Wednesday 25 February 2015

Kidnappers of American missionary demand N60m

American missionary 

An American missionary running an elementary school in Nigeria has been abducted from her workplace in Kogi State.
Rev. Phyllis Sortor was snatched by masked gunmen, who stormed the Hope Alive Nursery/Primary School, which she runs in Emiworo, Ajaokuta Local government Area of Kogi State on Monday.
“She was whisked away at around 10:00am on Monday,” Kogi State Police spokesperson Sola Collins Adebayo said yesterday.
Commissioner of Police Adeyemi Ogunjemilusi said the five kidnappers had tabled N60 million ransom demand.
The kidnappers were “unknown gunmen…(who) came into the school premises shooting sporadically to scare away people before taking (the hostage) away into the bush”, the police spokeperson added.
He added that the gunmen came through the hill at the back of the school and forcibly pulled her out from her office. The abductors scaled over the fence with her. They all disappeared through the hill
“Her whereabouts are unknown but the police have deployed their men to secure the pupils and locate Rev. Sortor.” The abducted missionary worker is from Seattle in the United States.
The Free Methodist Church in a statement on its website said it received a report on Monday morning that the Rev. Sortor was kidnapped.
The message from Bishop David Kendall said the U.S. Embassy had been notified and the State Department and the FBI were working with local authorities to find and rescue her.
The U.S. State Department said it is aware that a U.S. citizen had been reported missing in Nigeria.
“In cases where U.S. citizens are confirmed missing, the U.S. embassy works closely with those involved, supporting local authorities in their search efforts, and providing all appropriate consular assistance,” the agency said.
It wouldn’t release further information, citing privacy concerns.
Sortor’s stepson, Richard Sortor, attended a prayer service on Monday night at Sortor’s alma mater, Seattle Pacific University, telling reporters that “she believes in God, she’s doing God’s work,” KING-TV reported.
Sortor graduated in 1964 from the school affiliated with the Free Methodist Church, said Tracy Norlen, a university spokeswoman.
John Van Valin, who lives outside Indianapolis and has known Sortor for about 15 years, said she’s self-sacrificing, vivacious and committed to missionary work.
“She has a real passion for missionary work and helping people in need,” he said. “We’re just really saddened to hear the news, but we’re praying a great deal. There are people all around the world who are praying for her.”
According to the church website, Sortor is the financial administrator for Hope Academy; works with International Child Care Ministries, a child sponsorship programme in more than 30 countries; and recently opened a school for the children of nomadic Fulani herdsmen, who are Muslim.
Sortor’s stepson, Richard said: “Here’s a country 5,000 miles (away). You’ve got to drive a plane a day and a half to get to, they are over there doing good for other people and then this happens.”
Sortor’s missionary work is credited with changing lives in Africa. She has also been instrumental in launching several Christian schools in Nigeria, which may be tied to her possible abduction.
“She’s had a lot of opposition,” said Judy O’Brien, a friend from Sortor’s college days at Seattle Pacific University.
“She’s grown up with dangers. She knows full well what she’s involved with,” O’Brien said.
Sortor is described as a woman of prayer, a gifted story-teller, and fearless in her Christian faith. Family and friends hope that light within her soul can change hearts among her captors.

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