Monday 9 February 2015

Jonathan Message Causes Uproar On Facebook

In recent times, social media has served a lot more purpose other than just socializing with one’s far away friends.
President Jonathan
President Jonathan
It has made the whole world to become a global village of some sort in which someone can communicate with another in  another continent within a twinkle of an eye. The essence of social media cannot be over-emphasized. This is evident in the role in the political terrain in Nigeria. Political parties and politicians who are aspiring for one post or the other make use of the various available social media to reach across to their target audience.
However as sweet as this could be, it also brings the audience closer to the politicians. This makes both the politicians and Nigerians who are the targeted audience get instant feed backs, detailing the opinions, emotions and most especially the ‘rants’ of the masses. The word ‘rants’ suggest how the target audience make use of social media to abuse the opportunity of getting across to important personalities and even politicians!
This brings’s microscopic eyes to the recent Facebook update that President Jonathan put up few minutes ago. The post, which is meant to implore Nigerians to let peace reign in the country, even as the elections have been postponed for six weeks, however, has caused a bit of reactions from some of the followers of our president. Here’s what was posted below by the President Jonathan:
My dear friends on Facebook, I want to remind us all that we have no other country other than Nigeria and as we approach the election, it is wise that we speak good and peaceable words over Nigeria because we will have to eat our words, so let us make them sweet rather than bitter. We must see the coming polls as a contest amongst brothers and sisters from the womb of one Nigeria. We must avoid threats and desperation as we make our case to the electorate. Head or tale, Nigeria wins. Therefore, I urge all Nigerians to join me in saying it is well with Nigeria and by the special grace of God, it shall continue to be well with our great country Nigeria. GEJ.
However this simple admiration from the President got lots of varying reactions: some praising and assuring that he would be the president till 2019, some aggrieved, obviously enraged commenters lambasted him for nothing…
Read some of the comments below:
A commenter, Adeyemi Durojaye, wrote: “Nigerians beware! The joker from the ruling party is simply: take provocative decisions that will make most people clamouring for change behave irrational and cause civil unrest that will give room for election not to hold; particularly for opposition supporters in the North to behave irrational. We need to tread cautiously believe it or not the game plan is to get Nigeria disintegrated that way as many that have looted our treasury blind can secure their loots. No incumbent will be assured of victory with the level of efforts and resources committed into campaign so far will opt for shift in the goal post at the last minutes. Many wipe up religious and ethnic sentiment on this critical national issue, but the fact remains that if this game plan backfires we do not know how far it will stretch and who and who will be victims. Beware!! So the question you must ask yourself is, must your own blood and life be sacrificed for ill-gotten wealth of callous and wicked leaders we have around us today? How of their loots so far is being shared with you and family members of yours? What is the assurance that if we allow peace and truth to prevail you cannot or even children become the president of this nation someday? At least, this same Jonathan that has proven to be lie personified was a son of a fisher man. Be careful! God bless Nigeria.”

Another reader, Malcolm Victor Kingsoak, said: “First, I want to appreciate this forum. And if we are really communicating with the President of Nigeria, I wish he takes note and don’t be perturbed. Mr. President, I don’t want you to be dissuaded by the few haters who are moved by religious sentiments, political blindedness and inadequate foresight to know that under your leadership, Nigeria has moved forward. Even Jesus was hated by people from his village, so be encouraged by the teeming Nigerian who sees and appreciates your efforts so far, which has not been achieved all these years. I want you to know that there are heighths yet achieved and this next four years should be an opportunity to make those who don’t see, see that you have been and still the BEST president that Nigeria has ever had and will. God bless you and may His wisdom guide you, God bless those who encourage you, God open the eyes of those who “claim” they hate you and most importantly, God bless Nigeria.”
Olatunji Abiodun made a thought-provoking appeal too: “sir think of those who fight for this democracy in all your activities. remember that power is temporary, remember general sanni abacha’s end. we don’t want another repreat of june 12. if people still want you, they will vote you, sir, don’t impose yourself on nigeria. stop this intimidation.”
Princess Adesola Ayoola wrote: “Sir, stop patronising us we are a nation of intelligent people. There is something amiss with this last minute change of election date and I am sure I am not the only Nigeria to no longer believe that you intend to let the people have their say and vote you out. You have lost credibility not only amongst your own people but also made Nigeria a laughing stock.”
Some even went ahead cussing the president out and many more!

It would be recalled that just recently, a multi-award winning Nigerian Afrobeat musician, singer and songwriter Lagbaja told Nigerians that President Goodluck Jonathan needs the help of every Nigerian citizen to leave his office with dignity.

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