Sunday 15 February 2015

PDP Are Buying Voters Cards - Lagos APC

Lagos State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) accused the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of covering up fraud of buying voters cards in Lagos to rig elections.
It was noted in a statement by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of the APC, Joe Igbokwe:
“But we know that the hallucination of the PDP that it would be allowed to wreck Lagos the way it wrecked Nigeria despite trillions of oil wealth it stole and plundered, is premised on its legendary rigging prowess which is bound to fail them woefully as Nigerians yearn for a change in the stale polity the PDP has diligently erected since 1999. It was this belief that made the PDP indulge in large scale mopping up of voters cards using large amount of money for the purpose of rigging the forthcoming election. It is well known that today, the PDP is using amorphous groups and self-named NGOs to launder heavy cash as inducement for people to either surrender their PVCs or their PVC PIN numbers for ulterior motives during the forthcoming election.”
“We know the groups, mainly Igbo groups and traders organizations the PDP is using to buy and con the cards of voters in Lagos and in due season we shall reveal the groups and individuals involved in this shady practice… We alert the good people of Lagos about this development and urge them to watch closely the activities of these PDP mercenaries in their respective neighbourhoods.”
Details on Premium Times

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