Thursday 5 February 2015

Jordan launches airstrikes against ISIS in Syria

)Jordanian fighter jets have returned home after carrying out missions, state-run TV reported Thursday.
There was no immediate word on what the missions were or where they took place, but a government spokesman said most targets would be in eastern Syria.
"The plan ... is to go after (ISIS) targets in order to degrade them and defeat them," spokesman Mohammed al-Momani said. "We want to make sure that they will pay for the crime they did and the atrocity they did to our pilot."
Al-Momani said the airstrikes were being coordinated with coalition allies.
Jordan is riding a wave of anger following the brutal killing of one of its pilots by ISIS. A video posted by the group showed Lt. Moath al-Kasasbeh being burned alive while confined in a cage.
    The 27-year-old's family is calling for revenge.
    The airstrikes came as mourners by the thousands poured into al-Kasasbeh's hometown, the village of Ay, to pay their respects to the family.
    King Abdullah II led a delegation of high-level dignitaries and senior tribesman.
    Thursday's military response comes a day after Jordan executed two prisoners -- Sajida al-Rishawi, a would-be suicide bomber whose release ISIS had previously demanded as part of a prisoner exchange, and Ziad Karbouli, a former top aide to the deceased leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
    At the time, the pilot's father demanded that his country do more.
    "These were criminals and there is no comparison between them and Moath. His blood is more valued than Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad Karbouli," al-Kasasbeh's father, Safi, said. "I demand that revenge should be bigger than executing prisoners."
    His son's horrific death was recorded, and the video was posted online Tuesday.
    CNN is not showing the images, which drew global condemnation and prompted protests and vows of retaliation in Jordan.
    King Abdullah has promised a strong response, saying that ISIS isn't just fighting his nation, but warring against "noble Islam."

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      Pilot's uncle: Whatever it takes to destroy ISIS

    Pilot's uncle: Whatever it takes to destroy ISIS 03:28
    The country now wants to step up airstrikes against the terrorist organization, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.
    But the pilot's uncle, Yassin Al Rawashdeh, told CNN that he also wants to see ground troops involved in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
    Said the pilot's father: "I demand that this criminal organization (ISIS) ... should be annihilated."

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