Tuesday 17 February 2015

PDP awards N24bn rail project to carwash firm’

The All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation on Monday insisted that the President Goodluck Jonathan-led administration lacked the capacity or the moral courage to fight corruption, and could not therefore, be trusted to govern Nigeria again.
The campaign said a government with a notorious record of indifference to corruption should not be taken seriously to fight corruption.
In a statement signed by the Director of Media, Malam Garba Shehu, the APC campaign cited the Nigerian Railway Corporation, which it alleged was groaning under the weight of corruption as a glaring example of the level of sleaze being condoned by the administration.
The statement alleged that a car wash company with no experience in railway construction was awarded a railway rehabilitation contract at N24bn. It also mentioned another case of N44bn consultancy contract awarded at N488bn and increased by extra N2bn overnight.
The APCPCO revealed that despite repeated petitions, which were investigated and confirmed by the Department of State Service, corruption and inflation of contracts continued to grow unabated at the railway corporation.
According to the APCPCO, most of the individuals involved in these shady deals could not be touched because of their connection to powerful people in the presidential villa.
It partly read, “The APC presidential campaign noted that with this level of corruption and impunity at the Railway Corporation, it would be difficult for the Jonathan administration to convince Nigerians it has the will or the capacity to rid Nigeria of the scourge of corruption.
“Only in a country like Nigeria would a security agency indict a department of government of corruption and the government of the day would ignore the report.”

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