiries continued.
Muir sent him 200 texts and he replied seven times. "On December 1, she contacted him, saying she would get him into trouble for driving matters," said Miss Allen. Muir also falsely claimed he had made her pregnant.
After the rape enquiry ended, the man said: "She could have destroyed my reputation and my life.
"It was a very depressing time during the case and while I was on bail. I had to take time off work. My [police] interview was very traumatic.
"She persistently continued to contact me and people I know. All I ever wanted was for her to leave me alone."
He said the "most traumatic" time was when he discovered she had lied to his son about the incident and he told the teenager what had really happened.
PA Derby Crown Court
Traumatic Experience: The victim's life 'could have been ruined', Derby Crown Court heard

Stuart Newsam, mitigating, said: "This was a relationship the defendant found volatile, emotionally confusing and undermining.
"The injured party's behaviour prior to the complaint was at least somewhat cynical, when the relationship as far as he was concerned was at an end."
Muir looked after her mother as well as her son while also having a job as a care worker, Mr Newsam added.
Passing sentence Judge Hilary Watson told her: "This is a serious perversion of the course of justice. It was a pre-planned, pre-meditated and wicked allegation to make.
"The audio on the recording shows it was entirely consensual and enjoyed by both parties.
"It is unacceptable to say you were emotionally confused at the time," he added.

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