Wednesday 11 February 2015

Why PDP Strongly Criticizes The Use Of PVC Readers

The President and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) were allegedly aimed at changing the decision of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to make use of card readers for the 2015 general elections.

According to the investigation conducted by Punch correspondent in Abuja, the PDP and the Presidency were looking for the possibility of mobilising Nigerians to demand that the use of card readers for the election be stopped.
The All Progressives Congress chiftain, who is a former PDP National Chairman, Audu Ogbeh, also said that there were signs that the ruling party was not interested in holding the elections.
A source in the Presidency, who pledged for anonymity, said that both the Presidency and some members of the National Working Committee of the party had been asked to continue critisizing the use of the card readers for the elections.

“We are not comfortable with the card readers. For example, we have not seen any and we don’t know how it works.
“What will happen if the card readers fail to work? We have not even been told that they would not fail. And if they fail, what would happen. I think the issue of card readers must be re-examined,” the source said.
Speaking at a press conference, the Director General of the PDP Presidential Campaign Organisation, Amadi Ali, also took the opportunity to criticize the use of card readers for the elections.
“There are also reports that the PVC readers are not fully distributed and tested. How can INEC handle cases of faulty card readers?

“Do they have a credible plan B in situation where voters line up and the card readers refuse to work? Ballot boxes are reportedly inadequate. Adequate training of INEC’s members of staff for the election had not been concluded and other problems facing INEC.
“Quite clearly the shift in election date is meant to save INEC from monumental embarrassment. I would like to reiterate that the PDP is ready for the election any day,” Ali said.

Meanwile, the deadline for collection of PVCs has been rescheduled after the announcement of elections shift. Now the registered voters can collect their cards until March 8, 2015.

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