Thursday 12 February 2015

Former Minister dumps PDP for APC

Former Minister dumps PDP for APC

Bauchi - A former Minister of Health, Ali Pate, has dumped the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) for the All Progressives Congress (APC), reports National Mirror.
Pate defected with other chieftains of the party and their supporters in Bauchi State.
Pate, who contested the PDP’s governorship primary, has donated his campaign office to  the APC's presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari.
Other notable chieftains of the PDP that joined APC include the 2011 coordinator of President Goodluck Jonathan/Sambo campaign organisation in the state,  Haruna Ningi and Umar Gwadabe.

Receiving the defectors, APC's state Women Leader, Hajiya Saadatu Mahmuda said the chances of the party to win the governorship and other elections have been boasted.
She stated that more PDP members have signified their intentions to join the APC.
Read more at National Mirror.

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