Wednesday 25 February 2015

‘Jonathan/Buhari not fit to rule Nigeria’

KADUNA – The insinuations making the rounds in Kaduna state that both Christians and Muslims Clergy collected bribes from the government of President Goodluck Jonathan to foster his re-election was bolstered yesterday by one Pastor Kallamu Musa Dikwa, who repeated same allegation against leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, last week.
Speaking at a congested news conference in Kaduna yesterday, Dikwa who once an associate pastor with a northern based Church, but has since resigned from the ministry to run his own Non-Governmental Organisation, NGO, Voice of Northern Christian Movement, under which he interfaces with CAN, said Goodluck Jonathan and Gen. Mohammadu Buhari (rtd) as the next President of Nigeria are not fit to govern the country.
Dikwa holds a Diploma in “Bible and Theology” from All Nations For Christ Bible Institute International, Benin, 2002, founded by the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa.
Dikwa, who spoke in a smattering of English, said the National Leadership of CAN took N7 billion from the Federal Government on the 21st of January, 2014 but that only N3 million was sent to each of the States’ branches of CAN.
He also alleged that it was not the first time that CAN was involved in corruption.
According to him, in 2013, CAN got $50,000 (N10 million) from Nigerian Christians in the Diaspora but that only N500,000 was given to five victims, after which the national leadership of CAN pocketed the rest.
He said he was shocked that CAN was denying knowing him and the allegations of the bribe:
Said Dikwa: “I greet you all in Jesus’ name. . . I know that some of you know me or have been hearing me on some of the things that I say and National CAN has denied. They even have deny me and say I did not exist. That is why I came to you to confirm that what I said is true. This is not the first time that they are collecting money, but not from Jonathan.
In 2013, some people came from America. They are our children, our Christians from Nigeria living in America. We call them CANAAN (Christians Association of Nigerian Americans).
They gave $50,000 to the victims of Boko Haram. After that the CAN leader invited three people from Maiduguri and two from Damaturu and gave them N100,000 each.
The victims know how much they (CAN) collected.
Many of the leaders (Yobe and Borno CAN) started calling me. They say what happened is wrong and we have to correct it. . . I have documents here to show you some of the things I have been saying.
(The documents were his past press outings and petitions, with no relationship to any of the two allegations)
He said that after confronting CAN leadership with newspaper evidence, and threatening to drag it to the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC, CAN said it was going to look for space, buy, build and resettled some of the victims, which was never done.
According to Dikwa, all his sources are usually players in every issue he threw up.
He continued: “It was the same way that it happen when Jonathan went to Kwara in January.
Some one there told me that CAN leadership was given money. I asked him if they called any newsmen. The man said they did not.
I said, ok, let us wait. After some time somebody called me.
He said he has been giving his share. He said he has been given N3 million. He said each state was given N3 million.
I called someone in the leadership of National CAN. He told me that it was a confirmed happening.
I will never give the name of that person even over my dead body. The states branches of CAN collected the money. But they don’t know how much it is, whether it is N6 or N7billion.
I have sent text messages to the leadership of CAN telling them to repent or I will make it open. So that is why I have decided to let the world know. . .
Some of the CAN leadership have called me and said what happened was wrong and that it must be corrected. I said yes, it can be done.”
He said that many people have called him all kinds of names, including threats to his life.
Asked to choose between President Goodluck Jonathan and Gen. Mohammadu Buhari (rtd) as the next President of Nigeria, he said none of them was fit to govern the country.
Said Dikwa: “From the way that Jonathan has been handling Boko Haram, he has not done well. He is not trying. He is not qualified to rule again. Maybe some people close to him like, Rabiu Kwankwoso of Kano state, governor Rotimi Ameachi of River state or even Rochas Okorocha of Imo state, can replace him.
But nobody competed against him in the primary elections. Maybe I would have said lets vote for that person.
“Buhari has said very bad things in the past and should not be allowed to rule. What he said in 2003, 2007, 2011 and now, is making youths in the north to go into violence.
I don’t support that kind of person. Both Jonathan and Buhari are not good for this country,” he said.
All efforts to reach the national leadership of CAN by our reporter did not yield fruits at the time of going to Press.

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