Sunday 15 February 2015

Jonathan lashes out at Obasanjo's vote rigging claim

Abuja - President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday dismissed allegations by ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo that he was plotting to rig rescheduled presidential elections next month.
A presidency statement said Obasanjo had accused Jonathan in the southwestern city of Abeokuta of plotting to win the March 28 vote by "hook and crook" and planning to plunge the nation into crisis if he lost.
"For the record, President Jonathan has no such intention and will continue to give the greatest possible support to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)... to ensure that the rescheduled elections are successfully conducted," it said.
Turning the tables on Obasanjo, the statement went on to also accuse him of being the one who was plotting.
"Chief Obasanjo's plot with others within and outside the country to thwart the general elections and foist an unconstitutional interim national government, which he hopes to head, on the nation is well known to us," it said.
The statement added: "But by the Grace of God Almighty, his odious plan to return to power through the back door will fail woefully."
Obasanjo has consistently criticised Jonathan whom he backed for the top job after the death of President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua in 2010.
The ex-president has drummed up support for Muhammadu Buhari, who is seeking to challenge Jonathan at the polls.

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