Sunday 15 February 2015

Female Suicide Bomber Strikes In Yobe, Many Feared Dead

No fewer than seven people have been reportedly killed in fresh explosion that rocked a busy motor park Bayan Tasha located near a market in Damaturu, capital of Yobe state.

According to Sunday Trust report, the explosion went off at about 12:45 p.m.
A female suicide bomber is said to have been responsible for the blast.
Report has it that she had the explosives concealed within her and then found her way into the park where she detonated it.
It was gathered that some angry eyewitnesses gathered the charred body parts of the suicide bomber and set it ablaze.
An eye witness who pleaded anonymity said he counted seven bodies after the explosion and several more injured.
Somebody dropped her in a car and zoomed off. She went into the park and detonated the explosive,” the eyewitness said.
Security operatives and National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) officials were seen evacuating corpses and injured persons to hospital from the scene.

The use of female suicide bombers has become a trend. About three days ago, a fatal bomb blast had hit an overcrowded market in the largest Southern Borno town. Biu, killing many. A female suicide bomber was said to be responsible for the attack.

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