Saturday 14 February 2015

Imo petitions presidency over soldiers invasion

Owerri - The Imo Government said it had petitioned the Presidency, Army Headquarters, National Security Adviser (NSA) and some human right groups over the invasion of its Government House by soldiers on Tuesday, February 10.
This is contained in a statement by the Senior Special Assistant to Gov. Rochas Okorocha on Media, Sam Onwuemeodo in Owerri on Thursday.
The statement said the aim of the petition was for them to investigate the reasons for barricading its main entrance with armoured vehicles.
"Imo believes the soldiers will not have left the barracks with armoured vehicles without somebody ordering them to do so and without the person having his or her reason for doing so.
"Government is concerned with the development because there was no problem of any kind in any part of the state on that day or before it.
"There was no riot. There was no crisis. There was no clash. Then why did the army come? These are questions we will like the authorities we have petitioned, to unveil”, it said.
The statement said some workers in the government house were seriously wounded while running for safety.
It alleged that the soldiers beat up two young men they met at the gate to a state of coma and demanded the reason for the action.
When contacted, the Brigade Commander, 34 Field Artillery Brigade, Nigerian Army, Obinze, Brig. Lanre Bello said the presence of soldiers around the gate of government house was for the protection of lives and property of citizens of the state.
He said it was not to unleash attack on any citizens as alleged by the State Government.


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