Thursday 8 September 2016

Why Edo should vote wisely, by Obaseki

Why Edo should  vote wisely, by Obaseki
Obaseki and Ize-Iyamu

The people of Edo State will decide on the future of the state on Saturday. They have two options; either to vote for Godwin Obaseki of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the continuity of progress or endorse the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu. Group Polical Editor EMMANUEL OLADESUwrites on the succession battle in the Southsouth state.
Who should succeed Governor Adams Oshiomhole among the 14 candidates eyeing the Edo State Government House? This is the question on the lips of observers as the people prepare for the Saturday poll. The answer to the puzzle is not elusive. To resolve the puzzle, three factors are important; what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what the people expect in the future.
Eyes are on two parties; the ruling All Progressives Congres
s (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The APC wants to retain power in the post-Oshiomhole era. Its candidate, Godwin Obaseki, is perceived as a technocrat without any baggage. The PDP is itching to bounce back, following its failed attempts on three occasions. Although the governorship poll was rigged in its favour in 2007, the stolen mandate was retrieved at the Court of Appeal. In 2012, the PDP’s bid also collapsed like a pack of cards. Now, its candidate, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, is being reminded of his link with the previous futile attempt at enthroning good governance in the state.
In 1999, Governor Lucky Igbinedion, who rode on the back of the godfathers to power, had the opportunity to write his name in gold. Many believed that he carelessly allowed the chance to slip away. The state was unlucky under him. Yet, he secured a second term mandate in 2003, based on the crude joke that he deserved to repeat the class, following his failure in a decisive examination.
In 2007, the PDP deployed its federal might and succeeded in installing Prof. Oseheimen Osunbor, as governor. But, the euphoria of victory withered immediately Oshiomhole assumed the reins. Literarily, Edo was in ruins. There were high expectations. The governor had no alternative than to act fast. The veteran labour leader hit the ground running. His immediate task was to liberate the distressed state from the clutch of the privileged few who presided over a colony of marauders.
Relief came to Edo, barely six months after. The governor was conscious of his historic responsibility. He knew he was on a rescue mission. Oshiomhole restored public confidence in government through his giant strides. In his bid to fight the infrastructure battle, the state became a huge construction site. Reflecting on this at a rally in Auchi Kingdom, he said: “The PDP said roads cannot be constructed in some local governments because of mountains and rivers. Our government has changed that orientation and belief by connecting the neglected areas with good and durable roads.”
Other sectors were also given a face-lift. The government pumped money into the education sector for school rehabilitation. Hospitals were adequately equipped with personnel and facilities. The festival of looting ceased, following the enthronement of a government of transparency and accountability. It was evident that Oshiomhole was driven by the progressive mission, a reformist agenda and the increasing demand for dividends of democracy by the far-flung people. His score card during his first term motivated the electorate to give him a second term.
However, the challenges of the first term have paled into insignificance in the face of dwindling resources in the second term. Despite the shrinking financial base, development projects have not been suspended in Edo State. The state has been rated by development experts as a promising entity on a steady progress. While states, including oil rich-Delta and Bayelsa, and Oyo are owing salaries, Edo has been paying workers promptly. The meager resources are being utilised by the comrade-governor, thereby insulating the state from the adverse effects of economic recession.
The credit for the sound economic judgment and prudent management goes to Obaseki, financial expert and Leader of the Edo Economic Team, who has been instrumental to critical policy decisions and implementation under the Oshiomhole administration in the last seven years.
As the decision time beckons, there are some contending issues to be resolved. Two forces are battling for the soul of Edo. At loggerheads are those perceived as agents of progress and agents of retrogression fighting hard to reject the label of treasury looters. APC National Chairman Chie John Odigie-Oyegun, who said the party represented progress, stressed that it is risky to allow the PDP to take the state back to the dark period.
It is an understatement. According to observers, the PDP has failed to manage prosperity while in power. The state regressed during the eight years, in spite of the huge resources at the disposal of government and bundle of opportunities. The vision of the founding fathers of Edo was eroded by the personalisation of power, monopolisation of resources and reduction of governance to money sharing. Many indigenes are still enraged by the poor asset management, which manifested in the unpopular policy of selling government property in the Government Reservation Area (GRA) to prominent families. They are angry that thoughts on future investment took the back seat because the former administration lacked oresight.
In anguish, the people ask questions about the mishandling of the commonwealth: where are the Edo assets? Bendel Insurance assets were said to be held in trust for the state. But, where are the following: a six-storey building at Tinubu Square, a four-storey building and warehouse at Ijora, Lagos, landed property along Upper Mission Road, a large parcel of land on Benin-Auchi Road and the property on Sapele Road? What has happened to its shares in the defunct NNB, the blocks of four flats on Denis Osadebey Road, Benin, the old Driving Testing Ground, the hotel at the GRA, Benin, and plots of land on Mission Road, James Watts Road, and Aideyan Avenue, Benin?
On the other hand, Oshiomhole has received accolades for a job well done. Two-time governor of the state Gen. Samuel Ogbemudia, who had rendered a meritorious service in the past, said the governor has laid a good foundation for the future. Recently, Prince Akenzua also observed that Oshiomhole will leave the State House better than he met it. Urging the people to vote wisely, he said the pedigree of the candidates should be taken into consideration.
There are other questions staring voters in the face: can the PDP, which could not manage prosperity and usher in an era of development, manage adversity now that the state, and indeed, the nation are being confronted with stark economic realities? Should bad managers and those described by observers as treasury looters be allowed to regain power? If people who diverted arms money at the centre, thereby undermining the anti-terror war, are allowed to come back, what will they do if they have access to Edo treasury?
According to observers, the choice of Edo people will determine their future. The two leading candidates have submitted themselves for scrutiny. Ize-Iyamu, a lawyer, cleric and an experienced politician, was the Chief of Staff and Secretary to Government under Igbinedion. Odigie-Oyegun said that administration brought disaster to Edo.  “Now that times are hard, is that kind of person anybody would want to bring back to manage the affairs of the state? The answer is clearly no,” he added.
Obaseki, a financial surgeon, is perceived as the brain box of the Oshiomhole administration. His knowledge of the economy and managerial acumen are not in doubt. Odigie-Oyegun, who also put this into perspective, said: “You have a Godwin Obaseki, who has been at the heart of the management of the economy of this state throughout this hard time.  What kind of person do we need to lead the state through this hard time? The person is Obaseki,  who has been very successful in the private sector before coming to Edo State to help the government.”
The APC flag bearer has urged voters to beam a searchlight on Ize-Iyamu’s  record. He said, saying that he is unfit to rule the state. He said: “He doesn’t have a fraction of the experience that I have. In terms of his personal development, I don’t think he is at par with the type of experience I have. But, even in governance, if you compare both of us, he had the opportunity of spending much time and wielding much influence in the government of Lucky Igbinedion.
“We are all living witnesses to the disaster they brought to the people of Edo State. He was the engine that drove the Igbinedion administration and they drove us into a ditch. I, on the other hand, am the engine that has driven this current administration. And see where we are. So, in terms of comparism, we are poles apart. We will test it out on September 10. From what I know, I don’t think they have anything to offer us. We have tested them before and we regretted ever doing that and we will not repeat the mistake.”
But, Ize-Iyamu has replied the missiles. He absolved himself of the mistake of the PDP government, saying that he was not in charge. He alleged that Oshiomhole has misruled Edo by cutting corners through contract inflation. He promised to run the state according to the wishes of the people, if elected.

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