Thursday 12 February 2015

Residence Of Shehu Garba Under Police Siege

Shehu Garba
Shehu Garba
The All Progressives Congress (APC) February 12, today, raised alarm over another act of intimidation in relation to the party’s member.

Earlier this week the APC national leader, Bola Tinubu, raised alarm that his private residence along Bouillon Road in Ikoyi had been under surveillance by soldiers for 3 days.
It came amid continuous talks within the opposition circles that the current administration plotted to use military to affect the elections outcome.

Thursday morning another report broke, with the APC saying that the residence of the Director of Media and Publicity of the APC Presidential Campaign Organization, Shehu Garba, had been under police siege.
His house has been reportedly surrounded by armed policemen since 3 a.m., which has prevented him from attending mosque.
An Abuja statement by APC National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, published on Premium Times reads:
“Going after the Spokesman of our party’s Presidential Campaign Organization is aimed at muffling the organization’s voice and abridging the constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the Spokesman himself. This is antithetic to democracy and totally unacceptable.”

“The PDP and the Jonathan Administration are bent on badgering the opposition through the harassment, intimidation and arrest of its leaders as well as the circulation of unfounded rumours against the party. These actions are all aimed at fomenting a crisis and scuttling the forthcoming elections.
“We are therefore calling on all Nigerians as well as the international community to take note of this growing pattern of harassment and intimidation of the opposition, and the effect such action will have on the conduct of the elections.”
Further development of the situation is yet to be obtained

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