Tuesday 17 February 2015

Legislators tasked to stick to hand-over date

Abuja - The All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation (APCPCO) has cautioned members of the National Assembly to comply by the date to hand over power to a new administration by May 29.
The opposition-aligned organisation thus warned the legislators against taking any action that might affect the foundation of democracy in the country.
A statement signed by the Director of Media and Publicity of the APCPCO, Malam Garba Shehu, noted that the legislators were returning to plenary at a time when the country was passing through a phase of some surreptitious attempt to tamper with the sanctity of the election date and the hand-over date.
The statement observed the commentaries coming from leading members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) about a plot to compromise on the sanctity of the May 29 hand-over date portends a great danger to the integrity of Nigeria's democracy.

"We wish to welcome back to plenary distinguished members of the National Assembly. We also wish to call their attention to the fact that their resumption is coming at a time when some senior members of the ruling party are mouthing overtures over a surreptitious attempt to compromise on the sanctity of the election day and the hand-over date," APC stated.

"To the extent that the Parliament is the heart of any democracy, our National Assembly members have a duty to ensure that they protect our democracy from the archeries of its enemies," the statement read
"It is on this note that the we in the APCPCO call on every member of the National Assembly to add their voices to that of millions of other Nigerians and stand resolute that the general elections hold between March 28 and April 8 as scheduled and also that the May 29 hand-over date remains sacrosanct.
The APCPCO said it stands at the side of millions of other Nigerians to say that any form of government beyond the May 29 terminal date of this incumbent  administration, whose authority is not legitimised by the ballot box is unacceptable, unconstitutional and, in effect, null and void.
"We call on the National Assembly to similarly lend its voice to that of the overwhelming number of Nigerians by proclaiming that any illegal government before or after May 29 is unacceptable."

- CAJ News

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