Tuesday 17 February 2015

Boko Haram fighters blamed for Cameroon military base attack

A screengrab from a video released by Nigerian Islamists Boko Haram shows the leader of the extremist group, Abubakar Shekau. (AFP)

Yaounde — The Cameroonian military says one of its bases on the border with Nigeria has been attacked by suspected Boko Haram extremists, leaving at least five soldiers dead.
Col. Joseph Nouma said on Tuesday that eight other wounded soldiers had been brought to the capital for medical treatment following the attack Monday on the base in Waza.

The renewed violence comes as heads of states from Central African countries were ending a meeting in the Cameroonian capital about a joint military response to the growing regional threat posed by the Nigeria-based Islamic jihadist group.
Nouma said that two machine guns and an armored vehicle had been seized from the insurgents but hundreds of the militants escaped to Nigeria after burning homes and looting.

- AP

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