Thursday 8 September 2016

‘Ize-Iyamu envious of my achievements’

‘Ize-Iyamu envious of my achievements’

Governor Adams Oshiomhole says the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, is jealous of his achievements. He achieved a feat which the PDP government failed to do in 10 years.
In a response to Ize-Iyamu’s allegation that the Oshiomhole government caused the flooding on Ugbowo road, Benin City, the governor, through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Peter Okhiria, said: “We note that Mr Ize-Iyamu is still living in the past; a past filled with emptiness and incompetence which was displayed by the Government of Mr Lucky Igbinedion in which Ize-Iyamu served as Chief of Staff and Secretary to Government.
“It is laughable that Ize-Iyamu has come out to make such a wild allegation of flooding on Ugbowo road. The same road on which many people were washed away by flood during their eight years of crass incompetence and cluelessness.

“A road which was a nightmare to motorists during their time in government as it was characterised by perennial flooding when that government could not even desilt the drains on the road.
“Ize-Iyamu’s outburst can only come from a man consumed by envy over the numerous achievements of the Comrade Governor on roads construction, deflooding of the State capital through the Benin Storm-water Masterplan; construction and reconstruction of red-roof schools; construction of a brand new 5-Star Central Hospital; construction of brand new General Hospitals in Otuo and Ewohinmi; reconstruction of other General hospitals across the state; construction of a world-class university, payment of a new N25,000 Minimum wage to workers in the state public service, the only state to do so in the country; facilitation of multi-billion dollar investments into the state, among other numerous achievements.
Oshiomhole addeded: “The people of Edo State have not forgotten how the failed Government in which Ize-Iyamu served as SSG created the Tom Line River and how perennial flooding at the 5-Junction area of the state capital continued unabated during their time, due to the low quality of governance they provided.
“The people have not forgotten how the Lucky Igbinedion government, with Ize-Iyamu as Secretary to Government, the engine room of government, the man who approved all government memos, merely heaped concrete on a section of the Ugbowo road, in a crude and clueless manner, and rather than solve the flooding problem on the road, they compounded the woes of motorists.
“However, the people of the state and motorists plying the road know how the intervention of the Comrade Adams Oshiomhole government has completely put an end to the misery of motorists on that road through a comprehensive approach of the Strom water masterplan and how the construction of deep underground drains at the 5-Junction has completely deflooded the Ugbowo road and the 5-Junction area-.
“We find it amusing that a man aspiring to the highest political office in the State cannot see beyond his nose and faults the expansion of the Ugbowo road to three lanes on each side. This only shows the poor quality of his thinking and his sinister plan to return Edo State to the dark days.
“We are aware that Ize-Iyamu’s ambition is to continue in the footsteps of his master and play the evil script written for him by those who ran the state aground during their inglorious years in government.”

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