Wednesday 11 February 2015

150 illegal immigrants repatriated in Zamfara

 (Romeo Gacad, AFP)

Gusau - The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) in Zamfara has repatriated a total of 150 immigrants who illegally entered Nigeria from neighbouring countries, this year.
The State Comptroller of the Service, Shehuri Sadiq, stated this at a news briefing in Gusau on Tuesday.
Sadiq said the aliens were arrested during the ongoing mop-up operation and removal of irregular immigrants in the state.
Also read: 78 illegal immigrants arrested in Kaduna
He said the raids were carried out in areas including Bungudu, Mada, Mado town, Gusau, Samaru, Filin Jirgi, Gada biyu and Damba.
The Comptroller also said that the exercise was not intended to spite any nation but to defend and protect "our fragile democracy".
He said that some of the immigrants were found in possession of Nigeria’s National Identity Cards and Voter cards which according to him, was against the nation’s democracy.


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